After the U.S. invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan in 2003, I said, “Put up the yellow ribbons, folks, because Johnny ain’t ever marchin’ home again.” And that was before I knew about the Pentagon’s plan to launch seven wars against seven Middle Eastern nations. In 2007, General Wesley Clark said that after the attacks on 9/11, the U.S. planned to launch seven wars against seven Middle Eastern countries: Iraq, Syria, Libya, Lebanon, Somalia, Sudan and Iran. I suppose Afghanistan was already assumed to be the eternal home of the U.S. military, and I guess the country of Niger in Northern … Continue reading

The post Perpetual War appeared first on LewRockwell.

In the aftermath of the Las Vegas shootings last year in October, I wrote a column entitled “They Are Coming For Our Guns.” In that column, I listed sixteen gun control bills that were working their way through the U.S. House and Senate. See the column here: They Are Coming For Our Guns At the time I wrote that column, the vast majority of conservatives, Republicans, and Christians paid no heed, because they said, “Donald Trump is ‘pro-Second Amendment’ and won’t let any more gun control legislation pass.” Fast forward just four months later to after the Florida school shootings, … Continue reading

The post The Beginning of Totalitarian Gov’t appeared first on LewRockwell.

Sagacious gun owners have always known that the ultimate goal of gun control extremists such as Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, et al., has always been gun confiscation. The plan is not to “control” the private ownership of firearms; it is to PROHIBIT the private ownership of firearms. Enacting ever-encroaching gun control laws is simply an incremental means to the ultimate end of gun confiscation and prohibition. Donald Trump was elected on the promise of protecting the Second Amendment (among other things). Instead, he has become the poster boy for one of the most egregious gun control machinations of … Continue reading

The post Has Trump Opened the Door? appeared first on LewRockwell.

Sagacious gun owners have always known that the ultimate goal of gun control extremists such as Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, et al., has always been gun confiscation. The plan is not to “control” the private ownership of firearms; it is to PROHIBIT the private ownership of firearms. Enacting ever-encroaching gun control laws is simply an incremental means to the ultimate end of gun confiscation and prohibition. Donald Trump was elected on the promise of protecting the Second Amendment (among other things). Instead, he has become the poster boy for one of the most egregious gun control machinations of … Continue reading

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The redundant mantra of gun grabbers is “It’s the job of the police to protect us,” or “Only professional law enforcement officers are qualified to protect us,” or “Citizens should not bear arms because it’s the job of policemen to protect us,” or statements to that effect. But the mass shooting in a Parkland, Florida, school proves the absolute fallacy of the above statements. Constitutional Attorney John Whitehead recently wrote an outstanding column entitled “Armed And Dangerous: If Police Don’t Have To Protect The Public, What Good Are They?” He begins his article by quoting author William S. Burroughs: “After … Continue reading

The post Police Are Worthless appeared first on LewRockwell.

A recent survey conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) revealed a chilling discovery: a majority of Americans are apparently agreeable to preemptively nuking other nations, knowing that millions of civilians would die. The theoretical nation used in the survey was Iran. And the MIT survey found that 60% of the American people would be willing to preemptively nuke Iran, knowing that 2 million civilians would be killed. (How paradoxical that I am reporting on this unnerving news on the day that we remember when Japan preemptively attacked our naval installations at Pearl Harbor in 1941.) This new survey … Continue reading

The post OK To Murder 2 Million Iranians appeared first on LewRockwell.

After Judge Roy Moore won the Alabama Republican senatorial primary election a few weeks ago, I wrote this: You can bet that the establishment is not finished trying to destroy Roy Moore—not by any stretch of the imagination. When Trump stumped for Luther Strange last week, he said that Judge Moore would have a hard time winning the general election. He said that because he knows that not only will Roy Moore have to defeat the Democrat establishment, he will have to again defeat the Republican establishment. So, Roy’s fight is far from over. Boy, were those words an understatement! … Continue reading

The post The National Republican Party appeared first on LewRockwell.

