This election cycle, more than any other, should serve as a reminder of what happens when compromise is made for the lesser of two evils. A century of unprincipled nominees constantly outbidding each other to see who can use the State to do the most to accomplish their goals has played right into the hands of so-called Progressives. Their ideology is one built around incrementalism, every small victory and gain in government strength is a win from their perspective. It’s no surprise, then, that the epitome of the compromising, backroom deal-making politician is represented from the left, this time, around, … Continue reading

The post Off the Rails appeared first on LewRockwell.

To declare war means to state one’s intentions to attack another until the death or surrender of one or both participants. Some wars, like World War I, are the result of foreign entanglements that spin out of control. On the eve of the bloodshed, every side stands and watches thirstily for someone else to make the first move so that they’ll have an excuse to punch the other side in the mouth. In this incarnation of war, each tribe has their own side that waits anxiously to sink their bombs into each other’s civilian populations. We would all agree that … Continue reading

The post Always Unjustified appeared first on LewRockwell.

Good movies often reflect the attitudes of the times in which they were created. However, great movies that withstand the obscurity of history reflect the emergence of some sort of counterculture. Captain America: Civil War is most definitely the latter. In a world where political correctness, state worship, war cheerleading, and socialist propaganda have infected the very nurseries of American culture (namely higher education and Hollywood), Civil War shines as a beacon of pride that will have libertarians in the audience smiling brightly. Besides, any movie that can send into a tantrum has to be good, right? Amanda Marcotte’s … Continue reading

The post Captain America: Civil War appeared first on LewRockwell.

Coercion means initiating physical force, or the threat of initiating physical force against another. Ever since Proudhon declared that “property is theft” (and likely before), there have been those that have tried to use semantics and mental gymnastics in order to describe their own perceived injustices as involuntary acts of coercion or force against them. As such, the words “coerced” “forced,” and “expropriated,” have been robbed from the very pages of Merriam-Webster in order to flesh out the philosophy of Marx-Engels. Yet, this seemingly common sense thought not only has merits on the basis of what the dictionary has to … Continue reading

The post What Coercion Is, and What It’s Not appeared first on LewRockwell.

We’ve all seen while scrolling through Facebook or our social media of choice the image of a starving child from some third world nation captioned “one like equals one prayer.” The “likes” and “shares,” however, don’t seem to ever culminate in an actual or tangible increase in the child’s wellbeing. What we can see, on the other hand, is which of our friends “share” or “like” these memes. It doesn’t take Mother Teresa to realize that what these social media justice warriors are really trying to convey is the appearance that they “care,” despite the fact that their actual contributions … Continue reading

The post Hey, SJW Morons appeared first on LewRockwell.

I remember the day clearly when Donald Trump came to speak at Oral Roberts University, in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Despite the bitterly cold day, the Republican front-runner drew long lines of your typical bible-belt conservative-Christians. Not surprisingly when one looks at recent campaign developments, a very young, loud, and vocal crowd of protesters also lined up in the street holding signs that said “Stop the Hate,” or, “Grand Dragon in Chief,” and (even less surprisingly) “Bernie.” We could easily attribute such slogans to the typical, college-age Political Correct movement. That the participation prize, safe space generation so hyper-aware of trigger warnings … Continue reading

The post The Fanatical Left appeared first on LewRockwell.

We’ve all become accustomed to big Hollywood producers shamelessly and thickly laying on a progressive bent to pop culture for decades now. It’s become so mainstream, in fact, that almost every movie that parts from this collectivist and a statist box of allowable themes is a little too obvious, heavy-handed, or only focuses on one singular issue. Of course, the liberty movement has had some success in recent years. If one looks at the theme of the movie “Dallas Buyer’s Club,” it becomes obvious to the watcher that the FDA is far from the altruistic regulatory agency it presents itself … Continue reading

The post Stealthy Libertarian Flick appeared first on LewRockwell.