No matter where you live, there’s always a possibility that a disaster might occur in any of the states. Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, wildfires…Mother Nature can get you regardless of your location. And it isn’t just Mother Nature we have to worry about – things like chemical spills, terror attacks, and explosions can also create a disaster scenario. But, 12 states, in particular, are more disaster-prone than others and have had more than their fair share of disasters declared by presidents over the decades. These statistics are from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and only encompass crises in which an … Continue reading

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Does it seem mysterious to anyone else that the Las Vegas shooting survivors just keep dropping dead in one way or another? Being a witness seems almost as deadly as being at that ill-fated concert. While there’s no hard evidence that anything hinky is going on, it sure seems like the Grim Reaper – or someone – is after these folks. I always hesitate to join the chorus of conspiracy about these horrific events, because what we must learn from these is how to survive if we ever have the misfortune to be present in such a catastrophe. But it’s … Continue reading

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Have you noticed all of the news lately about artificial intelligence and robotics, including some things that sound like absolutely terrible ideas? It’s like scientists are deliberately trying to bring on a robot apocalypse. They clearly don’t watch the same movies that I do. People are getting more and more onboard with this type of technology. From Alexa to Siri, humans are interacting with artificial intelligence on a regular basis. Siri makes jokes, making the voice from your phone seem more human. It all seems so non-threatening until you look a little deeper. Robot exoskeletons With robotic exoskeletons, scientists are … Continue reading

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Has anyone else noticed the need that ‘artists” have to be more and more outrageous lately?  It seems like many people can’t be happy unless they are finding greater ways to shock and repulse others. This seems to especially apply to the art community. They say that “art reflects life” and if that is the case, we are really in a dark place. I’ll give you some stomach-turning examples in a moment, but let me first bring this back to a child-rearing theory I have. When you have children, you always want to make them happy and give them privileges … Continue reading

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If you compare the meals served in many of the kitchens today to meals served 100+ years ago, there is one very big difference.  Nearly every meal served in North America has at least one dish that has come from a box, bag, or pouch. Take breakfast, for example.  Did you have toast?  If so, did you make the bread?  Cereal?  One of those little packs of Quaker oatmeal, all flavored up and just waiting for you to add water?  Did your breakfast originate in the freezer?  Frozen toaster versions of pancakes, waffles, and pastries abound in many kitchens. Buy … Continue reading

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Have you ever thought about how fast things could go sideways in America?  What if we went 5 days without trucks moving supplies across the country? Have you considered how JUST ONE THING could change the world as we know it? The video below has been around for several years, but if you haven’t seen it in a while, it is worth watching again. Think for a moment about what would happen if the trucks stopped running. The trucking industry is the lifeblood of this country, and according to this, it would only take 5 days without trucks for all hell … Continue reading

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Tomorrow is November 4th, the date that has been bandied about by wannabe Communists and people who hate the President since last summer as the starting date of their uprising. Cities across the country have planned events (find the list of locations here) and I’ve gotten photos from people in small towns all over the place of signs with the ominous warning, “November 4th It Begins.” Now, before we delve into prepping for this, please know that there is every chance this is a tempest in a teapot. It’s most likely that anywhere from 20 to 200 people will show up with their … Continue reading

The post What to Do If All Hell Breaks Loose appeared first on LewRockwell.

If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting! If you’re involved in the preparedness lifestyle, you’re probably into planning. Most likely, you research and study the excellent preparedness strategies put out by experts. Whether we prepare for incidents small or large, we all ponder what we’d do if something world-as-we-know-it-ending went down. The trouble is, a lot of the plans that get made are more likely  to get you killed than to save you. And people post these plans online, then new preppers read them and think, “Wow, what a great idea.” I really love being … Continue reading

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Madagascar isn’t getting this epidemic of the pneumonic plague under control as everyone had hoped. In fact, the opposite seems to be true. When I wrote about the plague less than two weeks ago, I cited a source that said there were 200 infections and 33 deaths. As of today, those numbers have increased dramatically to more than 1300 infections and 124 deaths. And according to many infectious disease experts, the outbreak has not yet reached its peak. It’s urgent that we stay up-to-date on this epidemic so that we can be prepared if it goes worldwide. (Sign up here to receive a … Continue reading

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The Northern California wildfires are fast-moving, unpredictable, and for some, unsurvivable. The videos below will show you what it’s really like, trying to survive an ever-changing inferno…and why you shouldn’t wait for the official evacuation order. A lot of folks have been critical, saying blithely, “They knew there was a fire. They should have evacuated.” It’s important to understand that it doesn’t always work like that with wildfires. Armchair quarterbacking is easy. Fleeing when the car your driving literally catches on fire and the smoke is blinding you is not. First of all, fires move rapidly. You can be in no danger whatsoever … Continue reading

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Survival Saturday is a round-up of the week’s news and resources for folks who are interested in being prepared. This Week in the News You know, I tried to keep from going full-on tinfoil with the Las Vegas massacre, but they’re making that completely impossible. Sure, there were questions from the very beginning. A lot of things didn’t quite add up, but there is an investigatory process in such events. But… how is it that every single thing has been upended? This story is unraveling like a frayed sweater in a basket with a litter of kittens. Here are the 6 … Continue reading

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“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”  ~ George Orwell A few years back, I was doing some research about the aftermath of some natural disasters that took place here in America. I was shocked to find that the articles I was looking for – ones that I had read in the past – were pretty hard to find, but articles refuting the sought-for pieces were rampant.  Not just one event, but every single crisis aftermath that I looked up, had articles that were written after the fact stating … Continue reading

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Of a tragic necessity, we’ve all read articles and watched videos about surviving an active shooter terror situation. But an entirely different set of rules apply when it comes to surviving a sniper attack. The thing with an event like the one in Las Vegas is that a great deal of your survival depends on nothing but luck. If you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, skills won’t necessarily save you. The Las Vegas shooting was different than many previous mass shootings because the culprit was not right down there in the thick of things, … Continue reading

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Survival Saturday is a round-up of the week’s news and resources for folks who are interested in being prepared. This Week in the News Cyber-criminals are no longer just striking huge targets. They’re going after average people like you and me now. Never have our personal electronic devices been under more threat. From apps that steal your money to ransomware that locks up your computer to a flaw in Bluetooth devices that allows anything connected to be hacked – including your car – every person using a cell phone or a computer is vulnerable.  Many of us use our devices to … Continue reading

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When a disaster draws near, suddenly, preppers don’t seem quite so crazy anymore. Right now, with Irma heading our way so closely on the heels of Harvey, a lot of people on the Southeast Coast are feverishly preparing for a hurricane. Some are projecting that if Irma doesn’t change course, it will be so powerful that meteorologists will need a new Category to describe the storm: Category 6. Keep in mind that Harvey was a Category 4 and that tells you how bad the potential of this storm is. There are many articles out there focusing on that – this … Continue reading

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