Biotin is a B-complex vitamin required by every cell in the body. B vitamins are a class of chemically distinct vitamins that help your body process food into energy. Also known as vitamin H, coenzyme R, and vitamin B7, biotin helps the body metabolize fats, protein,[1] and carbohydrates. The human body needs biotin for normal growth and development, and the vitamin is especially critical for healthy embryonic growth. Biotin can also help maintain healthy hair, skin, and nails.[2] Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin, as opposed to fat-soluble. Unused water-soluble vitamins (C and B complex) pass quickly through the body and … Continue reading

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Proponents of the alkaline diet claim that eating certain foods influences the body’s acid-base homeostasis, or pH levels. It’s believed that encouraging a healthy, pH balanced environment within the body can produce favorable effects on one’s health.[1] It sounds like a good idea, and it is true that tissues and fluids must maintain a certain pH level to function properly. However, your body has mechanisms to keep pH levels in check — regardless of what you eat. Let’s take a closer look at the alkaline diet and break it down. Much of the discussion surrounding the alkaline diet focuses on … Continue reading

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Elderberry, scientific nameSambucus nigra, comes from the elder tree, which is native to Europe and parts of Asia and Africa. It also grows across the United States and Canada. Many cultures have appreciated and relied on the elder tree for everything from musical instruments to food and medicine. In medieval Europe, the elder tree was revered as holy and reputed to have health-preserving and restorative properties.[1] For centuries, folk remedies in the form of teas, poultices, creams, and salves have all been produced from the elderberry and used to encourage good health, alleviate respiratory distress, and soothe irritated skin. Alternatively … Continue reading

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Capsaicin (8-methyl-N-vanillyl-6-nonenamide) comes from chili peppers (Capsicum spp.) and gives them their heat.[1] Capsaicin has a lot to offer, and its analgesic properties are at the top of the list.[2] Analgesics are a type of pain reliever and include acetaminophen, a non-aspirin pain reliever, which is the active ingredient in brands like Tylenol, Paracetamol, and Panadol. If you’re a trivia buff or preparing for an upcoming appearance on Jeopardy! you might be happy to know that capsaicin is a vanilloid compound[3] and belongs to the vanillyl group.[1, 4] Aside from providing the hot taste chili peppers are known for, capsaicin … Continue reading

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Most of us recognize that sugar does not promote good health. In fact, most people know that sugar is unhealthy, but not everyone understands the full extent of its unhealthiness. Refined sugar, such as high-fructose corn syrup, is nothing but empty calories and it’s highly addictive; artificial sweeteners like aspartame are even worse. Sugar is added to many food products and it’s almost impossible to escape. There was a time when bread consisted of flour, yeast, salt, and water. Now, sugar and a number of other, questionable ingredients can be found in most types of bread. For example, we looked … Continue reading

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Did you know that every day in your home you come in contact with toxic and hazardous chemicals? If you don’t pay attention and make a concerted effort, it’s almost impossible to avoid this stuff. Let’s look at the most common household chemicals, and what you can do to reduce your exposure and susceptibility to their negative impact on health. Are Air Fresheners Hazardous? Just because something smells nice and fresh doesn’t mean that it is good for you. Air fresheners are a prime example. Air fresheners can work by interfering with your sense of smell by coating your nasal … Continue reading

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Bromelain is a protein-digesting (proteolytic) enzyme complex found in the fruit and, in higher concentrations, in the stem of the pineapple (Ananas comosus). It is able to hydrolyze or break down a wide variety of protein types in a range of both acid and alkaline environments. Originally isolated in the late 1800s, bromelain can play a key role in digestion, and perhaps more importantly, its properties have prompted many practitioners to use it as an agent in wound healing and the prevention of illness and irritation decades. What Does Bromelain Do? Put simply, bromelain breaks down protein. This has fairly … Continue reading

