Big Pharma is spending like never before to make sure patients take their drugs. Investors recently committed $172 million for “smart pills” being developed jointly by Proteus Digital Health and Otsuka Pharmaceuticals. After a pill is swallowed, a microscopic device within the pill relays ‘health data’ to a patch worn by the patient, then to a smartphone, and then (if the patient wishes) to doctors and/or pharmaceutical companies. Likewise, an inhaler for patients with lung diseases to record the date and time of every use is being developed by mobile chip giant Qualcomm with heavy investment from Novartis, which runs … Continue reading

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The third-time possession of marijuana in Louisiana results in a criminal felony, but the city of New Orleans hopes to become a positive influence on the overly-strict rules governing pot use in the state. Considering the over-crowded jails in this country, New Orleans’ idea to protect habitual pot users is refreshing. Over 50 percent of inmates currently in federal prison are there for drug offenses, according to an infographic recently released by the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Many of them committed non-violent crimes and are there simply for pot possession. This past week, New Orleans’ City Council (NOCC) approved an … Continue reading

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The legalization of marijuana remains a controversial issue as we head into another election year. Many publications, from Rolling Stone Magazine to 24-7 Wall Street, have made predictions about which states will likely legalize cannabis next. Will it be your state? Much of the information posted has been based on wishful thinking and mainstream rhetoric, but now a 270-page report entitled “The Market for Legal Cannabis Products in the 50 United States” gives some credible predictions for which states will soon legalize marijuana. [1] Foremost in the report is the assumption that Michigan and Nevada will be the front-runners for establishing a … Continue reading

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It’s about time that the US government’s war on drugs is dwindling, with people across the country becoming educated enough about medical marijuana to enjoy its numerous benefits. The plant was always a nemesis to Big Pharma, because they knew just how powerful it can truly be. Now, a new study published in the journal Drug and Alcohol Review reveals that people are increasingly substituting prescription medications, alcohol, and illicit drugs with cannabis. For the study, 473 adult cannabis users were surveyed by the Centre for Addictions Research of BC. More than 86% of respondents reported giving up one or more of … Continue reading

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AquaBounty was very covert in its development of genetically modified salmon, eliciting a lawsuit against the Canadian government for producing GM salmon eggs, imported from facilities in Panama. Now that the FDA has deemed GM salmon ‘safe for sale,’ how will you know if your store is going to carry it, since the FDA does not require labeling? AquaBounty’s answer is vague.  “It is too early to discuss commercialization plans, but there are several paths to market that are being considered,” AquaBounty spokesperson Dave Conley told Civil Eats. [1] Your grocery store, farmers or fish market won’t have to tell you … Continue reading

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In the ancient science of Ayurveda, doctors often prescribe Indian Gooseberry, also known as Amla, or Amalaki (scientific name Phyllanthus emblica). The rejuvenating fruit has many uses; among them, the powerful fruit, full of B and C vitamins as well several other exceptional phytonutrients, helps to decrease blood glucose levels in diabetics and lower cholesterol. In a study published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, as well as other peer reviewed studies, amla fruit helped with cholesterol as well as blood sugar levels. Both normal and diabetic volunteers receiving 2 or 3 g E. officinalis powder significantly (P <  … Continue reading

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Nature is astounding in her repertoire, and within it we can find some exotic superfoods that range from awe-inspiring to down-right strange. Here are 10 super weird superfoods you may never have heard of before. 1. Rambutan If a porcupine and a large tomato were to have a baby fruit, it would look like rambutan. One of many awesome exotic superfoods, this odd ball commonly grows throughout Malaysia and Indonesia. Its insides are sought after as a sweet and sour, gummy nourishment. It contains many vitamins and trace minerals that are often absent in our diets, including iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, … Continue reading

