This “Russian” conspiracy thing really has me down. The fact that so many good people have mindlessly bought into it has increased my disillusionment about the general gullibility of people. I’ll probably be whipping out my well-worn copy of Ambrose Bierce’s The Devil’s Dictionary soon if this continues. The elite that control us all, those puppet masters behind the scenes, have succeeded in dividing America into two camps, both of them clueless about the real enemy controlling everyone. Donald Trump has become the Lightning Rod of all Lightning Rods. Those who hate him- and there are a lot people who hate him- … Continue reading

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Nothing has contributed more to the lowering of wages and eradication of benefits for so many blue collar workers, than our maddening immigration policy. Illegal immigrants, in particular, have impacted the lower paid jobs to such an extent now that the mantra “they’e just doing jobs Americans won’t” is accepted by everyone. Just recently, the newly minted richest man in the world, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, announced that he was giving $33 million of his substantial billions to the “dreamers,” whose parents entered this country illegally, so that they could attend college. He didn’t offer $33 for any American-born “dreamer.” … Continue reading

The post Left and Right appeared first on LewRockwell.

There is one thing Donald Trump has right; our establishment news is unquestionably, indubitably fake. Those reasonable souls who have become understandably fed up with Trump’s WWE/Reality Show antics have to keep this in mind. Just because he’s an immature clown doesn’t mean his enemies are credible. Most of us know BS artists, people who consistently twist and exaggerate the truth. Many of us know pathological liars, who simply are incapable of telling the truth about anything. In such cases, we don’t give these kinds of individuals any credibility whatsoever. We barely pay attention to anything they say. I would … Continue reading

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In 1986, big gubmint tax and spending slasher Ronald Reagan unveiled a tax “reform” plan that continued the massive transfer of wealth from the poor and working classes upwards to the very wealthy. Reagan’s plan eliminated essential deductions for consumer loans (auto, credit card, personal) and overhauled the deduction for medical expenses, so that they had to have amounted to 10% of an individual or married couple’s income. Donald Trump, as always dominated by the disastrous neocon thinking of Republican leaders like Paul Ryan, has released a new tax “reform” plan. The plan is huge- nearly 500 pages long- and … Continue reading

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It was probably pretty naive to ever suspect that a billionaire reality television star could actually be any kind of populist. Before his 2016 presidential campaign, I felt the same way about Donald Trump that I feel about every billionaire, and was repelled by his sleazy, arrogant public persona. But candidate Trump said some things that no other presidential candidate ever has. He criticized the embarrassing state of our crumbling infrastructure. He called out the media for its blatant dishonesty, and made the term “fake news” a national sensation. He was the first politician since before World War II to … Continue reading

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The timeless quote “History is written by the victors” is generally attributed to Winston Churchill. Churchill certainly was in a position to know; he also said, “History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it.” Much as the horrific mainstream media distorts and outright lies about everything of significance in our world, establishment historians and scholars perform a similar function for the corrupt elite, completely twisting the truth about every major historical event and the leading figures of every era. I am presently writing Hidden History 2- The Prequel: Pre-1963 Conspiracies and Cover-Ups. Even I was astonished to learn … Continue reading

The post Reading Regime History Books Makes You Dumber appeared first on LewRockwell.

Being “liberal” is still generally considered a good thing. After all, the traditional definition of a liberal revolved around being tolerant, open-minded, generous and empathetic. There are very, very few Americans today who fit that definition, especially those who self-identify as “leftists.” Liberals today can better be defined as social justice warriors, as many “conspiracy theorists” have started referring to them as. SJWs are primarily concerned with controlling thought, speech, and behavior. They are interested in restricting rights and liberties, not defending or expanding them. They are authoritarian to the core, and more quick to turn to violence than the … Continue reading

The post American Idiocracy appeared first on LewRockwell.

I’ve written before about what it means to be a “liberal” in today’s world. Suffice to say, today’s mainstream “liberal” isn’t concerned with protecting or extending rights. They are instead, utterly devoted to taking rights away from those they disagree with. And they are the first to resort to name-calling, attempted intimidation, and even violence. Hillary Clinton is the penultimate establishment candidate. She exemplifies decades of wrong choices, which have resulted in America teetering on the brink of total collapse. Her concept of representative government was best reflected in her comment, “We just can’t trust the American people to make … Continue reading

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