December 16, 2017 is the tenth anniversary of the modern Tea Party. That fact will surprise many laypersons who uncritically accept the mainstream narrative that the Tea Party began on February 19, 2009 when Rick Santelli, live on CNBC from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), declared a rebellion against “socialism” one month into the Obama administration. But wait a minute: Rick Santelli on establishment NBC lighting the spark of an anti-establishment rebellion? An uprising over mere proposed Obama bailouts of mortgage holders coming four months after silence over (if not a defense of) George W. Bush’s $700 billion TARP bailout of Wall Street? If … Continue reading

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In the wake of numerous cases of lead poisoning through Flint, Michigan’s government-managed water supply, some commentators immediately began looking for ways to blame the private sector. Shortly thereafter, David Brodwin of U.S. News and World Report wrote “Flint: The Big Cost of Small Government.” According to Brodwin, what caused lead-tainted water to gush forth from faucets in Flint were “attacks on investment in public infrastructure and on a regulation of all kinds.” For these, he blames “right-leaning libertarian interests,” although he does not name a single one. America, writes Brodwin, has fallen under an “obsession with tax cuts [which] … Continue reading

The post The Flint Water Disaster appeared first on LewRockwell.

Immigration as a political issue has exploded like a gushing fuel tanker lit up by a flaming road flare.  The conflagration, which began when Donald Trump entered the presidential race on June 16, has badly burned the U.S. establishment whose members are still trying to extinguish it. Intimidation tactics and boycotts not only went nowhere in forcing Trump to back down from his views, they ricocheted right back against his assailants.  Macy’s lost more customers than it gained and Fox News’ August 6 debate ambush of Trump ended up giving the network a black eye and Trump even more popular … Continue reading

NBC News’ Brian Williams became a national story last Thursday.  For readers not up to speed, the recent trouble began with a January 30 post on NBC Nightly News’ Facebook page.  Embedded in the post was a short video clip of Nightly News where Williams claimed that during the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, he was on board a helicopter that was forced to land in the desert because it was struck by a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG). This was not the story Williams related in 2003 where he stated that he rode in a helicopter behind the one hit by … Continue reading

Poor Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul Institute (RPI).  What did he do?  He posted a naughty article in which were written some Bad, Bad Things that even consenting adults apparently shouldn’t be allowed to read or discuss. The column, written by Paul Craig Roberts, asserted that the Charlie Hebdo shootings had the earmarks of a professional hit job and that the suspects Cherif and Said Kouachi could have been patsies. McAdams titled the article, “Charlie Hebdo Shootings: False Flag?”  This made it clear that no implied assertion was being made by McAdams or Ron Paul that the shootings were … Continue reading