I beg the indulgence of my many non-religious readers as I open my column with an analogy from Saint Matthew’s Gospel narrative. In His final words to the Jewish Pharisees, Jesus pronounced God’s condemnation upon them, their sacred temple, their holy city, and their false religion in the plainest and most plaguing terms–all of which came to pass within their generation, less than forty years later. Toward the end of His public condemnation of them, Jesus said this to the Pharisees: “That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel … Continue reading

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Faithful readers of this column know that I am not timid about reporting on the exponential increase of police abuse currently taking place in our country. This tragic phenomenon is a clear and present danger to the overall health and wellbeing of our society. And it is not a fabrication of “leftists.” The abuse of power by many police officers is very real. And as I have attempted to point out previously, the reason for this sad state of affairs is largely due to the recruitment and training of police officers today. More and more frequently, the ranks of civilian … Continue reading

The post Militarized Cop Abuse Plus Race-Baiting appeared first on LewRockwell.

What in the world is wrong with Hillary Clinton? Besides her criminal activities and her warmongering, socialist, gun-grabbing politics, I mean. She collapses; has fainting spells; refuses to do press conferences; bobbles her head back and forth like a plastic, well, bobblehead; goes into weird, wide-eyed, out-of-control facial contortions; has constant coughing fits, and is escorted by physicians everywhere she goes. What gives? After her blackout last Sunday, her campaign office said Hillary is suffering from pneumonia. The problem is that pneumonia does not come close to explaining all of the disturbing symptoms that the American people have been watching … Continue reading

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A few days ago, I posted my list of the top ten worst U.S. presidents on my Facebook page. People who are familiar with my writings should not be surprised at my list, although many people who read my Facebook post did act surprised. Of course, these could have been people who aren’t that familiar with my writings after all. At any rate, with my Facebook post I made my list without explanation. I will use this column to share a little bit of the reasoning behind my selections. So here goes: my top ten worst presidents in U.S. history: … Continue reading

The post The 10 Worst US Presidents appeared first on LewRockwell.

A missionary friend of mine in Eastern Europe recently gave me a heads up regarding an excellent article written by Sebastian Swift entitled “5 Confirmed False Flag Operations And How To Spot Them In The Future.” Swift writes, “The false flag phenomenon is distinctively modern and used as an ideological weapon to control populations with the fear of a manufactured enemy. They are used in ostensibly democratic systems where people believe they have inalienable rights. Such democratic systems–primarily the United States, Israel, and Great Britain–must shock people into sociopolitical and geopolitical consent and, as such, require sophisticated modern propaganda systems … Continue reading

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