This year, the 4th of July simply makes me sad. I was trying to summon up a rush of pride to write about what makes our country great, and all I could think about was how far we’ve sunk. How distant we’ve ventured from those original settlers who said, “No more!” and  declared their independence. They fought and sacrificed to be free of a government that oppressed them, taxed them, stole from them, and enforced rules without any type of representation upon them. We have somehow forgotten what freedom really means and so we have lost it, incrementally and for many people, … Continue reading

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Bugging out. Getting out of Dodge. Evacuation. Whatever you choose to call it, thousands of Americans end up having to leave their homes due to emergencies every year.  According to FEMA: Evacuations are more common than many people realize. Hundreds of times each year, transportation and industrial accidents release harmful substances, forcing thousands of people to leave their homes. Fires and floods cause evacuations even more frequently. Almost every year, people along the Gulf and Atlantic coasts evacuate in the face of approaching hurricanes. (source) Despite this, many people seem to be taken utterly by surprise when they’re told to … Continue reading

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With all that is being written about the economic collapses of nations around the globe, people in America seem to be waiting for some huge event. But what if it isn’t a huge event like  a stock market crash or a currency collapse that you actually need to be concerned about? What if our disaster starts out looking nothing like the economic crises in Argentina, Venezuela or Greece? What if the real financial disaster in the future is more personal?  What, if that financial disaster has already happened? It’s here and it’s not what anyone expected. Despite the lack of fanfare … Continue reading

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Sometimes I read stuff and think, this has to be satire. Over the past few years, I can’t believe how many articles I’ve prefaced with, “I know it seems like satire, but it’s not.” Today is no different. If you need more reasons to homeschool your kids (and you’re not doing so already) then read on. We all know that the education system has been on the decline for years. Folks aren’t as worried about academic achievements as they are the feelings of the children, creating a crybaby culture that gives everyone a trophy just for showing up. Schools are indoctrination … Continue reading

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The day after the most deadly gun-related massacre in America, I took my 15-year-old daughter out to shoot guns. I’m a firm believer in refusing to be a victim, and this philosophy carries over to the way I’ve raised my children. We had planned to take a course together from a new instructor for a while. My daughter, 15, hadn’t ever shot a gun before our class. Since I lived a good part of my adult life in Canada, I’ve only been using guns a couple of years myself. When the day dawned, we were eager to get out the … Continue reading

The post I Refused To Be a Victim appeared first on LewRockwell.

I know it isn’t just me. Every prepper I know loves a good disaster flick.  Heck, it doesn’t even have to be that good for some of us to watch them.  We just enjoy sitting back and watching a fictional disaster unfold so that we can strategize how we would handle it, mock the hero for his or her poor decisions (you know, those dumb moves that a prepper would never make), and feel absolutely justified with regard to our lifestyle choices.  A movie is like a prepper version of a sporting event, where we can cheer, jeer, and scheme our ways … Continue reading

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Lately, those who live the preparedness lifestyle have been more concerned than ever about the events going on in the world, and for many of us,  the urgency to convince loved ones to prep is at an all-time high as worries increase. The economic collapse of Venezuela, our own shaky markets and banking system, the threat of natural disasters, and worries about cyber attacks all have the potential to become life-changing catastrophes. These are the events we prep for and we clearly understand the ramifications of facing them without the necessary supplies. And many of us have friends and family … Continue reading

The post Prepping Isn’t for Everyone appeared first on LewRockwell.

Sometimes a cautionary tale is more motivating than any amount of positive reinforcement every could be, and the horrifying reports from Venezuela are a perfect example. If you’re paying attention to the things they’ve run out of, you can put together a collapse supply list to see you through the crisis in the event of a breakdown in our own country. The time to prepare is now, well before the situation devolves to one that is similar. Every day, there is more dire news out of Venezuela.  It’s so bad there that even the mainstream news can no longer ignore … Continue reading

The post Create a Collapse Supply List appeared first on LewRockwell.

Finally….the week we’ve all been itching for.  At least where I live, it’s planting time! Did you ever wonder exactly how to grow specific vegetables in your garden for the biggest, healthiest harvests? I’ve spent the past few weeks pouring over my gardening books and scouring the internet to learn all that I can about the specific veggies, fruits, and herbs that I intend to grow. While lots of folks just stick everything in the ground and grow it under the same conditions, (exactly what I’ve been doing) I believe that a little attention toward the specific needs of individual plants can … Continue reading

The post How To Grow 25 Specific Fruits and Vegetables appeared first on LewRockwell.

“You must respect authority.” That was the take-home lesson for some middle schoolers at the 9/11 Memorial in New York City. It probably comes as no surprise that this is what kids are being taught these days in public schools. Last week a group of patriotic kids went to the 9/11 Memorial site and began singing the national anthem. One would think this was a respectful thing to do for fallen countrymen, whose lives, according to the official story, were taken by evil terrorists whom we should all fear. Apparently, the 1st Amendment is as dead as those victims at … Continue reading

The post Kids Learn Fascist Lesson appeared first on LewRockwell.

So, recently, it probably seemed like I vanished off the face of the earth. Well, it turns out I only vanished from the virtual earth because we were without the internet. No, I didn’t get buried under a mound of moving boxes. We’re alive and well here in the mountains, although we were somewhat disconnected for a while. This was a huge move – while I thought to move as a prepper was an enormous undertaking, it was nothing compared to moving as a prepper/homesteader. Moving the contents of a barn, chicken coop, and house was a tremendous amount of … Continue reading

The post Could You Go 10 Days Without It? appeared first on LewRockwell.

Self-Reliance. It’s a revolutionary word these days and I thought it deserved a manifesto. Manifesto: noun man·i·fes·to ˌma-nə-ˈfes-(ˌ)tō A declaration of the intentions, motives, or views of the issuer. ~~~~~ Have you happened to notice that our society is out of balance? The consumers outnumber the producers at such a rapid clip that we can’t possibly continue like this. But who has time to produce when they are indebted and working overtime to finance their current lifestyles? We live in a society made up mostly of rabid consumers.  As soon as the advertising pros on Madison Avenue point them in a … Continue reading

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Few can deny the common sense behind preparing for something that is definitely going to happen, yet every year, an impending winter storm sends people rushing out to the store at the last minute, prepping for a blizzard that is due to hit in mere hours. Every winter, if you live in certain climates, blizzards are going to occur. Usually, at least one storm will hit that will cause you to be snowed in. Often, those storms mean you will also lose power. There is the inevitable rush to the store for milk and bread, during which people battle it … Continue reading

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Water is one of the most important survival topics around – it’s so important to me that I wrote an entire book about it. While we would love to be able to trust the liquid flowing from our faucets, anyone who pays even half-hearted attention to the news knows that we can no longer expect safety unless we confirm it ourselves. The EPA and Michigan’s Gov. Snyder have now added to the list of reasons that I have trust issues. Every day, new horrors are being uncovered in relation to the drinking water in Flint, Michigan. Residents of the city have … Continue reading

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If you were concerned about all of the sexual assaults by immigrants in Europe recently, worry no more. It’s just a game. The rape game. That shocking spree of sexual assaults on European women, perpetrated mainly by refugees and asylum seekers, is all  in the name of fun (and, you know, superiority and ethnic cleansing). Most of the attacks that have been reported in the international news have been gang rapes, with 5 or more attackers. The attacks have been shocking by the sheer numbers involved. The foremost repercussion has been division, not only in the communities where the assaults … Continue reading

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