90% of stocks are owned by 10% of the people. Propping up stock prices is not crucial to the survival of the average man. The stratospheric heights of the stock market have been produced by the dispersal of unlimited credit to certain favored bankers who don’t have to obtain funds by hanging up a shingle with an interest rate that is high enough to entice savers to walk through the door.  A fire hose of money is pumped into their institutions which then park a lot of that money in the stock market either directly or through collateral beneficiaries of … Continue reading

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This is a synopsis of David Hathaway’s book “EMP Hoax” released in January, 2018. EMP has a lot of potential for years of taxpayer funded boondoggle technology. The single “definitive” event that purportedly proves that civilian infrastructure can be knocked out from a nuclear EMP is the “Hawaiian Street Light incident.” A government funded study supposedly proves an EMP cause for the incident. The ones who want to gin up fear usually point to this incident from the heyday of high-altitude nuclear blasts. Alleged Failure of Hawaiian Street Lights On the night of July 8, 1962, the “Starfish Prime” atomic … Continue reading

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Divisibility is one of the important qualities of money, but is it a good feature if you are continually dividing something that has no substance?  Where is the end in that? If bitcoin can be divided into eight digits to the right of the decimal and eight digits to the left of the decimal (as it is now), does it really even matter where we place the decimal?  We still wind up with a maximum of 2.1 quadrillion bitcoin thingies. Why not just a maximum of two possible bitcoins with 16 digits to the right of the decimal?  Or, 21 … Continue reading

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My son had an attack of appendicitis late Saturday night.  I knew that the Obamacare inflated prices for surgery in the U.S. would be ridiculous and that the service would likely be impersonal, involve long waits, and be nerve-wracking.  I have friends in the medical field so I inquired just for grins.  The price for the latest routine appendectomy in my area was, my jaw dropped, $43,000.  I read on-line that the average cost for an appendectomy in the U.S. is $33,000.   I am not near some of the great direct-pay medical facilities in the U.S. like the Surgery Center … Continue reading

The post Private Medical Care in Mexico appeared first on LewRockwell.

Brush up on these tips and you may be well on your way to being chiseled in marble. Write a theory of economics that glorifies state plunder. The state-run universities will then buy your book and make it required reading.  Grammar and logical foundation do not matter. Learn to scare people. Start a War and kill a million people. Put your picture on money. Put a bunch of people in prison. The reason doesn’t matter.  It can be for ethnic reasons, speaking out of turn, operating a business, or possessing a substance. Take a bunch of money from people and … Continue reading

The post How To Be Famous appeared first on LewRockwell.

When domestic “criminal justice” feds orchestrate, finance, and put into motion their dramas related to killing, bombing, and other organized crime, they do it for self-aggrandizement.  They rarely start out with a scheme to attribute their entire involvement to someone else—or to deny it completely.  An after-action strategy develops on-the-fly when things tragically turn out as they were planned.  The idea is to stop things before the paper bloodbath turns into a real one. Devise a gruesome heart-wrenching plan that will cement the state’s place in society as bogey-man repellent; pay for the hardware, the location, the transportation, and the … Continue reading

The post False Flag? appeared first on LewRockwell.

When you observe shootings; divorce; drug use; low savings rates; diminished work ethic; an increased focus on recreational pursuits; few or no offspring; disrespect within the family; personal mutilation; skimpy clothing; loud-mouthed arrogance; foul-mouthed internet culture; youtube skate-and-crash motifs; non-musical music; and diminished desire and ability to read, study and learn; you may think, why now? Why all at once? Do these things somehow relate to each other? How can they?  How can a shooting at a concert be related to the fact that millions of homes are affected by divorce or contain mongrel children from more than one father? … Continue reading

The post Cultural Erosion and Violence appeared first on LewRockwell.

