The most important conclusion of the Warren Commission (WC) concerning the assassination of President John F. Kennedy is that Lee Harvey Oswald was at the 6th floor window of the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD) and fired three rifle shots at the Presidential motorcade. But this conclusion falls apart completely if Oswald was actually on the second floor just after the shots were fired (he was) or even, perhaps, in the first floor doorway watching the motorcade at the very moment of the assassination. Where was Oswald when the shots were fired? The WC never did have hard evidence that Oswald was actually … Continue reading

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With his recent strong showing in the Iowa caucus, Senator Bernie Sanders now deserves to have his policy ideas examined seriously by admirers and critics alike.  Sanders has policy positions on dozens of important issues but two stand out: One, Sanders is a self-described “democratic socialist” and two, he has argued repeatedly that the rich don’t pay their fair share of taxes. Presumably, in a Sanders Administration, there would be more “socialism” and higher taxes on the “rich”.  What is democratic socialism? From my training in economics, socialists believe that free-market capitalism is a failed system and that it should … Continue reading

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The production, trade, and consumption of marijuana (cannabis) by adults should be perfectly legal.  Period. Yet having said that, the U.S. has a long history of drug restriction begining with the Harrison Narcotics Act (1914) which regulated  many so-called “hard” drugs.  Interestingly marijuana was excluded from the law. At the state level, Massachusetts enacted the first statewide cannabis prohibition in 1911 followed by California in 1913. Prohibitions soon spread throughout New England and then to most of the country by the early 1930s. The general public hostility to marijuana use (nurtured by media hyperbole) climaxed with the passage of the federal Marijuana … Continue reading