Kidneys are an important organ when it comes to filtering out toxins and waste from our bloodstream, and a kidney cleanse is a simple way to detox your kidneys. It’s important to cleanse the right way to keep your kidneys, as well as the rest of your body, healthy. Being kind to your kidneys is a vital part of maintaining overall good health. If you don’t eat a balanced diet, drink clean water, and cleanse your body of toxins that build up, it can negatively impact the function of the kidneys, liver, and other organs. Poor kidney health can also … Continue reading

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Experiencing any sort of chest pain can be worrisome, and this is especially true of chest pain that comes and goes. You may think it was just a passing discomfort that has been resolved, but the pain returns and reignites your worry that something could be seriously wrong. What causes chest pain that comes and goes, and how is it different than heart pain? Continue reading to learn the answers to these questions and to discover some tips for preventing this intermittent chest pain. What causes chest pain that comes and goes? Chest pain that comes and goes could be … Continue reading

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Every morning when we get out of bed, we walk to the bathroom, walk to the kitchen for a cup of coffee and breakfast, and eventually, we walk out the door to start our day. The ability to walk one place to another is an integral part of everyone’s day, yet approximately 8.5 million Americans—20 percent of whom are over the age of 60—lack adequate blood flow to their legs, causing pain with every step due to a condition called peripheral artery disease (PAD). PAD is a common circulatory problem whereby narrowed arteries reduce the amount of blood delivered to … Continue reading

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A few days have passed since we all lost an hour of sleep but if you haven’t quite adjusted to the time change yet, it may be due to your genes. Researcher Dr. Joseph Takahashi explained, “It is likely that advancing our clocks in the spring would more affect owls, those individuals who tend to stay awake later at night and consequently wake up later in the morning. Less affected are the larks, those individuals who tend to wake up early and go to sleep earlier.” Dr. Takahashi added, “Since being an owl or a lark is in large part … Continue reading

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Living with diabetes or prediabetes requires constant monitoring and vigilance when it comes to your blood glucose levels. For someone with diabetes, a level that is too high or too low could result in adverse reactions like dizziness, irritability, weakness, increased thirst or hunger, and exhaustion. While many are aware that certain foods can impact their blood sugar, there are other factors that may be just as detrimental to maintaining a normal glucose concentration in your blood. Continue reading to learn how environmental factors may be influencing your blood sugar levels, as well as how to properly test your blood … Continue reading

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French researcher Marie-Christine Boutron-Ruault recently addressed how diet and environmental factors can affect your cancer risk. She explained that the risk of certain cancers can increase based on dietary changes, stating “When Japanese people emigrate to Hawaii and start eating processed products, their cancer risk increases by a third.” Changing from a diet comprised of mostly unprocessed foods to one that contains an abundance of processed goods increases these individuals’ risk of cancer, though this is without considering genetic and behavioral factors. Instant Access to Current Spot Prices & Interactive Charts Boutron-Ruault also explained that including raw foods like unrefined … Continue reading

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Heart disease and diabetes risk may be reduced by eating chocolate every day. The key here is to consume a small piece of dark chocolate, of course. Based on the analysis of data from 1,153 people, the researchers found that 100 grams of dark chocolate was enough to reduce insulin resistance and improve liver enzymes. Researcher Saverio Stranges explained, “Given the growing body of evidence, including our own study, cocoa-based products may represent an additional dietary recommendation to improve cardio-metabolic health. However, observational results need to be supported by robust trial evidence. Potential applications of this knowledge include recommendations by … Continue reading

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When you wake up every morning you probably opt for a cup of coffee or tea. Both are great options to kick-start your day, but there is an even better beverage that will not only make you feel good but can provide you with all-day health benefits as well, including aiding in digestion. The magical beverage we’re talking about is lemon water. You may have heard the buzz about lemon water, but maybe you never really understood what was so great about it. Well, that is why we are here: to explain all the health benefits that lemon water can … Continue reading

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There are many reasons for fluctuating blood pressure, from the foods we eat to serious health conditions. Understanding your fluctuating blood pressure can help you protect your heart and lower your risk of any cardiovascular events. There is an ongoing debate on what is considered healthy or normal blood pressure, but the general consensus is a reading of less than 120/80 mmHg. Blood pressure can fluctuate in a second, so if you’re concerned about yours, you should check it frequently and chart the results for your doctor to review. Below we will outline the many different causes of fluctuating blood … Continue reading

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Left arm pain or shoulder pain can be a common symptom of an impending heart attack. A heart attack occurs when the blood flow to the heart is blocked as a result of plaque buildup along the arteries. When blood flow is interrupted, part of the heart muscle can get damaged and, depending on severity, can lead to death. The good news is, the success rates of surviving a heart attack are much higher nowadays, but the key is recognizing the signs of a heart attack early on and seeking treatment right away. Shoulder pain and its link to heart … Continue reading

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For many people, especially older people, the beauty of nighttime is getting obscured by a condition called nyctalopia, more commonly referred to as night blindness. Not only can these people not appreciate the beauty of the night, they cannot easily do their regular day-to-day activities like reading, knitting, driving, or even walking at night. When you go for a regular eye test, your eyesight is checked in good light. In most cases (if not all), the optometrist does not test for night blindness. This is not an ideal practice, considering night blindness can lead to many other health complications. The … Continue reading

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Diverticulitis and diverticulosis may sound the same, but there are key differences that set each condition apart. Diverticulitis is a condition brought on by infection or rupture of diverticula, which are bulges forming in the lower part of the large intestine or colon. The risk of developing diverticula is usually higher for people over 40. Diverticula themselves do not cause many problems, but once the condition progresses into diverticulitis, it can be quite severe, leading to pain, nausea, and changes to bowels. Mild diverticulitis can be easily treated with a proper diet. However, in cases of recurring and severe diverticulitis, surgery … Continue reading

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Dropping five pounds can make a difference to your health. Those small fluctuations in weight could be doing you harm. So before you brush off that snug waistband, you should know that a small increase in weight is bad for your blood pressure. Why those few extra points raise your blood pressure? Chronic stress can push blood pressure numbers up into danger territory, but according to the American Heart Association (AHA), your weight also plays a big role. Along these lines, new research from the Mayo Clinic has found that as few as five extra pounds can spike your blood … Continue reading

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Prostate cancer, one of the most common types of cancer in men, is often treated with radiotherapy, however, experts now believe that this form of treatment can lead to secondary cancers. Radiotherapy or – as many call it – radiation, uses high-energy particles or waves to destroy cancer cells. There are different types of radiotherapy. Doctors will decide on the best approach based on each individual case. Sometimes, a patient even gets more than one type of radiation therapy treatment for the same cancer. Now, an analytical review led by a team of researchers at the University of Toronto in … Continue reading

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While we don’t tend to talk about our pee too often – even to our physicians – it’s actually part of an incredible system to which we owe much of our health. Our kidneys work round the clock to filter water-soluble wastes, toxins, bacteria, yeast, excess protein, and sugars out of our blood, that would otherwise build up in our system and make us ill. And not only does our urinary tract work as an effective filtration and disposal system, but it also functions as an early warning detection system, flagging certain signs and symptoms of potentially serious health problems … Continue reading

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