Here we go again. In this column on October 12, I wrote: The next shooting (and there will be another one) will be worse than Las Vegas. They will not stop until America is disarmed OR until the American people awaken to what is happening and demand that the light of truth start shining on the dark forces behind these atrocities. The church shooting in Texas is the first installment of my prediction above. But it certainly will not be the last. The narrative is always the same: a lone gunman opens fire upon a crowd of helpless, defenseless people, … Continue reading

The post Never Depend on the Cops appeared first on LewRockwell.

When will the American people catch on to the fact that we do not have two political parties in Washington, D.C.? As I have said repeatedly—and as experience continues to verify—there is just ONE party in Washington: the War Party. No matter which party controls the White House or Congress, the War Party runs things. Warmongering neocons in the GOP and warmongering neolibs in the Democrat Party control Washington, D.C. Oh, they might fuss and feud with each other over domestic and social issues (abortion, homosexuality, welfare, immigration, tort reform, etc.), but they are joined at the hip on the … Continue reading

The post There’s Only One Party in DC appeared first on LewRockwell.

I will just say it upfront: I am extremely cynical of any and all mass shootings—and the one in Las Vegas is no exception. Soon after the shootings, I posted this on my Facebook page: Some preliminary thoughts: *How does ONE guy take that many long guns and that much ammunition into a hotel room without being noticed or raising someone’s suspicion? Those Vegas casino hotels have cameras everywhere. This is Las Vegas, for heaven’s sake. Every staff person in these establishments is trained to be alert for suspicious behavior. *Witnesses said that “strange” people were going through the crowd … Continue reading

The post Truth vs. the Feds and Their Media appeared first on LewRockwell.

Watch the various television and cable news shows, and one will be exposed to multiple reports of–the exact same story. Day after day, night after night: the national mainstream news media regurgitates the same news stories to the American people. It’s the same song sung by a different singer; but it’s the same song. If you don’t believe that, start channel surfing the newscasts instead of watching just one network. You will hear the same stories repeated over and over again by all of the different newscasters. Wake up, folks! You are being programmed and propagandized. I have repeatedly said: … Continue reading

The post The 10 Most Underreported Stories appeared first on LewRockwell.

Watch the various television and cable news shows, and one will be exposed to multiple reports of–the exact same story. Day after day, night after night: the national mainstream news media regurgitates the same news stories to the American people. It’s the same song sung by a different singer; but it’s the same song. If you don’t believe that, start channel surfing the newscasts instead of watching just one network. You will hear the same stories repeated over and over again by all of the different newscasters. Wake up, folks! You are being programmed and propagandized. I have repeatedly said: … Continue reading

The post The 10 Most Underreported Stories appeared first on LewRockwell.

Some time ago, Laurence Vance published a compilation of excerpts from the famed British Baptist pastor, Charles Spurgeon, on the subject of the proper Christian attitude regarding war and peace. These sermon excerpts are as germane to Americans today as they were to the citizens of Great Britain in the mid to late 1800’s when Spurgeon delivered them. I tried to warn listeners of my radio talk show on how then President George W. Bush was turning Christian people throughout the United States into warmongers. Because Bush claimed to be a born-again Christian and had successfully garnered the support of … Continue reading

The post Christian War Fever appeared first on LewRockwell.

From the beginning, there have been several things that have bothered me about Donald Trump. Perhaps my biggest concerns have always been how genuine Trump is and, if he is genuine, how much he truly understands about “the swamp” he promised to drain. President Trump has appointed numerous big-government, pro-war neocons to his administration. In just two months, Trump has appointed more individual members from the CFR–and people from corporations belonging to the CFR–to his administration than Barack Obama did during his entire eight years in the White House. That is very troubling. The CFR is perhaps the preeminent globalist … Continue reading

The post Trump and Paul Ryan appeared first on LewRockwell.

Now that Donald Trump has won the presidential election, most of the people who voted for him (along with most of the rest of the world) are breathing a huge sigh of relief. As I wrote earlier, a Hillary Clinton presidency was not only a threat to whatever liberties the American people have left, it was a threat to the peace and stability of the entire planet. Except for the radical protesters (most of whom did not even vote in the election and many of whom were paid to riot) who are making royal jackasses out of themselves in Portland, … Continue reading

The post You Must Not Go To Sleep! appeared first on LewRockwell.