Seniors represent only 13% of the population, but they take over 40% of pharmaceutical drugs in the US. In the UK, 45% of prescriptions are doled out to individuals over the age of 65 years. The practice of polypharmacy has never been more acute than it is in the modern era. So why are we drugging the elderly so profoundly? With such a high number of the elderly taking multiple drugs, there have been few studies looking at how these drugs interact with one another. This is even more alarming in those over 65 because an older person metabolizes chemicals … Continue reading

Have you ever heard of opium lettuce? How about kratom? These are just a few of the many natural herbs which have been used over the centuries as painkillers. Read on to find out how to use natural herbs for pain to achieve pain relief without over-the-counter and pharmaceutical drugs. We didn’t always rely on pharmaceutical painkillers, but in the past several years, some reports indicate that 4 out of 5 people relied on a prescription narcotic to help alleviate pain. The several billion-dollar industry has boosted the percentage of people taking painkillers that are even stronger than morphine. These include include such … Continue reading

There are far too many fad diets out there that skimp on real nutrition, and worse, sell pre-packaged foods that are called ‘low fat’ when they also include GMOs, MSG, and a host of artificial colors and flavors. Aside, from simply detoxing your body so that you can lose weight safely, research shows that eating more protein, and specifically one amino acid in particular, can boost your metabolic rate 3 times more than eating a diet high in fat and simple carbs. Some think it is as simple as calories in, calories out to lose weight – meaning what you eat … Continue reading

We know that a bag of Epsom salts added to a warm bath can do wonders for an aching body with sore muscles, but don’t think so a second that uses for Epsom salt stop there. Epsom salts also have numerous other uses both around the house and for your body. Here are 12 uses for Epsom salt – the simple, natural ingredient for better health and a cleaner home. 12 Ways to Use Epsom Salt 1. Relieve Bronchial Spasms by adding Epsom salts to boiling water to create an Epsom steam. You can also add a few drops of essential oil, … Continue reading

Buying organic food is often a little more expensive, but you can make your budget stretch farther with just a little bit of effort. Since produce is one of the most expensive items you will buy, why not grow your own at home? There are many healthy foods that you can re-grow right in your own kitchen, some with nothing but water. Here are 21 foods to grow at home to save money and enjoy better health: 1. Almost any Leafy Green that still has the lower stalk attached will re-grow in water. This includes romaine lettuce, Bok Choy, cabbage, and … Continue reading

You likely already know that the food ingredient monosodium glutamate (MSG) isn’t good for you. You may even know some of the popular reasons why. But did you know that MSG is primarily used by the food industry to keep us addicted to ‘big taste, little nutrition’ food? It’s an industry secret. Read on to find out why MSG makes you eat more fast food while fattening up the food industry’s bottom line. Aside from high fructose corn syrup, artificial colors, and ingredients made with chemicals called ‘flavor packets,’ MSG is at the top of the list of food additives to avoid. … Continue reading

If your food isn’t certified organic, you’re consuming some toxic food. Want to know why? Monsanto’s Round Up ‘pre-harvest’ spraying guide meant for conventional farmers recommends that they spray crops just three days prior to harvest – and they don’t just mean on GMO crops. This means you’re likely consuming food which had been drenched in toxic pesticides. “Spraying a RoundUp brand agricultural herbicide allows for uniform crop maturity which gives you the option to straight cut harvest.” RoundUp, the very same Monsanto-made product which contains the recently-declared carcinogenic chemical glyphosate (along with inert ingredients that are also extremely dangerous), is sprayed on your food … Continue reading

It’s no mystery that packaged and prepared foods in our grocery stores are full of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Though while more food makers are omitting this ingredient due to health dangers (and consumer demand), some companies are still including this health-damaging ingredient. Now, new troubling scientific studies reveal how high fructose corn syrup-containing foods are causing yet another unwanted side effect – heart failure. The Big Food Sugar Switch Professor for cell biology at ETH Zurich’s Institute for Molecular Health Sciences, Wilhelm Krek summarizes the problem with today’s nutrition. He explains that fructose was a replacement for glucose, which at one point … Continue reading