Turkey declares drop in foreign visitors amid security fears
Turkey declares drop in foreign visitors amid security fears
Turkey declares drop in foreign visitors amid security fears
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US orders government families to leave parts of Turkey
Japanese march against changes to pacifist constitution
Today, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Czech President Milos Zeman stood side by side in Prague to extol the Czech Republic as the new “gateway” for the One Belt-One Road to the CEEc (Central and Eastern European Countries), and beyond that, to all Europe. They oversaw the signing of cooperative economic deals, and spoke of cultural exchanges for a bright future.
Though unspoken, what came across loud and clear, is the stark contrast of this win-win, mutually beneficial approach with the self-destructive track that Europe, and the Trans-Atlantic, are otherwise bent on—the financial blow-out, austerity, suffering, militarization and potential thermonuclear holocaust. Today, EU’s Jean-Claude Juncker even announced a pseudo-“Silk Road” EU plan, of no content, and piddling resources.
Again, in contrast to this doom, Russian President Putin yesterday spoke at length by phone with Iranian President Rouhani, about follow-on actions against ISIS in the region, now that the Syrian Army, with Russian air assistance, has driven out ISIS from Palmyra, and re-taken the ancient city. The Syrian Army has begun to forge eastward against the terrorists. Russian experts have even volunteered to help restore the antiquities in Palmyra. The images of the liberated, ancient cities of Palmyra and Aleppo, are moralizing millions of people the world over, yearning to vanquish terrorism, and restore hope.
The reality that this can be done—and that we are at a phase shift worldwide, was stressed today by Hussein Askary, EIR Arabic Editor, who instigated and translated the newly released Arabic version of EIR’s Special Report The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge. Askary, speaking by conference call to associates across Europe, pointed to the example this week in Yemen, under battle conditions, a reading group is underway for a weekly reading of the Land-Bridge report. This indicates the shift, he said. In Yemen, people being bombarded by the old order, are meeting to read the materials of the new order!
Askary added, look at what we have achieved. We are not telling people ‘good news;’ we are not frightening people with ‘bad news;’ we are not giving them good news to make them feel better. We are creating a new geometry in the world, with Russia, China, and others. We have to get people off this idea of the British order as having so much money, so much media power. They are wrong. There is a new dynamic in the world and we are providing the ideas for that dynamic. We must convey to our supporters that we are changing the world. They should turn their TV’s off, and stop listening to the commentators who were wrong about the economy, wrong about Syria, wrong about everything. We must convey to people that we are operating in a new geometry.
Askary referenced the instructions which the head of the Finnish resistance movement against the Nazi occupation gave to his fighters: read Plato’s Dialogues when resting, because that will empower you to fight the enemy.
All discussion of events in the United States and European Union now focuses on anger ﹘ however it is directed, the rage of populations at the decline in their productive economic status and the threats to their very existence. This anger propels candidates for high office upward and back down again, elicits the worst lies from them, temporarily rewards these lies, and stupefies the enraged European and American populations.
The formerly productive American working population, for example, are furious at free trade, and at Wall Street, which has destroyed their productive livelihoods. But do they support candidates, like Gov. Martin O’Malley of Maryland, who are serious enemies of Wall Street? They do not.
Their anger is fundamentally demoralization. It is the moral death of citizens who feel they no longer have the right or the ability to get serious answers or successful policies from their leaders ﹘ or to expel leaders, like Barack Obama, who are destroying them through wars and economic decay.
In fact, expelling Obama from office, now, is the only effective political shock likely to force a fundamental change in the presently hopeless Presidential race.
There is a clear alternative. The strategic policy which Russia’s President Putin has conducted against terrorism and perpetual war in the Mideast, has been successful, and the United States and Europe must collaborate with it.
China is not only not “in a crash,” as financial commentators angrily write: China’s “New Silk Road” policy is an economic success for the development of each nation in the world collaborating with it, from Russia to Egypt to the South Asian and, now, the Southeastern European nation.
China’s and India’s bold space projects ﹘ successfully putting an orbiter around Mars on the first attempt, preparing a first-ever landing on the far side of the Moon ﹘ are preeminent examples of successful leadership.
Americans should demand this for the United States space program, the world pioneer and scientific-economic driver, until Obama virtually shut it down.
These prospects are the instruments to change the intrinsic demoralization Americans and Western European populations have fallen into. This won’t be done alone, but by cooperation with the potent strategic and economic development policies of the Russian, Chinese, Indian leadership. These, and not sullen rage, are the potent demands citizens should be acting on.
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