‘The BBC have been looking for an analyst to join their “specialist jihadist media team”. The public broadcaster shared the opening on its recruitment office’s Twitter account, but deleted the tweet soon after. While they may have deleted the tweet because the application for the position had expired, a tweet advertising the role on their […]

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‘Britain’s terror watchdog has demanded the government review its controversial de-radicalization program Prevent, arguing it is discriminatory, ineffective, sows seeds of mistrust and lacks transparency. Under the program, schools are obliged to decipher and report signs of radicalization in pupils, a measure that has angered many Muslims. In a written statement to the Home Affairs […]

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‘The ‘mass privatisation’ of health services in Staffordshire has been shelved, leaving David Cameron’s plans to sell-off the NHS in tatters. Health bosses pulled the plug on two major contracts worth £1.2 billion after the running costs of a similar £800 million deal to privatise elderly care in Cambridgeshire spiraled out of control within just […]

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‘A total of 84,000 EU migrant families on tax credits would have been affected by David Cameron’s “emergency brake” if it had been introduced four years ago, official figures reveal. The number – released by HMRC six months after it was first requested by the Guardian – appears far smaller than had been suggested by […]

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‘While preparing for his role in the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz, actor Frank Morgan decided against using the costume offered him by the studio for his role as the traveling salesman Professor Marvel, opting instead to select his own wardrobe for the part. Searching through the racks of second-hand clothes assembled over the […]

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‘A prominent professor has demanded that children in Germany be made to take mandatory Arabic lessons in order to help the millions of Muslim migrants pouring into the country. Computer science professor Thomas Strothotte writes that Arabic should be a “compulsory” lesson for kids so that Germany can, “be a country of immigration and a […]

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‘Anyone wondering why the rest of the world sees the US administration as insane — or worse — need only spend a few minutes watching a daily briefing from the White House or especially the US State Department. These are not endeavors by intelligent and rational representatives of the US government to help explain US […]

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‘Disgraced former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn has been appointed to the supervisory board of a bank owned by Ukraine’s second richest businessman Viktor Pinchuk. Kiev’s Kredit-Dnipro Bank said the decision to accept Strauss-Kahn and five others to the advisory body was taken on Monday and goes into immediate effect. It added that Strauss-Kahn would serve […]

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‘A federal jury has awarded $15 million in damages to an off-duty NYPD officer who was beaten up and pepper-sprayed inside his own home by fellow cops. His lawyer said the ex-officer was mistaken for an offender due to racial bias. Larry Jackson, a 45-year-old black off-duty police officer, was holding his daughter’s birthday party […]

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‘If there are two spectacles that are almost guaranteed to render Americans passive viewers, incapable of doing little more than cheering on their respective teams, it’s football and politics—specifically, the Super Bowl and the quadrennial presidential election. Both football and politics encourage zealous devotion among their followers, both create manufactured divisions that alienate one group […]

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‘John Cleese, one of the funniest people to ever walk the earth, is taking a stand against political correctness on college campuses. The Monty Python co-founder, in a video for Internet forum Big Think, railed against the current wave of hypersensitivity on college campuses, saying he has been warned against performing on campuses. “[Psychiatrist Robin […]

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‘A new ultrasound technique is being developed that may allow cancerous tumors to be liquefied without the use of chemotherapy or electromagnetic radiation. Astonishingly, recent research into this technique conducted by scientists from the University of Washington suggests that it may also eventually allow full regeneration of damaged tissue or organs. The findings were presented […]

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‘Mario A. Garcia was booked into a Los Angeles County jail after law enforcement mistook him for a man with an identical birth date and the same first and last names. Garcia protested that deputies had the wrong man: The other Garcia, wanted on a warrant, was 9 inches shorter, 40 pounds lighter and had […]

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