The collapse of the financial system can no longer be hidden from the populations of Europe and the US. The bankers have panicked — expanding QE money printing, negative interest rates, banks buying their own stock to maintain an appearance of solvency, and talk of “helicopter money,” as if money was the problem. It is not about money, but about the collapse of the real economy. The suicide rate among formerly employed skilled workers is not about money – it is that they have been pushed aside by a satanic policy which cares only about money, not human beings.

And yet most people accept it, out of fear — fear that the FBI and the NSA will “catch them” if they speak out, if they speak about the obvious reality. The US and Europe are declining, dying, while China and Russia are growing, placing value on their populations and the populations of the world, going to space while Obama shuts down NASA, building railroads around the world while Obama shuts them down, expanding education while Obama legalizes drugs.

The death of America’s culture is no better expressed than by the fact that the Obama Administration presented a “Friend of the Court” brief in a case brought by Colorado’s neighboring states to stop Colorado’s legalization of marijuana, which is making it impossible to contain the drugs flowing over the border. The largest heroin epidemic in American history, which is now affecting every single county in the nation, stems directly from the legalization of drug trafficking —since the pot networks are the same as those spreading heroin and cocaine. Drug pusher George Soros was delighted when the Supreme Court today went along with Obama’s drug pushing and refused to hear the case against Colorado’s drug policy.

The head of India’s central bank, Raghuram Rajan, today warned that the world is in an “increasingly dangerous situation” from the actions of western bankers’ printing of money while their physical economies collapse. Rajan argued,

The international community has a choice. We can pretend all is well with the global monetary non-system and hope that nothing goes spectacularly wrong. Or we can start building a system fit for the integrated world of the 21st century.

In the eyes of Wall Street and the City of London, who know full well that their financial empire is crumbling, the only answer is war, to break up the “threat” to their power from China and the BRICS nations. Thus the populations of the US and Europe are force-fed a daily dose of hysteria about “Russian aggression” and “Chinese aggression,” desperately trying to keep the population from seeing the reality of the new paradigm based on science, development and human progress centered in China and Russia. Even while Americans hate their president and are disgusted by the clown show called the presidential election, they fail to understand why 80% of the Russian people support Vladimir Putin and over 90% of the Chinese support Xi Jinping.

There is a reason. It is based on giving the population a sense of a future, in a mission which encompasses progress for all of mankind — a vision which was once known as the American System. It must be revived in the West, to replace the dead system of money and the dying culture. Every citizen not only has a stake in that mission, but has a responsibility to bring it about.

The collapse of the financial systems of the trans-Atlantic countries is close. It was just signaled in the announcement by the European Central Bank head, that it is now studying dropping “helicopter money” into bank accounts all over Europe; and in the German Central Bank chief’s explosive public freakout against this hyperinflation plan. The central banks have tried every form of bailout for seven years, and the financial systems have reached the edge of a thorough collapse.

The nations now have to change policy dramatically and immediately, to save their economies and people from Wall Street’s and the City of London’s collapse.

And only one direction of change will succeed: to policies modeled on those of President Franklin Roosevelt — shutting down Wall Street’s casinos, issuing national productive credit — but coordinated globally.

To do this, the leadership can come only from Asia: from China, Russia, and India.

China is building land-bridges across Eurasia into collapsed Europe, and perhaps even into the United States across the Bering Strait. Within two years, that nation plans to have spacecraft landed on the far side of the Moon, observing and studying the universe in ways never before possible on Earth or in orbit. It and India are now the world’s most dynamic space faring nations.

China’s “new Silk Road” policy of issuing credit and building continent-spanning bridges of new economic infrastructure, may also be on the verge of bringing economic development to the Mideast and North Africa. This is the basis for lasting peace and stability. Driving the New Silk Road development through the Mideast and North Africa, making war on the desert, is the only development perspective for that entire region. And it is the only basis for reversing Europe’s “refugee crisis.”

