The division in America has become so dramatic over the past year that many people can only foresee it heading one place: Civil War. There’s a pronounced uptick in violence and protests (often going hand in hand.) Free speech is being crushed by the opposition with the mere threat of violent responses. Statues and memorials are being vandalized or defended. Protesters show up armed and armored, ready for battle. The media throws gasoline on these flames with reports solely laying the blame on one side. Some groups are openly planning sedition and no one is trying to stop them. Our country has … Continue reading

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How often do you hear people talk about how they would live their dreams if they only had a bit more money? People always dream about… quitting the jobs they hate starting a business moving to a remote cabin in the woods staying home with the kids being completely debt-free having a little homestead and raising their own food living in an RV and roaming the country …but they often feel that these things are financially unreachable. Instead of doing it, they sigh and decide it’s completely unreachable. Do you do this yourself? If you have unrealized dreams and goals, … Continue reading

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Do you enjoy saving a buck more than most people?  Do you have a black belt in frugality? Around here, most of us consider “cheapskate” to be a positive word! Here are 20 surefire signs that you are embracing your cheap side.  How many things on this list apply to you? Instant Access to Current Spot Prices & Interactive Charts You take it as a personal challenge to see how long you can go without spending money. The game is even better if you have a spouse or friend with whom you can compete. You don’t let food go to waste. You … Continue reading

The post You Might Be a Cheapskate appeared first on LewRockwell.

Everyone has heard of those crazy folks who are all ready to hunker down in a bunker with some buckets of freeze-dried food and a bunch of guns – it’s the fodder of quirky news stories and the avatar of many a deranged serial killer in the movies. So how does a perfectly normal person end up turning into a survivalist prepper? I get asked this a lot because I come across as fairly normal and sane. But, despite my average-mom exterior, I’ve been a prepper for more than 20 years and there’s most likely a gun tucked away in my … Continue reading

The post How I Became a Gun-Toting Survivalist Prepper appeared first on LewRockwell.

It’s always interesting reading when someone smug and sanctimonious writes a clueless diatribe about another group of people being smug and sanctimonious. So when I saw that an economist for Moody’s and Forbes had written an op-ed calling self-reliant homesteaders “delusional,” I knew I’d be in for some misinformed hilarity. The article, entitled, “Dear Homesteaders, Self-Reliance Is a Delusion” was published a couple of days ago on the Forbes website. You’ll be forewarned that the article won’t be deep in the first paragraph, when the author presents his claim to knowledge about self-reliant living comes from the fact that he … Continue reading

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If there was ever something that has been difficult for me to accept, it’s weakness. This is a piece that I’ve put off writing for a very long time, because I loathe the condition I’ve been dealing with for the past three years. I mean, what kind of prepper is so exhausted after emptying the dishwasher that she has to lay down for an hour? How the heck am I going to survive the Zombie Apocalypse when every joint in my body hurts with every motion? How would I ever bug out on foot if walking to the end of … Continue reading

The post Diary of Fatigue appeared first on LewRockwell.

Sometimes you have to think that scientists don’t ever read science fiction, and thus have not even contemplated all the things that could go wrong when they do something like creating 20 million mosquitos in a laboratory, infecting them with a bacteria, and then releasing those mosquitos in Fresno, California. First of all, did you even know that Google had a bio-lab?  They do and it’s called Verily. Which, I dunno, sounds rather biblical. “Verily, I say unto you…we are the purveyors of all that is The Truth.” But I digress. Verily plans to create 20 million mosquitoes and infect … Continue reading

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Ah, summer. The days of puffy red bumps dotting your arms and legs. The cardiovascular campfire exercises also known as swatting mosquitoes. The pink calamine lotion designs splotched onto itchy kids everywhere. The more outdoorsy you are, the more likely you are to suffer this summer malady. However, some folks get bitten more often than others, no matter what they do to repel mosquitoes. Everyone has a favorite remedy for this. Personally, I’ve been a fan of Avon Skin So Soft bath oil for years for our family’s outdoorsy pursuits, but with the uptick in mosquito-borne illnesses, we should all be a … Continue reading

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Independence is about a whole lot more than firing up the barbecue, drinking some beer with friends, and shooting off fireworks. It’s about more than blindly waving a flag. It’s about the way we live our lives every single day. And 241 years later, independence is still the most revolutionary act you can commit. Now, regardless of how you feel about this administration or the previous one, I think we can all agree that many of the liberties our parents took for granted are now in trouble. The government, in general, cannot be trusted. The media cannot be trusted.  Those … Continue reading

The post Independence From State and Media appeared first on LewRockwell.

Survival Saturday is a round-up of the week’s news and resources for folks who are interested in being prepared. This Week in the News This week on Survival Saturday, we’ll talk about the new bill to fight ISIS by forcing us to tell the bank where we keep our money, cop “warrior” training, and people being replaced by digital kiosks. Congress cracks down on “money laundering” and “ISIS” with a bill to make you file forms about where you keep your money. It’s all for our own good, of course. A bill introduced in Congress on May 25th would make it … Continue reading

The post Crack Down on ‘Money Laundering’ and ‘ISIS’ appeared first on LewRockwell.

When things go awry, do you instantly try to return to normalcy or do you think about ways to adapt to the situation?  Adaptability will make you a much better prepper. Did you ever see a flower growing out of a brick wall or a crack in the sidewalk? That flower is blooming against all the odds because it adapted to an unfriendly environment and found a way to grow and blossom despite the concrete getting in its way. And we, as preppers, can be likewise adaptable. Here’s what got me thinking about this. Instant Access to Current Spot Prices … Continue reading

The post Adventures in Adaptability appeared first on LewRockwell.

My kitchen is about 95% clean. No, I’m not talking about the standards of hygiene or the crud that tries to take up residence in the grout – I’m talking about the contents of my pantry and refrigerator. Whole, clean food that isn’t processed is a major factor in getting well and staying well. I’ve worked hard to banish GMOs, pesticides, and chemical additives from the premises.  With the proliferation of “dirty” food-like substances that fill the grocery stores, it can be a challenge to build a clean food supply, especially on a tight budget. Since we’ve just moved and are in … Continue reading

The post Stop Eating Toxins appeared first on LewRockwell.

Prepping isn’t all about wiling away your hours in a bunker, reloading ammo. It’s about the everyday things we do and the differences in our mindsets from non-preppers, and these are things that only real preppers will understand. Preppers know these are actually signs of sanity, but we get used to being misunderstood by the unprepared and the mainstream media, who all seem to think that we’re crazy. Sometimes it’s fun to have a good laugh about their misconceptions of what we actually do. You might be a prepper if these signs relate to you. Time to buy old US gold coins Many … Continue reading

The post Not a Prepper? appeared first on LewRockwell.

Last week was tense as far as international relations go. We’re standing in a big puddle of gasoline and hoping that no one decides to light a cigarette because if they do, we’ll all go up in flames. For some background, here’s the information I gathered on the conflict between the US and Syria, along with the ties to Russia. When there are missiles involved and talk of sending over ground troops, it isn’t a stretch of the imagination to believe that the current proxy war between the United States and Russia could turn into the real deal: World War III. … Continue reading

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Going to the firing range isn’t enough to get you ready to handle an emergency in which you may need to use your firearm. There’s a split second decision process in which you must decide if a) the threat is legitimate, b) if lethal force is necessary, and c) if the answers to a and b are yes, whether you can accurately take out your target without collateral damage. Training at a virtual simulation shooting range can help you learn to use good judgment when making these rapid decisions. If you are a gun owner, especially one who carries a … Continue reading

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