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Most kidney stones pass through the urinary tract with no trouble. Unfortunately, some do not. Left untreated, they can result in terrible pain. Of course, you do not want to wait until that happens, so knowing early symptoms can save you some real misery. Here are 3 signs that you may be developing a stone. 1. Urinating Frequently Men are much more likely to suffer from kidney stones, so many men try to ignore frequent urination because it’s also a symptom of prostate problems, something that many men find difficult to face. Do not ignore frequent urination. Not only is … Continue reading

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If you follow this website, you know that detoxing is a subject of huge importance to us. In fact, performing regular body cleanses and detoxes are a core principle of my beliefs on health and healing. I talk about them so much that I sometimes take it for granted that others already know what I’m talking about. Maybe I should explain myself for the benefit of new readers. What exactly is a detox? Simply put, a detox is a process in which a person makes lifestyle changes to clear their body of toxins. These lifestyle changes typically involve abstaining from … Continue reading

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Detox water has become a wildly popular diet craze. Many hail it as a miracle diet and think it can support weight loss. Could this be a revolutionary new way to drop pounds and trim the physique, or is it just another fad diet? Let’s start by understanding what detox water is. What Is Detox Water? Detox water is basically water (I recommend distilled water) infused with fruits, vegetables, and/or herbs. Sometimes called infused water, many people use it as part of a body detox strategy. Water is crucial to your health. Every part of your body depends on water … Continue reading

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Vitamin C is an antioxidant present in many fruits and vegetables.[1] Also known as L-ascorbic acid, vitamin C has a wide variety of uses in the body. It supports normal growth and development and helps the body repair damaged tissue.[2, 3] Vitamin C also assists in the production of collagen, a protein that’s necessary for healthy skin, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels.[4] To say that vitamin C is beneficial would be an understatement. It influences iron absorption and helps fight cell-damaging free radicals.[5] A 16-year study found that regular vitamin C supplementation promoted heart health.[6] Additionally, people who consume foods rich … Continue reading

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Water quality is a subject that’s been big news lately. Residents of Flint, Michigan are suffering from toxic levels of lead in their water due to incompetent governance. Unfortunately, water quality issues are not a recent development. Industrial dumping, pesticide runoff, leaky storage tanks, and government mandates have created big problems. Let’s take a look at some of the nastiest water contaminants that may be pouring out of your faucet. 1. Fluoride Adding fluoride to drinking water is a process that began back in the 1940’s to help reduce tooth decay. It sounds like a noble cause but fluoride is … Continue reading

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Sometimes referred to as an electrolyte, potassium is a naturally-occurring mineral and key nutrient for good health. Your nerves and muscles need it to function properly. It supports digestive and kidney health, regulates blood pressure and helps build strong bones. [1] It’s especially important for your heart, too. [2] If you’re healthy, your body is generally able to keep potassium levels where they should be. Some conditions, such as diabetes, kidney disease, and alcoholism can disrupt this balance. Illnesses accompanied by conditions like diarrhea and vomiting can also upset potassium balance. Some drugs, like ACE inhibitors and ARBs, can throw … Continue reading

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Bacteria in your gut might sound like a bad thing but, actually, your gut uses bacteria to process food into energy.[1]We call these helpful bacteria probiotics. Most people have heard the term in yogurt ads, but that’s about it. What are probiotics and what do they mean to your body? It all starts in your gut, the system in your body responsible for digestion. Proper digestion is essential to your health and probiotics are essential to your gut. When bacteria are out of balance, it can cause problems such as: Gas
[2] Bloating
[3] Diarrhea
[4] Constipation[5] Abdominal pain and cramping
[6] Autoimmune diseases such … Continue reading

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Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, often shortened to HBOT, uses a special pressurized chamber, called a hyperbaric chamber, to increase oxygen levels in the blood. It’s also known as oxygen therapy, hyperbaric treatment, and hyperbaric therapy. The US Navy uses it to treat decompression sickness. HBOT has also become popular with athletes as a way to speed recovery from injury. [1] Athletes known to use HBOT include Tim Tebow, