‘Thousands of Nigerian workers have taken to the streets in the country’s capital to express their anger at a 45-percent increase in electricity prices. The tariff hike in electricity prices, which came into effect on February 1, prompted some 3,000 Nigerian workers to stage a protest in the capital, Abuja, on Monday. The protesters slammed […]

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‘An Iraqi army official says thousands of soldiers are being deployed to an army base in northern Iraq in order to prepare for retaking Mosul from Daesh Takfiri militants. “Units from the Iraqi army have begun arriving to [at]a military base near the Makhmur district to start launching initial military operations toward Mosul,” the official […]

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‘The controversial practice of gay “conversion therapy” faces a funding ban in the US state of New York. Shortly before receiving the “National Equality Award” at the Human Rights Campaign’s (HRC) gala Saturday night, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced his plan for new laws to prohibit public and private healthcare insurers from funding the practice for […]

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‘A newly leaked report has revealed that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had threatened EU leaders with a flood of refugees unless Ankara was offered better funding to deal with the ongoing crisis. On Monday, the euro2day.gr financial news website published what it claimed to be minutes of a November meeting between Erdogan, European Commission […]

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‘The US Department of Defense says it is planning to deploy an advanced missile system to South Korea “as quickly as possible” to counter the growing threat of Pyongyang’s weapons capabilities. The Pentagon confirmed on Monday that it will start formal talks with Seoul on placing the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense System (THAAD) on […]

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Look at the trans-Atlantic financial system. Reports from Europe and the US today reveal a financial system which is dead, with puppet masters pulling strings attached to the corpse, to make it appear to be alive. More quantitative easing, negative interest rates, a single European-wide Finance Ministry to remove any remaining economic sovereignty from the member nations — all simply trying to make the mass of worthless derivative debts appear to have some value, when they have none.

Look at the military situation. Obama’s closest allies in the Mideast, the would-be Sultan Erdogan and the feudal potentate King Salman, planning an invasion of Syria on behalf of their British controllers, frantically trying to stop the drive to victory against terrorism being carried out by the rejuvenated Syrian Army with Russian air support. The Turks last supply line into their al-Nusra and ISIS assets is nearly closed off as the government moves to liberate Allepo.

Look at the cultural collapse in the US and Europe. The greatest heroin epidemic in history is sweeping the United States, while President Obama is orchestrating an agreement with the world’s leading supplier of cocaine, heroin and marijuana — the FARC narco-terrorists in Colombia — while also legalizing drugs across the United States.

Lyndon LaRouche today made the point that the trans-Atlantic nations of the 21st Century are in the same situation as Europe in the 5th Century, with the collapse of the Roman Empire, leaving death and destruction in its wake.

Fortunately, there is a new paradigm in the world, contrary to the dying British Empire. Under China’s and Russia’s leadership, working with the BRICS and most of the nations of the developing sector, this new paradigm offers a path to escape the descent into economic hell and thermonuclear war – if the nations of the west choose to learn from them. While Obama has shut down America’s once great space program, China is building a capacity to colonize the Moon and reach out to Mars, calling on all the nations of the world to collaborate. While Obama and the British wage wars of destruction across Southwest Asia, China brings the New Silk Road development perspective as the basis for a true peace.

While Russia is facing down the terrorist scourge created by the British/Obama regime-change wars, Russia itself is threatened from without and from within. Sergei Glazyev, one of Putin’s leading advisers, has openly challenged the monetarists at the Russian Central Bank and their supporters for failing to defend the national currency, and adopting the policies demanded by the City of London — even charging that the foreign exchange market is in the hands of foreign speculators. Glazyev wisely calls on Russia to follow the Chinese model.

Will the people of the US and Europe be as wise? It is a question of creativity, LaRouche argued today. The failure of the west is not due to Mankind’s nature, but due to his corruption. Creativity is expressed in the process of awakening creativity in others, in carrying forth man’s true mission, in each generation — to create a new state of the universe. If people can be brought to recognize the reality that the world is careening into chaos and thermonuclear war in front of our eyes, then they will be capable of clearing out the killer in the White House, shutting down the speculators on Wall Street, and joining with the BRICS in building a new world order based on the common aims of Mankind.

‘Riled by a meeting between a US official and members of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), which controls the Syrian town of Kobane, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has told Washington to choose between Turkey and, as he put it, the “terrorists.” A delegation featuring Brett McGurk, the United States’ envoy to the coalition […]

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‘Russia’s Defense Ministry has slammed NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg, labeling as ‘nonsense’ his comments that the Russian air operation in Syria is causing tensions and undermining the peace process in the country. The NATO Secretary General made the controversial statement on Friday when he arrived at the EU defense ministers meeting in Amsterdam. “The intense […]

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‘Danger exists that Saudi Arabia and Turkey will provide support to armed groupings fighting against the government troops of Syrian President Bashar Assad if these two countries launch a ground operation against the Islamic State terrorist organization on the territory of Syria, experts polled by TASS said on Friday. On Thursday, a day after the […]

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‘Informed sources revealed that Riyadh is holding training courses for 150,000 Saudi, Sudanese, Egyptian and Jordanian forces to prepare them for war in Syria. The Saudi sources told the CNN channel that the 150,000-strong army is now stationed in Saudi Arabia and will soon be dispatched to Syria. They also said that Morocco, Turkey, Bahrain, […]

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  ‘David Cameron is deciding whether to ask the UK if he can wage another war, this time in Libya. His deliberation over military intervention in the country, comes just a couple of months after the heated vote in parliament on Cameron’s request for airstrikes in Syria. That deeply contested win for the prime minister […]

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‘It’s been hundreds of years since Britain worried about a Napoleonic invasion – and now it’s done a complete about-turn, voluntarily inviting a Frenchman to help lead its army. France is reciprocating the move, welcoming a British officer into its military. The British Ministry of Defence has confirmed that the French brigadier-general, whose name has […]

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MPs will use human rights laws this week to prevent politicians being named the House of Commons after their arrest. The news came after The Telegraph disclosed that four MPs had been secretly referred to the police for investigation by the expenses watchdog over the past year. A fifth MP was referred by a member […]

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