Did you ever wonder why our country seems to be getting sicker by the year? Given the huge leaps in medical technology and the scientific discoveries made over the past decades, doesn’t it seem as though people in civilized countries would be leading longer, healthier lives? In reality, it’s just the opposite. Everyone is either sick themselves or knows someone who is sick. People are living sicker and dying younger right here in the Land of Opportunity. Chronic illness is now the norm instead of an oddity. A report from Johns Hopkins provides these alarming statistics: Today, 133 million people, almost half … Continue reading

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In a world that is becoming increasingly more dangerous, why don’t you start some new holiday traditions this year to take care of the ones you love? The gift of preparedness will be valuable well after the Christmas lights are taken down. In fact, some gentle nudges now might just save someone’s life later. Even if your friends and family aren’t on board with preparedness, many of these gifts will be welcomed as thoughtful and useful. It’s all about HOW you give the gift – you don’t want to shove your prepping lifestyle down anyone’s throat. Figure out what aspect … Continue reading

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By now, if you use any form of social media whatsoever, you’ve probably seen the scary “mass shootings map” published by PBS, leading people to believe that they live in a terrifying place and that strict gun control is the only answer. You’ve probably read some of the cries for gun control and the stat of “more than one mass shooting a day” happening in the US. To see this propaganda, you’d think that people walk around with Uzis, randomly opening fire all the time. But, you see, the map is BS. It’s a big old truckload of baloney sandwiches, … Continue reading

The post Carry Your Firearm at All Times appeared first on LewRockwell.

When horrible events happen, people want to know why. Why was a random group of people targeted to have their innocent day destroyed by violence and terror? Why did the culprit choose that group of victims, that day on the calendar, that specific location? And who? Who was the mastermind behind the event? Who were the members of the group that perpetrated the horror? This is always followed by the speculation that things are not as they have been presented to us.  Most people in the preparedness world have a very valid mistrust of the corporate-sponsored mainstream media. We look to … Continue reading

The post How To Survive a Terrorist Event appeared first on LewRockwell.

When you first start prepping you want everything RIGHT NOW. You look around your home and see nothing but shortcomings. You don’t have enough food, you don’t have a woodstove, you have no secondary water source…that’s it. You and your family are doomed. You feel a panicked urgency because you’ve learned just enough to know that you are NOT prepared.You know that there are all sorts of supplies that you need, but if you’re like most of us, you’re on a budget. Very few of us can afford to buy everything we need all at once. Here’s a guide Stop … Continue reading

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Many preparedness books (mine included) are full of lists that tell you what supplies you need to survive a coming zombie apocalypse, an epic climate change flash freeze, or a plain old everyday power outage. It’s rare that you find a book that allows you to use things you’d normally throw away for survival purposes. However, Prepper’s Survival Hacks by Jim Cobb is that rare exception to the preparedness book rule. You won’t find lists of extensive supplies or pricey gear.   Loaded with 50 do-it-yourself projects, this book has lists that read more like the contents of your trash can. … Continue reading

The post Survival Hacks appeared first on LewRockwell.

Be honest. When you think about a stockpile, the first thing that comes to mind is food, right? Preppers are well-known for having a stash of long-term food to sustain them through anything from a winter storm that leaves them stranded for a week to the end of the world, but there’s a lot more to a good stockpile than edible items.  Think about the things you use on a regular basis that you purchase from the store. Personal hygiene items, school supplies, cleaning supplies – the list goes on and on of consumable goods that you use without really … Continue reading

The post Stockpile These appeared first on LewRockwell.

The East Coast is bracing for a hurricane that may rival the ferocity of Superstorm Sandy. Hurricane Joaquin is expected to reach Category 4 proportions today, as it gains strength in the Bahamas. Current projections have it heading due north, and it’s predicted to make landfall in the US this weekend. If you happen to live in South Carolina, North Caroline, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts, you’re likely to get hit, particularly in the coastal regions. When you’re thinking about how to prepare for an event like this, it’s best to look back in … Continue reading

Our world of convenience has caused most Americans to lose touch with the work involved in food. Self-reliance takes a lot more than throwing some seeds on a patch of dirt and then magically being fed for a year. Grabbing a “quick” sandwich or bowl of cereal belies what it actually takes to procure those ingredients. We take a lot for granted. We don’t think about life without things like specialized supply purveyors, large-scale agriculture, cheap labor, machines for manufacturing, and the transportation system.  Very few people can imagine life without the accessibility provided to us by grocery stores and … Continue reading

When it hits the fan…I mean REALLY hits the fan in a permanent kind of way, the most likely outcome is death. That’s not pretty, and I’m well aware of it. I always try to be positive and optimistic, because for me, preparedness is the ultimate act of optimism, but sometimes we have to look at the numbers and face some things that are pretty terrifying. The first reality check is that some research says that only 3 million Americans are preppers.  That means that 315 million Americans are notpreppers. Some experts predict that within 30 days of the power going … Continue reading

If you aren’t already storing and conserving water, it is absolutely your top preparedness priority as our country suffers from the drought that has now reached epic proportions. Forget, for now, about the beans and rice – how are you going to cook them without any water? From a survival aspect, you absolutely must focus on a long-term source of water.  All of your best-laid plans will be for naught if you don’t have water rights on your property, a collection system for rainfall, and second and third sources to rely on, as well as reliable purification systems.  Safe municipal water (although with … Continue reading

I love growing my own vegetables. I spend many fulfilling hours outside every summer, tending to my plants, nurturing my soil, and babying things along, with the birds for music and a basket full of delicious organic food to show for it each day. Except this year. This year, my garden is a flop. Eaten by deer, killed by the heat It’s pretty embarrassing to admit on my own website that my garden is not doing diddly squat this year. I am normally pretty good at growing food (or just extraordinarily lucky) but this year, circumstances beyond my control have … Continue reading

There is a lot of debate on whether Wednesday’s computer issues that shut down the New York Stock Exchange, the Wall Street Journal, and United Airlines were just a very strange coincidence (very strange) or a deliberate cyber attack. This isn’t the first possible cyber attack on the United States this year. Heck, it’s not even the first one this summer. On June 5, Reuters reported a breach occurred that comprimised the personal information of millions of federal employees, both current and former. This breach was traced back to a “foreign entity or government.” Regardless of the origin of the … Continue reading

Facing the zombie apocalypse as a super-wealthy person sure is different than it is for the rest of us mere mortals. While most of us would be ecstatically happy with a homemade bunker on the back 40 of our property, these luxury bunker apartments in a little village in Germany take survival retreats to a whole new level. Originally, the 76 acre facility was built by the Soviets during the Cold War, for use as a military equipment storage facility, but due to regulations about the storage of ammunition, they were unable to continue with their plans. It was auctioned … Continue reading

I know it isn’t just me. Every prepper I know loves a good disaster flick.  Heck, it doesn’t even have to be that good for some of us to watch them.  We just enjoy sitting back and watching a fictional disaster unfold so that we can strategize how we would handle it, mock the hero for his or her poor decisions (you know, those dumb moves that a prepper would never make), and feel absolutely justified with regard to our lifestyle choices.  A movie is like the prepper version of a sporting event, where we can cheer, jeer, and scheme our ways … Continue reading