‘Peter Konstantinov Deunov, also known as Beinsa Douno, born in 1886 and who later passed away in 1944, left a prophecy that he had obtained through a trance based state. The prophecy was therefore dated as 1944, a few days before his death in December that year. The prophecy Beinsa Douno left fits right into […]

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‘About 60 percent of Scots think that Scotland should be independent from the United Kingdom if Britain leaves the European Union, a STV News poll reveled Wednesday. The poll results suggest that some 62 percent would support the UK remaining in the bloc in a referendum, with 26 percent supporting Brexit, while 12 percent are […]

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‘President Barack Obama said Thursday that “strange things” can happen in politics when voters are scared and that the angst people are feeling across the country is finding voice in both the Republican and Democratic parties. “We have to listen to that,” Obama said at a Democratic Party fundraiser at the San Francisco-area home of […]

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‘The self-described ‘most transparent administration in history’ declined to say how much it seeks to bill taxpayers for individual spy agencies as part of President Barack Obama’s final budget request to Congress. Disclosing any agency-specific information — such as whether the controversial National Security Agency or lesser-known National Reconnaissance Office won backing for a raise […]

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‘The Coalition government in Canberra has made clear it will do nothing to assist six Australian children trapped in the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)-held Syrian city of Raqqa, which is being bombarded by the US and its allies, including Australia. Leading ministers have dismissed calls to help the children, aged eight months, […]

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‘A MiG-23 fighter of Libya’s internationally recognised government has been shot down as it carried out air strikes on opposition positions in the coastal city of Benghazi, the military said. Nasser el-Hassi, spokesman for the government’s forces, told AFP news agency the plane was ‘shot down in Qaryunes, northwest Benghazi, as it bombed’ targets on […]

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‘Yesterday the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) corrected an error that it made in projecting the share of earnings that will be replaced by Social Security for those nearing retirement. In a report published last fall, CBO projected that for people born in the 1960s, the annual Social Security benefit for those retiring at age 65, […]

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‘Let me figure this out. Last year, the Clintons couldn’t believe their good fortune. They were going to face a “democratic socialist” from the marginal state of Vermont and cruise to victory. It would be a romp, with Hillary winning the primaries and then going full mainstream against a reactionary, out of touch Republican opponent […]

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‘The fire and police chiefs of Flint resigned on Friday in what the Michigan city’s mayor, Karen Weaver, called a first step in restructuring operations as it struggles to cope with dangerous levels of lead in its drinking water. ‘Mayor Weaver has determined the city needs fresh faces in place with new ideas to help […]

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‘An artist’s passion is a passion to be reckoned with. From poets to painters to musicians, artists of all sorts are driven by an undying love for creation and the expression of their own imaginations. Through chord progressions, colors, shapes, and beautifully placed words, artists have the power to make us leap with joy, fall […]

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‘Monsanto has a vision alright, and it isn’t one anyone should be proud of. While it seems that Purcell sincerely believes that what Monsanto is doing is beneficial for the world, we simply can’t ignore the massive downfalls Monsanto played a key part in materializing.’ Read more: Monsanto Technology Lead Says ‘We are Proud of What […]

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‘Ted Nugent’s Facebook post features Israeli flags on a collage of the faces of 12 prominent Jewish Americans, and asks, ‘o who is really behind gun control?’ Thousands shared Nugent’s Feb. 8 post that calls those pictured, former U.S. Senator Carl Levin among them, ‘punks’ and says ‘they hate freedom.” Read more: Rocker Ted Nugent replies […]

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‘Anti-fracking campaigners occupied branches of Barclays bank in five British cities yesterday. Sit-ins took place in London, Leeds, Sheffield, Lancaster and Oxford, forcing staff to close the branches and turn customers away. Campaigners are calling on the bank to cancel its £1.2 billion of investments in ‘extreme energy’ producers.’ Read more: Anti-fracking protests target Barclays

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‘The backlash against Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt’s imposition of new contracts for junior doctors refused to abate yesterday as hospital bosses rejected his claim they supported the move. Twenty English NHS health trust bosses’ names were on a letter from chief negotiator David Dalton advising the government to do “whatever it deems necessary” to break […]

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‘A New York City charter school network was on the defensive on Friday after video came to light showing a teacher loudly punishing a student for missing a math problem. The footage, which was published by the New York Times, captures Charlotte Dial’s outburst during a 2014 incident at a Success Academy campus in Brooklyn.’ […]

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