We have all seen it. It is now all the rage to begin any commentary with the word “so.” Whether it be by a Facebook user or a talk-show interviewer, you must start with “so” if you want to be relevant. What is the actual purpose of the word “so?” It is just a little unassuming connecting word that makes it clear that the following comment is related to the preceding comment by the same speaker. Usually, it represents a conclusion resulting from a foundational premise. So, what previous phrase or thought is being connected when your Facebook “friend” says: … Continue reading

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When recalling notorious Mexican politicians, a string of populists, socialists, and fame-seeking warlords come to mind; each one elevated to worshipful status because of how they addressed a manufactured crisis. You know, because people of the plundering ilk write the official history books. It’s the same reason that people list the biggest thieves and warmongers as the “best” U.S. presidents.  Consequently, many have heard names like Benito Juarez, Pancho Villa, and Miguel Hidalgo. But, few have heard of Lucas Alamán. Benito Juarez is revered for ending the widespread church practice in Mexico of settling disputes amongst its members in private … Continue reading

The post Not Your Typical Mexican Politician appeared first on LewRockwell.

No, it’s not an Obama-phone. What’s the catch? Well, if you keep your monthly usage to 200 minutes of phone calls, 500 text messages, and 500 MB of data, there is no catch.  Never get a monthly bill.  No Spanish-American war tax. It really is free.  Zero dollars and zero cents.  And, you get to use the latest fancy-pants smartphones. Although I am not being paid to write this and Lew is not being paid to run it, I just have to point out to other liberty lovers another great outcome coming out of the somewhat free market. Freedompop.com is … Continue reading

The post Get Free Cell Phone Service appeared first on LewRockwell.

I continually hear the words freedom and liberty chanted around me and prominently displayed on American homes and vehicles and in social media, so I know this must be something important.  I’ve also noticed that individuals, groups, and political candidates that oppose government intrusion into our lives are treated as social pariahs, so we have to dig a bit deeper to see what this American Freedom actually is. It is a package deal that has primarily been assembled by neocons.  Mix together the various ingredients for the recipe and then add some red, white, and blue stuff that says “freedom” … Continue reading

(Part two. Continued from part one.) CIA cold war and hot war activity was coming to light for the first time and was falling into the crosshairs of Congress and the media.  Anti-communist arguments had been a sufficient rationale, up to this point, to conduct black ops in the foreign and domestic arena.  Not anymore.  This gold mine was being shut down.  The war against commies was no longer palatable to Congress or to the public. DEA Saves the Day for Disgraced Cold Warriors But the new three-letter agency, which was created by executive fiat on the exact same day … Continue reading

When the DEA is seen in a negative light by Americans, it is due almost entirely to the agency’s relatively small relationship to the domestic war on drugs. But, the reason for this agency coming into being was much broader than to knight a batch of domestic “narcs.”  The domestic aspect represented only one tentacle; the one that Americans see.  Actually, the lion’s share of investigative and “enforcement” work done in the domestic war on drugs is conducted by state and local officers.  They often act with federal funding and equipment and occasionally access federal prosecution with accompanying federal minimum … Continue reading

$121,097.  Every journeyman, non-supervisory, regular ordinary plain-Jane FBI agent with five years on the job and with no particular job specialty or unique pay enhancement (like flight pay, Sunday pay, scheduled overtime pay, hazardous duty pay, foreign COLA pay, post differential, night differential, housing allowance, danger pay, travel per diem,  temporary quarters allowances, or reimbursable undercover expenses), makes $121,097 if he works in the Washington, Baltimore, Maryland, or Northern Virginia area.  If he works in the San Francisco area, he makes $131,752.   If he works in Houston, he makes $125,475.  The differences are based on “locality pay” which is an … Continue reading

Of all the emails I get, the main recurring themes often involve questions about Latin America; and usually where to go for expatriation to flee oppression.  Latin America has totally fallen off the radar for American mass media news outlets.  But, the interest for ordinary Americans is growing.  You can get news if you go looking for it, but it is not fed to you continually as it is for other parts of the world.  If you get CNN Español on your satellite package or listen to it on XM radio, you will get sound bites of mostly state accommodating … Continue reading