Since the situation with Vladimir Putin isn’t tense enough, the always cringeworthy Vice President Joe Biden has publically threatened Russia with a cyber attack. Biden told NBC News: ‘We’re sending a message. We have the capacity to do it. It will be at the time of our choosing, and under the circumstances that will have the greatest impact.’U.S. intelligence officials told NBC News the CIA ‘had already begun opening cyber doors, selecting targets and making other preparations for an operation’. When asked if the American people would know when the attack happened his response was “Hope not.” Biden’s call for a … Continue reading

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When most folks hear the words “Agenda 21” they have one of three responses: Huh? What’s that? Oh yay! It’ll turn the world into Utopia and global warming will stop and life will be rainbows and unicorns again! It’s a plan to remove personal liberty and move us closer to a one-world government. Where the heck is my tinfoil? Some folks don’t even believe it exists,  others think it exists but is a good thing turned into a nasty conspiracy theory, and the majority are blissfully oblivious. Even though many people don’t realize it, we’re all being nudged toward an … Continue reading

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Just in time for Halloween, creepy clowns have been spotted all over the nation. My main question is this: why is everyone too terrified to fight back? They’re clowns, for heaven’s sake.It wouldn’t be very difficult to end this ridiculous trend if everyone would stop getting sucked into the hysteria. However, of late, “clown sightings” are occurring across the US. There has even been clown violence (a 16-year-old was stabbed by a creepy clown in Reading, Pennsylvania.)  Social media is all abuzz with the latest clown fear frenzy.  A humor book was published last fall, just ahead of the trend, … Continue reading

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This year, the flu shot gauntlet has fired the starting gun with a study that makes it sound like only crazy hippies protect their children from the annual injection. In an extremely biased article presented as news instead of opinion (which, as we’ve discussed, is the very definition of propaganda) US News reported: The new study findings are based on nearly 9,000 kids, aged 4 to 17, whose families took part in a national health survey. The results were published online Oct. 3 inPediatrics. Overall, around 4 percent to 8 percent of kids had ever received an alternative therapy for … Continue reading

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There is a very real possibility that Deutsche Bank is going down. If the most prominent bank in Germany fails, the effect on Europe will be profound, and I don’t think the United States will escape the effects. The ripples will turn into a tsunami as they travel across the Atlantic. Already, the bank’s troubles have stressed the American stock market. Angela Merkel has stated that Deutsche Bank will not be getting a bailout from the European Central Bank – the lender of last resort for European banks. Myths, Misunderstandings and Outright lies about owning Gold. Are you at risk? The … Continue reading

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It’s no secret that I’ve stepped outside the system in many aspects of my life. I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to live out my dreams because of the choices I made years ago to extricate myself from the way most folks are living their lives. So it will probably come as little surprise that I’ve decided to set off on a new adventure with my youngest daughter. Tomorrow, we’re heading out on a road trip of more than 10,000 miles. The Great American Unschooling Tour This year, we decided to completely part ways with the school system in all … Continue reading

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Life hacks are all over the place at the minute (seriously, they’re everywhere) and some are really good – but often they’re more Martha Stewart than Grizzly Adams. Here are a few life hacks that are applicable not only to regular everyday lifestyles but to those crazy preppers – ahem – people who are of a preparedness mindset as well. While all of these aren’t necessarily life-saving, they all have the potential to save you money and effort in a survival situation. This sounds like more of a beauty tip than a prepper tip, but don’t forget to moisturize! Your skin … Continue reading

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Remember how a couple of days ago the German government advised its citizens to start stockpiling food and water? Well, today they have announced that they are considering reintroducing conscription…the draft, to ‘help with any future disaster’. And Germany isn’t alone. There are increasing hints in countries around the world that something big is on its way…and it won’t be pretty. Do they know something we don’t? The German government will discuss their emergency plans Wednesday. The BBC reports: Germany may reintroduce a form of national service for civilians to help the army deal with a future disaster. The role … Continue reading

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Around the world, governments have recently been issuing an unsettling call for their citizens to become more self-reliant. Just this week, the governments of both Germany and Czechoslovakia warned that people should be prepared for ““be prepared for the worst case possible scenario.” But here in the United States, just the opposite is happening. Our government seems to have an unquenchable thirst for cracking down on those who take responsibility for themselves. There is an abundance of evidence of this in Louisiana. The southern state has been hit with the worst flooding in over 500 years. While the final numbers … Continue reading

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An elementary school in Albuquerque, NM has a new policy to go along with the new school year. Just in case kids are gender confused, teachers are no longer allowed to address children as “boys and girls.” After the Bathroom Hullabaloo of 2016, you would have thought that things might settle down and we could go about our business, peeing wherever we want to pee and that would be that. But no. No, now children as young as kindergarten age are being taught in classrooms in which teachers have been ordered to “eliminate gender.” According to a local report: A … Continue reading

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Many people watching Milwaukee burn on the news from the safety of their homes in the suburbs feel immune. It seems like this only happens in big cities, right?  “These people are burning down their own neighborhoods, how ridiculous,” observers say. They feel safe in their belief that the issue is merely a war on cops,and it’s nothing that could happen to them. While cities like Milwaukee and Baltimore have been hard hit, keep in mind that Ferguson, Missouri is a relatively small town with a population of just over 21,000 people at the last census. Suburbia isn’t the safe … Continue reading

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As the waters in Louisiana continue to rise, over a thousand motorists stranded by the flood have been stuck on Interstate 12 for more than 24 hours. Southeast Louisiana has been hard-hit before with flooding, and a decade after Hurricane Katrina, people are still trying to rebuild. Some families were trying to evacuate, as flood waters crept closer to their homes, while others were going about their day-to-day business. The National Guard has dispatched helicopters to drop food, water, and supplies to the folks who are waiting in their cars for rescue. Being stranded in your vehicle is not as rare … Continue reading

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In their usual fingers-in-ears-la-la-la fashion, the mainstream media and Hillary Clinton supporters are all in denial that there is an issue with the Democratic nominee’s health, despite mounting evidence that something is seriously wrong. In fact, they’re trying to manipulate the issue to make those who are concerned look like they are the ones with problems because only crazy right-wing conspiracy theorists would say otherwise. This weekend, a photo began to go viral of HRC being helped up the stairs and looking pretty darned frail. But, if you notice, she isn’t dressed for summer in these photos. While the photos … Continue reading

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This summer is like a movie about how corruption took down a once-great republic and sent it barreling toward civil war. It’s about how the powerful now use deadly robots to do their bidding and how two groups of people have been turned against each other at the whims of the wealthy and the powerful. It’s about chaos and  final straws and the shattering of our veneer of civility. When the rose-colored glasses get ripped away from so many people at once, things are bound to boil over. So, in the manner of never letting a crisis go to waste, the politicians and the … Continue reading

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There’s a war in America right now.  Black vs. white. Citizen vs. police officer. Race grievances have become an industry, and business is booming. The rage is boiling over across the nation. First, videos emerged that showed the graphic deaths of two black men at the hands of police, with what appears to be no reason.  Protests erupted over these deaths, and then they became violent as one man shot 11 police officers and 2 citizens at a rally in Dallas, Texas, killing 5. That sparked a war on law enforcement officers and a nationwide spree of violence against cops. Some people … Continue reading

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