Dear Friends of the Ron Paul Institute: RT America is a news organization operating in the United States that is funded at least partly by a foreign government. So is the BBC. So is Deutsche Welle, France24, Al-Jazeera, and numerous other foreign media organizations. It is assumed that they all to a degree reflect the editorial interests of those who pay the bills. The same is true with other, non-state funded media outlets, of course. It’s up to us to factor these things in when we consume media. That’s what it means to be a free people. A core value in a … Continue reading

The post The Un-American Attack appeared first on LewRockwell.

This may be one of the cruelest and most cynical moves of Washington in its entire dark “regime change Syria” chapter. Serbian media sources are reporting, based on quotes from US Embassy Belgrade personnel, that the United States has sought and been given assurances by the Serbian government and military that Serbian de-mining experts will not be deploying to Syria to assist in removing the ubiquitous horrific mines and other explosive devices left behind by a retreating ISIS. As the rout of ISIS forces continues in Syria, the civilian population begins returning to their homes and their lives that had … Continue reading

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Usually foreign analysts of the American political scene are either sycophantic or just annoying, but no one would dare say that about Aussie observer Caitlin Johnstone, whose punk rock style of cutting to the chase is as refreshing as it can be shocking (I am not a fan of the strong language, but I get it). Since President Trump’s “fire and fury” explosion yesterday Americans have to an unsettling degree once again rallied ’round the (false) flag of war propaganda. Today Ms. Johnstone provided a much-needed slap in the face to the mind-numbed masses once again clamoring for US bombs on … Continue reading

The post Only Morons Believe the US Empire appeared first on LewRockwell.

Last week I wrote an article and did an interview explaining that in my reading of the new Russia sanctions bill just signed by President Trump, there is a measure opening the door to a US government crackdown on some of the non-mainstream media. In particular, Section 221 of the “Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act” would punish “persons” who are “engaging in transactions with the intelligence or defense sectors of the Government of the Russian Federation.” At first one might think this is reading too much into the text, however as a twelve year Capitol Hill veteran bill-reader I can assure you that these bills are … Continue reading

The post Worried About Crazed Russophobia? appeared first on LewRockwell.

Despite vowing not to use depleted uranium (DU) weapons in its military action in Syria, the US government has now admitted that it has fired thousands of the deadly rounds into Syrian territory. As Foreign Policy Magazine reports: US Central Command (CENTCOM) spokesman Maj. Josh Jacques told Airwars and Foreign Policy that 5,265 armor-piercing 30 mm rounds containing depleted uranium (DU) were shot from Air Force A-10 fixed-wing aircraft on Nov. 16 and Nov. 22, 2015, destroying about 350 vehicles in the country’s eastern desert. Operation Inherent Resolve spokesman John Moore said in 2015 that: US and coalition aircraft have not … Continue reading

The post The Cancer of War Crimes appeared first on LewRockwell.

After a rancorous presidential campaign in which the Hillary Clinton team actually accused President-elect Donald Trump of being a Russian agent, a new tone is being set by the next US president. Russian president Vladimir Putin spoke by telephone this afternoon with the incoming Republican and both men agreed to work toward “constructive cooperation” between the US and Russia. According to the Kremlin website, the two agreed to “return to pragmatic, mutually beneficial cooperation, which would address the interests of both countries as well as stability and safety the world over.” It would not be unrealistic to see the removal of … Continue reading

The post Trump, Putin Speak on Telephone appeared first on LewRockwell.

Everywhere in the western world, printed newspapers are struggling to stay afloat. The old advertising-based model is no longer sustainable as more people turn to the Internet and alternative sources for their news and analysis. Hungary is no different. But some newspapers are equal than others, and sometimes when market forces determine that a Washington-favored newspaper overseas goes out of business it becomes a matter of “human rights” and “free expression.” That is the case in Hungary, where the former Communist Party organ’s demise this month has earned strong words of scorn from the US State Department. The newspaper Nepszabadsag … Continue reading

The post Ex-Hungarian Communist Party Newspaper Goes Broke appeared first on LewRockwell.

The two US Navy riverine command boats intercepted in Iranian territorial waters yesterday were sent on their way along with the crew of 10 US sailors after brief detention on Iranian soil. According to news reports, the well-armed warships either suffered mechanical or navigational difficulties which caused them to enter Iranian territory (although it may well have been a game of cat-and-mouse to test the Iranian response). The US sailors were apparently treated well, enjoyed what appeared a decent meal in relaxed surroundings, and in the end apologized for the mistake and praised their treatment by the Iranians. Thanks to … Continue reading

The post Neocons Stamping Their Little Feet appeared first on LewRockwell.

What is the greatest threat to the American people? In a new poll taken by the Gallup organization we learn that half the country sees its own government as most threatening to life and liberty. Another poll taken last year showed strong libertarian leanings among the young people of this country. Might this signal a turning point for the warfare-welfare state? Today’s Liberty Report takes a look at the trends:

Just the other day we wrote about a US House “suspension” bill that would give the Secretary of State the authority to cancel your passport if he decided that you had “aided” an organization that he rules is terrorist. There is no definition of what “aided” means, no chance to dispute the Secretary’s decision, no trial or presentation of evidence, and in fact any evidence the government has can be classified as secret so that you may not see it. In effect the Secretary of State can unilaterally consign you to internal exile and there is nothing you can do … Continue reading

Ron Paul has always said that US foreign policy is incredibly simple: do what we say and we will send you money; disobey and we will bomb you. While there is (fortunately) little threat of the US dropping bombs on Israel over that country’s hysterical opposition to the recently-agreed Iran deal, the carrot has just become even more gold plated. According to the New York Times, President Obama called Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu this week to promise him a massive increase in US military aid — from the current $3 billion per year to $4.5 billion — as bribe … Continue reading

Executive Director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity Daniel McAdams said that the US foreign policy establishment is in a state of denial about Crimea. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – Washington’s policy toward Crimea is a denial of reality on the ground, and it will remain as such in the near future, Executive Director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity Daniel McAdams told Sputnik. “The United States foreign policy establishment is in a state of denial about Crimea,” McAdams stated on Sunday. “What will that policy be in the foreseeable future? Denial of the political reality that a part of Ukraine did not accept an illegal, Washington-directed coup d’etat and instead … Continue reading

Writes Adam Dick @ the Ron Paul Institute: Ron Paul revealed Thursday that he is preparing for publication a new book he has written about war. Paul made the revelation at the conclusion of a wide-ranging foreign policy interview on the Scott Horton Show. The former US House member and presidential candidate discloses in the interview that his new book concerns the issue of war and is “written from a personal viewpoint.” Paul says the book addresses his experience as a child during World War II and the question “How did I become so antiwar?” The new book, the name … Continue reading

Well that didn’t take long. Just three days after the French government hosted dozens of foreign leaders in a “unity rally” to defend free speech in the wake of last week’s shooting at the Charlie Hebdo magazine, France has begun arresting its citizens for actually exercising free speech. According to news reports, more than 50 French citizens were arrested today and charged with offensive speech — the same kind of speech that was the trademark of of the Charlie Hebdo publication. None of those arrested were charged with links to terrorism or any real crime. Instead, they are facing up to seven … Continue reading