America’s Catholic bishops have asked all Americans to call Congress today, Monday, February 26, to demand amnesty for millions of illegal aliens. In a bishops-only letter of February 16, leaders of the national bishops’ conference urge their fellow bishops to “ramp up” their efforts because “the urgency of this matter is now at its height.” This is the most ambitious political campaign the bishops have launched in years. What’s going on? First, Catholic bishops like Mexico. Los Angeles Archbishop José Gómez is a leader in the Catholic bishops’ amnesty campaign. Born in Monterrey, he knows Mexico well. Like tens of … Continue reading

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They say that success has 1000 fathers, while failure is an orphan. In the case of José Ines García Zarate, failure has a thousand fathers. García Zarate is an illegal alien who was deported to Mexico five times. He had already been convicted of seven felonies when he killed Kate Steinle. His reentry into the United States was undoubtedly facilitated by “Coyotes” who spirited him across the border without detection from law enforcement. And when he got to San Francisco, law enforcement screwed up at every level, no doubt about it. But it is important to focus on García Zarate’s … Continue reading

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After the recent violence here in Virginia, Catholic bishops felt they had to do something. So naturally, in 24 hours, they managed to take both sides. On the day of the Charlottesville conflict, bishops called for unity and prayer and condemned hatred. Almost immediately the flaks from their DC lobbying arm got to them with a strong message: “It sounds like you’re agreeing with Trump. That will get you nowhere.” So the next day they issued a new statement that added a condemnation of “racism, white supremacy and neo-Nazism.” Of course, these are easy targets. But what about the Left-wing … Continue reading

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“No no no, not God bless America, God damn America!” Obama’s Pastor Reverend Jeremiah Wright, on racist Americans “Nativists” “Racists” “Xenophobes” “Bigots” “Irrational” US Catholic Bishops describing opponents of amnesty Last fall, America’s Catholic bishops needed a victory. Their credibility and their bank accounts had been battered as the clerical abuse and cover-up scandals endlessly dragged on. Donations from the faithful had tanked. Thirty million had simply left the church, now identifying themselves as “ex-Catholics.” So many had left, in fact, that Hispanics were now the largest population of Catholics under 35. Myths, Misunderstandings and Outright lies about owning Gold. … Continue reading

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Donald Trump has scared the devil out of America’s Catholic bishops. They have supported the Democrat agenda for so long – global warming, amnesty, raising the minimum wage, and national health care – that they can’t seem to let go. As a result, with few exceptions, these prelates have blithely ignored Trump’s defense of moral principles supported by the Church – on abortion, on religious freedom, on radical federal judges, and on education. Given Trump’s reversals of Obama’s pernicious policies, why aren’t Catholic bishops cheering? Why haven’t they told the faithful and the public that at last we have a … Continue reading

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Mexico’s president, Enrique Peña Nieto, is a puppet of the country’s deeply-embedded elites, known in Mexico as los Corruptos. Last week they shoved him out on stage to broadcast a message to Mexican illegals in the United States. The message was simple: FOR GOD’S SAKE, DON’T COME BACK! WE DON’T WANT YOU! Yes, Trump’s simple promise to enforce existing U.S. law has sent the Corruptos into chaos. Current Prices on popular forms of Silver Bullion True to form, Peña Nieto brays the elite’s century-old canard, fomenting hatred for the Gringos while his corrupt pals make off with billions and wink … Continue reading

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FRONT ROYAL, VA — When Al Matt asked me some ten years ago to take over Joe Sobran’s column in The Wanderer, I made it clear that, while I’d be honored to have my column appear in the same space, there was no way I could pretend to replace Joe Sobran. No one could replace Joe Sobran. And now you won’t have to: You can have the original in time to celebrate Christmas with the latest collections of his columns and essays (Subtracting Christianity: Essays on American Culture and Society and Hustler: The Clinton Legacy.) Reading Joe Sobran is like reading … Continue reading

