‘Because today’s geoengineering operations seem to involve electromagnetic energy produced from ground-based antennas called “ionospheric heaters” or “Hertzian Antennas” or various types of radar, we should know more about this ubiquitous and (to most) mysterious energy. This article gives an overview of what electromagnetic energy is and how it manifests itself in our every day […]

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‘Did you see what just happened in China? For the second time in four days, a massive stock market crash has caused an emergency shutdown of the markets in China. On both Monday and Thursday, trading was suspended for 15 minutes when the CSI 300 fell 5 percent, and on both days the total decline […]

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‘Seoul has responded to Pyongyang’s nuclear test by restarting propaganda broadcasts across the border. The North has issued the highest alert level for the military and deployed artillery near loudspeakers. “If North Korea attacks the loudspeakers, we will immediately retaliate,” the South’s defense ministry official told Yonhap. South Korea deployed loudspeakers in August, after the […]

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‘The recent column by Pat Buchanan could not be more spot on. It slices through the misbegotten assumption that Saudi Arabia is our ally and that the safety and security of the citizens of Lincoln NE, Spokane WA and Springfield MA have anything to do with the religious and political machinations of Riyadh and its […]

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‘Theatrics in politics is nothing new, but this is just a little over-the-top, even for this entertainer-and-chief. During President Barack Obama’s landmark New Year’s TV address on ‘gun control’ he grew visibly emotional when invoking Newtown, Connecticut, with bountiful tears arriving in good measure. While right-wing commentators were incensed, left-wing media pundits were understandably blown […]

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‘In her 2013 book “The Body Language Of Liars,” behavioral analyst Lillian Glass wrote that psychopaths are really bad at crying: “When psychopaths cry, they will often wipe underneath each eye, one at a time. When people cry genuine tears they cry with both eyes, and so they will tend to wipe both eyes at […]

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‘According to preliminary reports, at least 46 people have been killed and another 100 injured after a blast ripped through a military training camp in the northwestern Libyan city of Zliten, Al Hadath news agency reported citing sources on Thursday. According to the news outlet, the target of the blast was the Coast Guard’s training […]

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‘Washington and Seoul are in talks over possible re-deployment of strategic nuclear arsenals and missile defense systems to the Korean peninsula, withdrawn from the region in the ‘90s. Beijing sees the move as a direct threat to China’s security. North Korea’s alleged hydrogen bomb test on Wednesday has pushed the militaries of South Korea and […]

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‘As reported on Natural News by David Gutierrez in October of 2014: “A field of unregulated genetically modified (GM) wheat has been discovered growing wild in Montana, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has announced. No varieties of GM wheat have been approved for cultivation in the United States, but this is the second plot […]

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‘Wild bees are disappearing in some of the nation’s most crucial agricultural areas – a phenomenon that may have devastating effects on crops such as blueberries, almonds and apples. That’s the conclusion of researchers at the University of Vermont’s Gund Institute for Ecological Economics, who have prepared the first national map of bee populations in […]

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‘The future of weaponry won’t necessarily involve higher capacity firearms, more advanced bombs or better fighter jets. It will encompass an entirely new realm of genetically-modified (GM) bioweapons that threaten to destroy the human brain and cause irreversible genetic-level damage to the planet. This is the prediction of Russia’s Ministry of Emergency Situations, which recently […]

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‘Ignoring the concerns of EU politicians and media freedom groups, the Polish president has secured government control of state radio and TV. The EU Commission has downplayed the move, asking that it not be “overdramatized”. The new amendment to the country’s media law, President Andrzej Duda believes, will make the media “impartial, objective and reliable.” […]

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‘The air was hazy from distant wildfires on August 29 when a gift arrived on the Northern Cheyenne reservation in southeast Montana. Carvers from the Lummi Tribe in Washington state brought a totem pole as a sign of support for those fighting the Otter Creek project, a proposed strip mine and rail spur on the […]

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