What is it we never see in the press about the tragic mass shootings that are happening now on a routine basis? What pharmaceutical drugs these shooters are on, their health history and who the doctors are who are responsible for the physical and mental health of of these mass murders, that’s what! Twenty-seven drug regulatory agency warnings cite psychiatric drug side effects of mania, psychosis, violence and homicidal ideation; 1,531 cases of psychiatric drug induced homicide/homicidal ideation have been reported to the US FDA; 65 high profile cases of mass shootings/murder have been committed by individuals under the influence of … Continue reading

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It is time to pay attention to cold climate change—the reality of life we are all going to experience. This month, this year is the start to a cold that will chill the earth and all its inhabitants. This is spring in Manhattan in the above picture, where in Central Park they had their biggest April snowstorm in 36 years. Now we are well into Spring and cold, wintry conditions are still what most Americans are having to deal with. As we move forward into spring it is a lot colder then we would expect in a seriously warming planet. The headlines … Continue reading

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The Headline reads: HARVARD INVESTIGATION SHOWS DOCTORS ARE PAID HUGE SUMS TO PRESCRIBE ADDICTIVE OPIOIDS. “In 2010, it was found that roughly 100,000 Americans die each year from prescription drugs alone. Now, according to a recent Harvard University analysis, doctors who prescribe these pain-killers are being paid huge sums of money from their manufacturers. The research, which was conducted by Harvard scientists and CNN, discovered that in 2014-2015 thousands of doctors were paid over $25,000 from opioid manufacturers and hundreds more were rewarded with six-figure sums. Also, the more opioids that were prescribed, the larger the reward.” Now President Trump is calling for tougher … Continue reading

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Contrary to all of the hype about melting glaciers, at least 58 New Zealand glaciers advanced between 1983 and 2008. Indeed, Franz Josef Glacier advanced nearly continuously during those years. “We found that lower temperature caused the glaciers to advance, rather than increased precipitation as previously thought. These periods of reduced temperature affected the entire New Zealand region, and they were significant enough for the glaciers to re-advance in spite of human-induced climate change.” It is not going to be fun trying to survive in the northern reaches of our planet. Remember that movie about the sudden onset of a new … Continue reading

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Five years ago, I published an intelligent protocol against influenza that involves the use of the basic emergency room and intensive care medicines that are an integral part of Natural Allopathic Medicine. Magnesium chloride, iodine, sodium bicarbonate, selenium, vitamin C and vitamin D3 (if possible through sun exposure) are all medicines that help patients resist and even avoid dangerous complications from the flu. Breathing retraining (slow breathing) aids in increasing CO2 and O2 levels, and of course the application of inhaled hydration therapy is essential. Hydrogen is the perfect medicine to mitigate the worst issues of the flu because molecular hydrogen can both significantly … Continue reading

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As each day passes the evidence climbs, as predicted by scientists (not politicians and Popes), that a steep drop of temperatures would ensue—first dropping temperatures to where they were in the very cold late 1800s and then going down from there to ice age conditions that will threaten a great part of the northern latitudes over the next 10 years. We are not ready for any of this mentally or in any other way thanks to people like former president Obama, the Pope, and let’s never forget Al Gore. Some of the most unscrupulous people have been championing the cause … Continue reading

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The truth is mammograms just don’t work. Mammograms are dangerous hurting women more than helping them yet doctors and their parent organizations just don’t want to get the message. Their excuse for using cancer forming radiation has been that prevention is the best medicine when it comes to cancer. They have been thinking that picking up early signs of disease is the best way to prevent cancer from taking root, so doctors have urged people get screened for all types of cancer on a regular basis. The assumption is that screening will save them from developing advanced cancer, which is less treatable … Continue reading

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Most people think they have to die to go to hell but that is not true anymore. Today, in the mainstream press, they announced the existence of a hell hole in Japan at the destroyed nuclear power station at Fukushima. We have a hot spot on our planet that has never been imagined before and in the face of it human technology is helpless. At the levels of radiation now being found a Fukushima, a robot would be able to operate for less than two hours before it was destroyed. And Japan’s National Institute of Radiological Sciences said medical professionals … Continue reading

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As it gets colder, the elite owned media and Al Gore are turning up the heat trying to roast the world with their naked lies. Every prediction Gore has made has been wrong. The most recent attacks of the climate boogeymen went like this: (Associated Press) A federal climate report says the United States is already feeling the effects of climate change, with temperatures rising dramatically over the last four decades. That’s according to The New York Times, which acquired a draft copy of the report by scientists from 13 federal agencies. The report says extreme heat waves have become more common … Continue reading

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More and more people are wondering where they can safely buy cannabis oil with THC. Understandable, because this age-old home remedy can help tremendously in numerous disorders including cancer. Moreover, contrary to most regular medicines it has little to no unpleasant side effects. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) admits in their 2017 Drugs of Abuse resource guide that no one ha­s ever died from a marijuana overdose but still will not remove the substance from its list of Schedule I drugs — the same classification as heroin. The United States government has trouble being reasonable about anything these days and its attitudes toward … Continue reading

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Are you deficient in vitamin D? For most people today the answer is yes, you are not getting enough vitamin D. If you are listening to your dermatologist, you definitely are because he or she has a problem with the sun. You do not want to be like them—you want to love the sun. More than three-fourths of people with a variety of cancers have low levels of vitamin D, and the lowest levels are associated with more advanced cancers so you really want to make friends with the sun. A study has found that the number of people being … Continue reading

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We knew a hundred years ago that we needed more iodine and governments started putting a tiny bit in table salt. It was not enough and after the nuclear accident at Fukushima, we need more because of the radioactive iodine released into the environment. Humans in the 21st Century have an absolute need for iodine supplementation. Iodine is the only medicinal that stands between antibiotic resistant hell and us. There are many reasons we need iodine in abundance. There are three principle reasons, however, that stand out thrusting iodine into its place as a medicine of supreme importance: The first … Continue reading

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Marijuana has gone mainstream, as evidenced by the spread of the use of marijuana as a medicine, and now outright legalization in some places is turning peoples’ heads and hearts to a vision where marijuana is perceived as good. Now available in print, I am very happy to announce the New York publication of my book Healing with Medical Marijuana, now available on Amazon. In it, one can find total support for the use of marijuana—even for rest and relaxation. Researchers are still struggling to understand how it impacts the body but anyone can use marijuana and see for themselves … Continue reading

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Live Science is reporting that more parents are refusing to vaccinate their children now than a decade ago because they simply do not see a need for vaccination. Researchers have found that in 2013, 87 percent of pediatricians surveyed said they encountered vaccine refusals from parents of their patients, up from 75 percent of pediatricians who said the same in 2006. Intelligent parents who refused to vaccinate their kids understand how unnecessary and dangerous vaccines are and such parents see the payoff, their kids tend to remain healthier with fewer colds and infections. Vaccine-preventable diseases are rare these days and … Continue reading

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Western medicine does not understand the kidneys like Chinese doctors do. Western doctors knew that the kidneys are responsible for fluid balance, waste elimination, regulation of blood pH and mineral balance. They also play an important role in red blood cell production, blood pressure regulation and converting vitamin D to its active form, calcitriol. Our kidneys are essential for life. The worst part about living with kidney disease is that it is a silent killer. However, what makes it more dangerous is the fact that it usually is only recognized at extremely late stages when it is extremely difficult to … Continue reading

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