Vladimir Putin’s Syria initiative has reversed the direction of Mideast affairs, toward negotiated peace and stability, for the first time since George W. Bush’s disastrous war on Iraq.

This is leadership.

The tiny force active in catalyzing this leadership has been LaRouchePAC and the Schiller Institute. Over 30 years, Lyndon and Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s “Eurasian Land-Bridge” policy became China’s policy, particularly toward Russia and India. In a breakthrough last week in Cairo, it publicly became Egypt’s policy, through a conference keynoted by Schiller Institute representative Hussein Askary and Egypt’s transportation ministry.

In crucial conferences March 23 in Frankfurt, and April 7 in New York City, this policy will be put to European nations and the United States: Join the new Silk Road, take the leadership of Asia and cooperate with it, or go into hopeless bankruptcy. Everything depends on the success of these events.

The western world was stunned on Monday when President Vladimir Putin announced the beginning of a pull-out of Russia’s military forces in Syria — as suddenly and unexpectedly as he began the intervention last September. But the surprise in the West comes not from Putin, but from the fact that almost no one in the West understands how Putin thinks. He is perhaps the greatest strategic thinker since Gen. Douglas MacArthur, a quality of thinking, from the future, which is sorely lacking in the US and Europe today.

Putin, speaking on international TV Monday with his Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu, declared that the mission had been largely accomplished, that the terrorist offensive against the Syrian state had been crushed and was being rolled back – a major victory against terrorism internationally. He noted that his western friends had been uninterested in peace talks while the terrorist forces they were supporting were winning, but now had come around to join the peace effort. He made clear that the Russian support for the Syrian army against ISIS and al Nusra would continue — an effort which the competent leaders within the US military and foreign service are supporting.

Several political and military sources have informed EIR that there are intense discussions proceeding behind the scenes, along the lines of the Kerry-Lavrov collaboration, which will be revealed in the coming days.

Lyndon LaRouche pointed out today that this successful flanking operation by Putin in Syria, exposing Obama’s support for terrorists through his friends in Turkey and Saudi Arabia, has stymied the British Empire apparatus internationally, helping Putin’s friends elsewhere to stand up for their strategic interests — especially Xi Jinping in China. The Chinese are now preparing a program to tax speculative financial transactions — not to make money, but to curb the speculators. Hedge funds will be required to demonstrate that hedges and currency transactions are based on real trade or investments, not for speculative purposes — and this has sent the speculators into conniptions.

Why are Americans tolerating the destruction of their economy, the perpetual war policy, and an election campaign which is far worse, and more dangerous, than a clown show? Look to the belief in money — the measure of all things by monetary values and mathematical formulas, rather than by the progress of the real economy and human society. The US and European and Japanese economies are awash with liquidity, with money, but it is all fictitious. The real economy is in free fall — infrastructure decay, industrial collapse, mass unemployment — which is driving ever larger numbers of working people to suicide, thorough drugs or otherwise.

China and Russia and India have built a new paradigm, through the BRICS, the AIIB, and the New Silk Road, based on principles once embraced by Americans as their own. Americans, and Europeans, must once again embrace the concept of a common goal for mankind, based on the successful advance of mankind as a whole, or watch the current imperial rulers of the West lead the world to Hell.

The western world was stunned on Monday when President Vladimir Putin announced the beginning of a pull-out of Russia’s military forces in Syria — as suddenly and unexpectedly as he began the intervention last September. But the surprise in the West comes not from Putin, but from the fact that almost no one in the West understands how Putin thinks. He is perhaps the greatest strategic thinker since Gen. Douglas MacArthur, a quality of thinking, from the future, which is sorely lacking in the US and Europe today.

Putin, speaking on international TV Monday with his Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu, declared that the mission had been largely accomplished, that the terrorist offensive against the Syrian state had been crushed and was being rolled back – a major victory against terrorism internationally. He noted that his western friends had been uninterested in peace talks while the terrorist forces they were supporting were winning, but now had come around to join the peace effort. He made clear that the Russian support for the Syrian army against ISIS and al Nusra would continue — an effort which the competent leaders within the US military and foreign service are supporting.

