A new law quietly passed last December contains a waiver of informed consent that eliminates the requirement of pharmaceutical companies to let you know if a medication or vaccine given to you or your child is experimental. Wow. One last Christmas surprise from President Obama. This is according to Section 3024, “Informed Consent Waiver for Clinical Investigations” of H.R. 32, the “21st Century Cures Act.” Here’s the wording of the text: Current Prices on popular forms of Silver Bullion Clinical testing of investigational medical devices and drugs no longer requires the informed consent of the subjects if the testing poses … Continue reading

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Forget survival of the strongest, the meanest, the fastest,  the toughest, the fittest or the smartest. All of those are fine qualities in a prepper but there is one key to survival in nearly any situation that trumps all of the above.  Author and journalist Amanda Ripley researched it at length and published her findings in the book, The Unthinkable: Who Survives Disaster and Why. (This book is a must-read for the prepper mindset.) That key is adaptability. Myths, Misunderstandings and Outright lies about owning Gold. Are you at risk? adaptability: The ability to change to fit changed circumstances. The … Continue reading

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After five years of drought, a new disaster faces Northern California. Nearly 200,000 people were evacuated last night from areas below the Oroville Dam due to the fear that the main spillway is pending imminent collapse and the emergency spillway is literally, just a cleared hill which showed massive erosion when they tested it with a small amount of water yesterday. Instant Access to Current Spot Prices & Interactive Charts The state has basically gotten all the rain it missed over the past years at once, as three storms called “atmospheric rivers” have unleashed torrential rains that have lasted for … Continue reading

The post Never Trust the Government appeared first on LewRockwell.

If you were caught up in the midst of a massive earthquake – the kind that takes down buildings and buckles roads – would you know what to do? I’m not talking about a minor temblor that shakes a glass off the counter and sends it to shatter on the floor. I’m talking about The Big One. The one for which we are long overdue. The United States has several active fault zones, and some of them are capable of producing extremely destructive quakes. While most people think of the West Coast (and for excellent reason), there are massive faults … Continue reading

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Okay…so the people teaching our first responders how to deal with a biological attack nearly killed them all with a biological accident. Ricin is one of the most deadly substances in the world. A dose the size of a few grains of table salt can kill a healthy adult. FEMA (says they) ordered a low-toxicity version of ricin for some advanced training. Unfortunately, they ended up with the real deal at full octane. It was clearly labeled as the real deal, but no one from FEMA seemed to notice. Ricin is one of the most deadly substances in the world. A … Continue reading

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These days, you need permission from the government to do just about anything, including feeding yourself or others. Do you own a car? Every year, you must go down to the DMV and pay the government for permission to drive it. Do you own a business? You must register it and pay an annual fee to operate it. Do you want to renovate your home? You must pay the government to come and tell you if you’re allowed to, how you are allowed to, and to check it afterward to make sure you complied with all of their rules. Do … Continue reading

The post Where Independence Is Illegal Without a Permit appeared first on LewRockwell.

We all have them. Those people we care about who think we’re nuttier than a bag of pecans for our prepping endeavors. Although they’re doubting Thomases, we still love them and want them to be safe in an emergency. I’ve put together a list of gifts with a survival twist that you can get for the folks you love. One day, they may look at that gift, think of you, and be extremely grateful. (Here’s an article about some gentle persuasion to get them on board.) Below, you’ll find some kits that you can put together for a loved one, as … Continue reading

The post Survivalist Christmas Gifts appeared first on LewRockwell.

Depending on where you live, a winter power outage can quickly become a life-threatening emergency. Winter storms with heavy snowfalls, high winds, and a coating of ice are a threat to our vulnerable power grid. Making winter even more of a threat recently is the current economic upheaval. In economically depressed places like Detroit, many residents have had their utilities shut off due to an inability to pay their bills. With temperatures in the negatives, people could quite literally freeze to death in their homes.  You don’t have to be a prepper to realize that secondary heating systems, some specialized … Continue reading

The post Stay Warm appeared first on LewRockwell.

Anyone familiar with scientist and inventor extraordinaire Elon Musk knows that he has some visionary ideas for the future. For example, his Hyperloop transport system, which will be able to move people and cargo at speeds of unto 800 mph, could revolutionize transportation. He is also the founder of Space X, the company behind building interplanetary rockets that will, according to Musk, transport everything required to build a colony on Mars. His reusable interplanetary transport system (ITS) will move 100 people at a time to the off-world base once it is ready for occupation. The latest creation from Elon Musk is … Continue reading

The post The WiFi Brain Implant appeared first on LewRockwell.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Did you know that there is a safe, effective, non-addictive natural remedy for chronic pain? No? There’s a reason you didn’t know. The DEA is busy trying to ban it. Kratom is an herbal remedy that is already illegal in several states, and if the DEA has its way, will be considered a Schedule 1 narcotic, right alongside LSD and heroin. You can learn more about the benefits of kratom here and here. You can learn more about the government’s efforts to ban the plant here. The bottom line is, if Big Pharma can’t make money from it, … Continue reading

The post The DEA Would Rather You Be Addicted to Opiates appeared first on LewRockwell.

As they say on Game of Thrones, “Brace yourselves. Winter is coming.” One of the best ways to brace yourselves for the onset of cold weather, winter storms, and potential power outages is to prep your home for the season. And this is one of the nicest parts of prepping – quite a few of the cozy touches that you add to be more prepared are also delightful and decorative. When summer begins to fade into fall, it’s the best time to begin preparing for the advent of winter weather. None of these tasks are particularly difficult, but they can … Continue reading

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Paid instigators are making an already bad situation much much worse. As riots and protests rage through the streets of America, the question has to be asked: Does someone behind the scenes want to see civil war in the United States? The answer is almost certainly yes. And it isn’t likely to settle down anytime in the next few days. (If you aren’t prepped for this, go here to learn how to stay safe.) Just a little background: this has been going on since the midst of the campaign when actors were hired on Craigslist and trained to disrupt rallies. … Continue reading

The post Is Soros Funding the Trump Protests? appeared first on LewRockwell.

According to a report in the New Yorker, James Comey, Big Kahuna of the FBI, went full-on cowboy in releasing details of the new Clinton email inquiry. Apparently, the Department of Justice advised him not to release the information just days before the presidential election. Gosh. I wonder if the same advice would have been given if it was Donald Trump who was being investigated by the FBI. Comey explained his decision in a letter to FBI employees: “We don’t ordinarily tell Congress about ongoing investigations, but here I feel an obligation to do so given that I testified repeatedly … Continue reading

The post AG Lynch Told Comey appeared first on LewRockwell.

Let’s talk about Wikileaks. First of all, the organization was founded by Julian Assange back in 2006. Their website explains what they are all about: “WikiLeaks specializes in the analysis and publication of large datasets of censored or otherwise restricted official materials involving war, spying, and corruption. It has so far published more than 10 million documents and associated analyses.” In the 11 years that they’ve been publishing documents, they have not been disproven a single time. Their record for authentication is perfect. (Learn more here and here.) So this means that a person would be pretty silly to disregard … Continue reading

The post 21 Things We’ve Learned About Hillary appeared first on LewRockwell.

Survival Saturday is  a round-up of the week’s news and resources for folks who are interested in being prepared. This Week in the News This week, Wikileaks Edition of Survival Saturday focuses on Julian Assange, his team, and the secrets that they are telling. Assange is in a fight for his life right now, and he’s still dropping truth bombs on a daily basis in an attempt to show Americans the political system as it really is. We all need to think about preparing for an uncertain future. The world is in a state of upheaval and the headlines are positively frenetic. If … Continue reading

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