‘The UK’s insistence on opening up the UK to fracking is symptomatic of a deeper malaise, writes Paul Mobbs. Of course we need a change of government, but more than that, we need a deeper, enduring change of the nation’s governance if we are ever to effect the transition to sustainable policies on energy and […]

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‘The Department for Work and Pensions has admitted that people will see cash losses to their in-work benefits under the new universal credit system and suggested they could make up for it by working an extra 200 hours a year. In a new document on universal credit, published after parliament has broken up for Christmas, […]

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‘Afghan opium is being processed into high-grade heroin in clandestine Turkish drug labs for distribution in Europe and Russia, Russia’s anti-drug chief has revealed. The trafficking route was exposed after a joint Russian-Afghan anti-drug operation. “The cargo traveled through Badakhshan-Doshi-Bamiyan-Herat, then further through Iran and into Turkey, where the opium was processed in well-equipped laboratories…into […]

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‘The country recently approved a law that will ban the production, distribution, and importation of GM seeds. To protect heirloom seeds and organic farmers, the country of Venezuela, through its National Assembly, recently approved a law that will ban the production, distribution, and importation of GM seeds. According to the recently approved draft Seed Law, […]

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‘Terrorism experts and mainstream media pundits have spent the last few months since the Paris terror attacks speculating over what type of targets ISIS or their sympathizers would attempt to hit next. Although the exact nature of the next attack is obviously unknown, “experts” all agree that the most likely place for such an attack […]

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‘British Special Forces will be drafted in to guard home nation matches during the UEFA Euro 2016 football championship, after France invoked a rare EU treaty clause to gain extra protection during the tournament. The clause of the Lisbon Treaty, never previously used, states that countries can request assistance if they are facing armed aggression. […]

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‘Sometimes in the so-called war against drugs, bureaucrats who have a vested interest in protecting megacorporate financial interests (like, say, that of big pharmaceutical companies for example) do something that’s so completely ridiculous, it actually has the opposite effect and backfires. Big time. Meet “Stoner Sloth,” tagline “You’re worse on weed,” conceived by New South […]

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‘A gruesome discovery has been made in rural Arkansas: Some 60 dogs were brought to a tract of land, poisoned with sleeping pills and shot. Nearly all of the canines died. Six survivors had to be euthanized because their wounds were too severe to overcome. Two men from a lumber mill were looking at timber […]

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‘Turkish and Ukrainian media have reported that President Erdogan has met with two of the organizers of the so-called Crimean blockade. Earlier this week, another of the masterminds behind the failed ‘food’ and ‘electricity’ blockades promised that the radicals would organize a ‘naval blockade’. Is a provocation imminent? What will Turkey’s role be? On Thursday, […]

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‘Well, it seems as if The Donald has been summoned by the Kingmaker himself, Mr. Sheldon Adelson. Yes, that kind old man who just loves to be involved in “the process” of choosing who gets into power in America. No doubt Adelson called The Donald in for a debriefing on how Trump feels about Israel, […]

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‘The Washington Post offers readers a chance to watch impoverished children taunted with a cruel choice. In America, as a rule, we shame the poor, ignore the poor, blame the poor for being poor, mock the poor and do little to nothing to protect the poor. Increasingly, however, a new trend has emerged: using the […]

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  ‘Take a good long look at the photo above. Stephanie Hughes, the student pictured in the photo, was sent home by her school because the outfit she is wearing was deemed “too revealing.” Yes, folks, school is back in session and Bad Dress Code Policy Season is once again upon us! Stephanie is a […]

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‘GOP presidential candidate Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)38% is suspending his presidential campaign, after failing to gain any traction or gain any support–even in his home state of South Carolina, the first primary in the south. According to RealClearPolitics South Carolina polling averages, Graham barely cracked a single percent in his home state that he’s represented in […]

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‘“Dr. Hognose Detrick of the US Biological Warfare Group waddled into a meeting room, where a collection of Army, CIA, NSA, and HS representatives sat quietly in their chairs. He said: ‘So I understand you boys want to put on a little domestic bioterror show, to keep the natives from becoming too restless. Well, the […]

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