‘This beautiful little girl, an “ecological truth activist” named Kiara, recently got kicked out of a grocery store for daring to tell the truth. The video caption begins: “On December 28, 2015, Kiara and her papa were caught inside a local grocery store telling the truth about all the so-called food being sold there.” But […]

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‘To ruin something like that in an instant is to steal them of a dream.” “The group behind the guerrilla construction is Denver Homeless Out Loud (DHOL) — an activist collective that has been known for pushing the line on homeless rights issues. They’ve been dreaming, planning and building “Resurrection Village” for months. What they […]

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‘To ruin something like that in an instant is to steal them of a dream.” “The group behind the guerrilla construction is Denver Homeless Out Loud (DHOL) — an activist collective that has been known for pushing the line on homeless rights issues. They’ve been dreaming, planning and building “Resurrection Village” for months. What they […]

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‘One thing is for certain: The American political class – the self-anointed elite among us – is not merely well taken care of; they are pampered, much like the ruling class in 18th century England. Their healthcare is paid for, their pensions assured (even if they only serve a single term in office), their salaries […]

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‘In 2004, President Hugo Chavez prevented the planting of 500,000 acres of Monsanto’s genetically modified (GM) corn. Since then the Venezuelan farmers have been expressing strong feelings against growing or buying GM seeds. However, this didn’t stop big corporations from trying to push their transgenic crops through in times of economic and political disturbance. A […]

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‘A former nun of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate has spoken about the abuse she suffered in her convent. It included being branded with fire and made to write vows in blood, right down to being forced to self-flagellate and eat out-of-date food. The woman, who made the claims, is now in her 30s. […]

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  ‘It seems fitting that 2015 would end with yet another example of our justice system failing to hold police accountable for killing an unarmed African-American. The Tamir Rice case was especially poignant because the victim was only 12 years old. He was playing in the park with a toy gun — like millions of […]

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‘A California police officer was recently busted after driving 247 pounds of marijuana all the way across the country. Yuba County Deputy Christopher M. Heath was caught in York, Pennsylvania with a shipment of marijuana that was worth over $2 million. Heath was reportedly on vacation from his job at the Yuba County Police Department […]

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‘New instances of sexual abuse of minors by UN peacekeepers in the Central African Republic were reported by the UN in the latest series of child rape cases to hit the mission in the country. The UN peacekeeping mission to the Central African Republic (CAR) known as MINUSCA, said it was “investigating fresh allegations” of […]

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‘This is our second look at the work of Robert Stuart, concerning the BBC Panorama documentary Saving Syria’s Children. (go here for our first instalment). When did the alleged chemical attacks actually occur? Why do accounts of the timing differ so widely? And why did producer Darren Conway become defensive and incoherent when asked one […]

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‘After President François Hollande announced last month that France might deprive dual nationals convicted of terrorism or crimes against the state of French citizenship, the Socialist Party (PS) government is now considering extending that punishment to all French nationals. This would be a flagrant violation of international law. Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of […]

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‘This aggressive relic of the Cold War remains in force today, despite being condemned every year at the UN by the international community, even after Havana and Washington opened a new chapter in their bilateral relations December 17, 2014 The Apollo spacecraft landing on the moon, the lifting of the prohibition of alcohol in Mississippi […]

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‘Republican front-runner Donald Trump has threatened to pull out his £700 million investment in Scotland if he is banned from entering the United Kingdom. Trump Organization warned British authorities Wednesday that he will “immediately end these and all future investments we are currently contemplating in the United Kingdom” if a petition to ban him thrives […]

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