In a powerful new video interview, retired detective John Baeza shines a light on the darkness of our criminally unjust justice system. Before he was Ron Paul and Rand Paul’s head of security, John Baeza was a cop’s cop. Coming from a family tradition of public servants, Baeza started his career as a corrections officer in New York’s infamous Sing Sing prison. He later became an undercover narcotics detective in Manhattan during the height of the 80s crack craze. It was there that Baeza had a Road to Damascus experience: after almost losing his life in an undercover drug buy, … Continue reading

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Coinciding with the release of his new book 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sat down with me earlier this week in New York City to provide powerful new insights on the historical transition from sacrifice of others to self-sacrifice. We explored how to dismantle mob violence and defeat witch hunts; his response to his recent controversial interview with Channel 4’s Cathy Newman, and how the imitation of Christ can save our civilization. Along the way, Dr. Peterson engaged synergies between his own insights and the groundbreaking anthropological work of the late René Girard … Continue reading

The post Christ vs the Crowd appeared first on LewRockwell.

“The truth shall set you free.” – Jesus Christ The truth, as Jesus demonstrated, is not conceptual but perceptual. That is, it is embodied, not abstract knowledge. The truth can only be discovered through living life, not through mastering a mental precept about life. All life is lived in imitation of another. We imitate enemies, friends, coworkers, parents, spouses, children, fantasy characters. Why do so many people  you know get positively consumed with what the president says or does? It is because many of them are magnetically attracted to the presidential officeholder as an avatar in which they themselves subsume … Continue reading

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Human desire is a magnetic force. Whenever a person desires something, the desire takes hold of their whole being. Another person sees that person’s desire for an object as a kind of differentiating marker that appears wholly unlike what they themselves possess. This perceived essential differentiation of status attracts the second person to copy the desire of their model. As the second person’s desire draws him into coherence with the magnetic attraction of the first, a subtle shift occurs in their perception. The original differentiating marker, the object that occasioned the imitation, takes on the less apparent magnetic pull as … Continue reading

The post Splitting Our Baby in Half appeared first on LewRockwell.

In order for an ancient tribe to successfully eat or purge a scapegoat, the community first had to scandalize their target with a lying accusation—that the victim was guilty of high crimes against the very social order of the land. This is what is behind the envious mobs and the media priests’ daily work to tie Trump and any of his allies to rumors of “Russian hacking of the election.” The election ritual is the life of the state and its order. The established media and political hegemony are trying to stab as many pin pricks into Trump as possible … Continue reading

The post Anti-Russian Witch Hunts appeared first on LewRockwell.

The media continues to be an increasingly petty, insecure clique as it mimetically parrots its own echo chamber talking points against any person who challenges their preferred leftist-corporatist brand of state hegemony. Think of political ideologies like denominations of a religion. They agree on fundamental dogma, that the statist form of governance is self-evident and unquestioned in its necessity. But not all denominations are equally powerful and entrenched. The politically correct leftist denomination of the state continues to be the entrenched institutional religion of the state. Fortune 500 companies, Hollywood, music, academia, and the vast majority of media corporations continue … Continue reading

The post The Sacrifice of Tulsi Gabbard appeared first on LewRockwell.

In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God. And the Word was God. Go to any western liberal arts university class and you’ll hear the choir sing in refrain: Language constructs reality! Language constructs reality! Language constructs reality! . Wait, why are secular academics in the 21st century echoing the Gospel of John? It’s complicated. You see, a long time ago, according to John’s letter, God came to Earth as a man. But he didn’t show up as all socially-constructed religions had thus far imagined: instead of ruling with domination, violence, and vengeance, he offered unconditional … Continue reading

The post The West’s Deadly Speech Pathology appeared first on LewRockwell.

Ron Paul is the only major presidential candidate Christians could hire without sinning against Jesus in my lifetime. What I mean by “sin” is doing that which is against the imitation of Jesus. The word Christian means “Jesus imitator” or “follower.” If one hears what Jesus requires of his followers and does the opposite, that is sin or, in the Greek, “missing the mark” of Jesus’s model. When I speak of Ron Paul, I am not referring to his character here, but rather his stated platform for what he would do if hired to be the president of the United … Continue reading

The post Still the Only Christian Choice For President appeared first on LewRockwell.

So far, my recent essays have been dedicated to an anthropological analysis of the archaic sacrificial origins of the state. I’ve established that statist law is consecrated chaos as the voting crowd’s need for controlled violence against scapegoats spirals ever out of control with the criminalization of virtually every misfit act in our culture. I then explained how the earliest of our government systems frequently celebrated the inauguration of new cities, temples, and grand structures with the ritual sacrifice of humans in the cornerstones of said structures. I also linked this practice of sacred violence to ritual cannibalism. Along the … Continue reading

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