‘A controversial genetic technology able to wipe out the mosquito carrying the Zika virus will be available within months, scientists say. The technology, called a ‘gene drive,’ was demonstrated only last year in yeast cells, fruit flies, and a species of mosquito that transmits malaria. It uses the gene-snipping technology CRISPR to force a genetic […]

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‘The latest act of political terrorism on the illusory world stage is yet another alleged disease epidemic – this time the “Zika Virus,” which officials are warning (just like they did with Ebola) might turn into a global pandemic. And the martial law pandemonium has already begun in Brazil, where government officials have now declared […]

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‘British military aircraft are already operating over Libya, preempting any formal decision by a national unity government on a repeat of 2011’s foreign intervention, it has emerged. During a session of the Foreign Affairs Committee on the situation in Libya held Tuesday, Tory Middle East minister Tobias Ellwood said missions are already being flown. Ellwood […]

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‘In an angry tirade starting with “Ey America!” Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused Washington of causing the bloodbath in Syria by not recognizing the Kurdish forces fighting against Islamic State in the region as terrorists. Bringing a new level of pressure to bear on its NATO ally, the Turkish president questioned Washington’s commitment as […]

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‘An inquiry into police handling of historic sex abuse allegations will be launched and led by a retired judge, the Metropolitan Police has announced, amid claims the service has failed to examine claims thoroughly. The review, led by Sir Richard Henriques, will investigate ways the police can avoid perpetrating “witch hunts” against innocent public figures, […]

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‘A plan by David Cameron to win the support of Boris Johnson in the EU referendum by asserting the sovereignty of parliament risks turning into a “pointless” gesture, the former attorney general, Dominic Grieve, has warned. As the London mayor keeps the Conservative party guessing about his plans, Grieve said that any attempt by an […]

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‘David Cameron was accused of betraying steel workers yesterday after Britain blocked an attempt to impose tougher sanctions to stop the Chinese dumping cut-price imports. The European Commission wanted to increase the tariffs on Chinese imports to help the struggling steel industry. But the UK government was the “ringleader” in stopping Brussels from increasing the […]

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‘George Osborne has been warned by the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) that his Fiscal Charter will require him to impose even more painful austerity measures on British citizens. Weak growth and forecasting over-optimistic tax receipts could force the government to make “sharp adjustments” in public spending, in order to hit the deadline. But the […]

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‘MPs are set to receive a salary boost of almost £1,000 after the independent parliamentary pay watchdog recommended another rise – the second in one year. The £952 (US$1,376) increase comes just nine months after the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) signed off a controversial 10 percent pay hike. This latest salary rise will see […]

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James Clapper has made it clear that the internet of things and the rollout of domestic technology will be used by the government for surveillance purposes, with the majority of the population being totally unaware of the capabilities of the intelligence agencies in this area. Read more: Smart home devices will be used by US government […]

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‘Shortly after Joe Davidson moved into his Cincinnati apartment, he noticed his joints were achy and he wasn’t sleeping well. Then he needed two root canals. Davidson is among a small but outspoken group of people who say the radio frequencies coming from so-called smart meters installed in their homes are making them sick. The […]

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‘Political correctness is a Rothschild invention of language control. Like Orwellian Newspeak in 1984, its ultimate aim is to reduce the scope of free thought. Political correctness is language control. And language control is thought control. Period. The rise of modern political correctness (PC) is a great example of the cunning way in which social […]

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‘In a world where governments are blowing up children with drones and calling them collateral damage in phony terror wars on a daily basis, social engineering has turned average people into walking arguments that the film Idiocracy was actually a documentary, busily wasting their time fretting over how offensive otherwise innocuous words are. Human beings […]

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‘There is a simple reason why science has a very naive understanding of ourselves and our universe. It can only discover correlations, not causation. It does not have a concept of quantum measurements. It has no tools to measure quantum fields. Since everything in the universe happens at a quantum level, science as we know […]

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