Several political and military sources have informed EIR that there are intense discussions proceeding behind the scenes, along the lines of the Kerry-Lavrov collaboration, which will be revealed in the coming days.

Lyndon LaRouche pointed out today that this successful flanking operation by Putin in Syria, exposing Obama’s support for terrorists through his friends in Turkey and Saudi Arabia, has stymied the British Empire apparatus internationally, helping Putin’s friends elsewhere to stand up for their strategic interests — especially Xi Jinping in China. The Chinese are now preparing a program to tax speculative financial transactions — not to make money, but to curb the speculators. Hedge funds will be required to demonstrate that hedges and currency transactions are based on real trade or investments, not for speculative purposes — and this has sent the speculators into conniptions.

Why are Americans tolerating the destruction of their economy, the perpetual war policy, and an election campaign which is far worse, and more dangerous, than a clown show? Look to the belief in money — the measure of all things by monetary values and mathematical formulas, rather than by the progress of the real economy and human society. The US and European and Japanese economies are awash with liquidity, with money, but it is all fictitious. The real economy is in free fall — infrastructure decay, industrial collapse, mass unemployment — which is driving ever larger numbers of working people to suicide, thorough drugs or otherwise.

China and Russia and India have built a new paradigm, through the BRICS, the AIIB, and the New Silk Road, based on principles once embraced by Americans as their own. Americans, and Europeans, must once again embrace the concept of a common goal for mankind, based on the successful advance of mankind as a whole, or watch the current imperial rulers of the West lead the world to Hell.

China’s Global Times newspaper today published an insightful look from afar at the threatened collapse of certain American institutions, and the eruption of mass support for a Mussolini-like candidate for President erupting, the paper noted, from economic decline.

Trump’s supporters are mostly lower-class whites, and they lost a lot after the 2008 financial crisis. The U.S. used to have the largest and most stable middle class in the Western world, but many are going down. That’s when Trump emerged. Big-mouthed, anti-traditional, abusively forthright, he is a perfect populist that could easily provoke the public…He has even been called another Benito Mussolini or Adolf Hitler by some Western media…The U.S. faces the prospect of an institutional failure, which might be triggered by a growing mass of real-life problems.

The same thing is happening across Europe, with spreading extreme-right voting patterns, as again this weekend when the Alternative fuer Deutschland party shot to 15-20% in state elections after its leader threatened to shoot immigrants on sight. The AfD vote virtually equaled the real unemployment rate in state after state.

We are, in fact, in a breakdown of institutions in the United States and Europe. It is coming after 15 years’ economic stagnation, mass unemployment and loss of income, and a whole series of terrible wars started by Bush and Obama, and those lightly-armed but furious warriors, Cameron of UK and Hollande of France. There have been so many of these mass-killer wars that the latest one, with Obama, Cameron, and Hollande aiding Saudi Arabia in destroying Yemen, hardly gets mentioned in most media.

Obama can be impeached for these unconstitutional wars alone.

But worse than the loss of respect for any institution, the mission of the United States and its citizens at the frontiers of technological progress was killed by Obama when he ended the lunar and deep space exploration plans of NASA.

Rebuilding the NASA programs — mobilizing Americans’ creativity to revive the United States’ space exploration future is the central force to reverse this collapse. The economic means are those proven by President Franklin Roosevelt, to deal with Wall Street, and provide national credit for recovery. But the greater goal is to have that mission again, the future of humanity in space.

A leader in restoring that mission to the nation, is LaRouche Democratic Kesha Rogers of Texas, who identifies it as the one sure way to reverse the economic collapse China’s Global Times sees. And she calls for doing so in cooperation, particularly, with China, now the nation advancing most rapidly in space as in infrastructure-building on planet Earth.

The alternative news website, today reports, citing the Beijing Times, that “China is considering building high-speed rail line from Beijing to the United States. The entire trip would take two days and run through Siberia. China is c…