In Nairobi, the pope calls for “eliminating carbon use” on a continent where tens of millions of  poor families burn wood to heat their homes and cook their food. (He somehow failed to note that Jesus cooked fish for his apostles over burning coals). Meanwhile, U.S. bishops join their colleagues to demand a binding global agreement on global warming, while  the pope’s feckless Peronist sidekick insists that opponents of such an agreement are evil Tea Party members who make their living selling oil. Not to be outdone, New York’s Cardinal Dolan, faced with the most antiCatholic administration in living memory, … Continue reading

The post Francis Wants To Rewrite Scripture? appeared first on LewRockwell.

This past Wednesday, a racist drove down I-66, a mile from our house, fleeing from the town where he had murdered two of his former colleagues in the broadcast business. The killer’s name was Vester Flanagan. We now know that he was motivated by racial hatred and spite at having lost his job. In 2012, he supported Obama’s reelection, even wearing an Obama pin while reporting on election day. When he heard of the double murder, Obama blamed it on guns. He did not say that “Vester Flanagan could have been my son.” On Wednesday afternoon, Breitbart carried a news … Continue reading

Occasionally, we hear politicians telling us that they will make the government more efficient, more responsive – even smaller. Sorry folks, none of that is in the cards. The reason is simple, and has been known to the civilized world since Aristotle: it’s called “habits.” We all have them, and those of the federal bureaucracy are unique. And they’re all bad. Once upon a time, federal government “workers” might well have fancied themselves to be well-intentioned public servants. Well, those days are over. Today’s bureaucrats have been habituated by the Congress, by presidents, by the courts, and by government unions … Continue reading