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Sources in the CIA tell LRC that the carnage that has killed thousands of Chicagoans in Obama’s American hometown since 2008 has been caused by Russian gangs working from submarines located underwater in Lake Michigan just east of Midway Airport in Chicago. “Russia’s hackers have used cutting-edge digital technology to enter the city undetected, it’s like amazing,” said a CIA source, one of several agency specialists who spend most of their time placing stories in the leak-friendly media. “The Russian agents have state-of-the-art digital camouflage that makes them look totally like Americans,” she explained. “They are virtually undetected. They can … Continue reading

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A long time ago there appeared in the once-revered New Yorker a cartoon. The scene was a concert venue, where a string quartet was about to perform. As the audience grew quiet, the cellist coughed, laid his bow to one side, and said: “Before we begin, I would like to say a few words about the war in Viet Nam.” Back then it was funny. Today it is a farce. As a long-time music critic for Saturday Review and High Fidelity magazines, I had a lasting and fairly informed impression that the rudest audiences in the country were in Boston. … Continue reading

The post The Left Politicizes Everything appeared first on LewRockwell.

In the last week, Catholic bishops have teamed up with New York Mayor Bill DeBlasio to support President Obama’s defiance of immigration law, and to oppose Donald Trump’s sworn duty to enforce it. This curious alliance raises a fundamental question that goes to the heart of the challenge faced by faithful Catholics in today’s prevailing secular culture. It’s no secret. For the past eight years, the Obama Administration has attacked religious freedom on numerous fronts, from the notorious “HHS Contraception Mandate” and supporting Planned Parenthood’s sale of fetal body parts to the campaign for SSM (“same-sex marriage”), going so far … Continue reading

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God damn America! – Words Obama lives by In every subculture Obama has lived in, he has been taught to hate America. Like many pliable and fatherless narcissists, he always wanted to please his groomers and willingly submitted to their manipulation. Spending the first years of his life in Suharto’s Indonesia, a bloody dictatorship that had become a way of life for Indonesians, Barry Sotero, along with billions of others in the Third World, was raised in a culture that taught that the plight and poverty of his neighbors and friends were the fault of the United States. America was … Continue reading

The post Catholic Bishops Get DC Billions appeared first on LewRockwell.

The election will be held on November 8. That doesn’t mean that the election will be over on November 8. In the Constitution, we read that the president is to be elected by the “Electoral College,” with state electoral delegations meeting in their various capitals to cast their ballots and forward them to the president of the United States Senate. Those electors, and not the voters of the various states, will elect the next president. Unless they don’t. Electors are apportioned to reflect the number of Senators and Representatives of each state. That number totals 535.  Add three for the … Continue reading

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“Hence we may learn the lesson that on seizing a state, the usurper should make haste to inflict what injuries he must, at a stroke, that he may not have to renew them daily but be enabled by their discontinuance to reassure men’s minds, and afterward win them over by benefits.… Injuries, therefore, should be inflicted all at once, that their ill savor being less lasting may the less offend; whereas, benefits should be conferred little by little, that so they may be more fully relished. – Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince, Book VIII Everything is in place. Do you see … Continue reading

The post The Turnkey Tyranny Game Plan appeared first on LewRockwell.

In Mexico, gangs assassinate Catholic cardinal-archbishops. They assassinate presidential candidates. They assassinate mayors, civic leaders, journalists, and of course, they massacre demonstrating students – often by the dozens. They routinely gang-rape women who are heading north to the border – after charging them thousands of dollars for promising to get them there. Some of these assassins, rapists, and other career criminals work for drug kingpins, but some also work clandestinely with the corruptos – the deadly merry-go-round of wealthy politicians, businessmen, military officers, and other powerbrokers that have plagued and pillaged the country and kept it poor for almost a … Continue reading

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Breathes there the man, with soul so dead, Who never to himself hath said, This is my own, my native land! — Sir Walter Scott . Who do you love?         — Bo Diddley . What ever happened to patriotism? Webster’s defines the term as “love for or devotion to one’s country.” But before there were countries, there was patriotism. The term itself derives from ancient languages (Greek and Latin) and refers to the land of one’s fathers. Patriotism is pre-political. It is essentially human – which noun, by the way, derives from the Latin humus – dirt, soil. “Dust … Continue reading

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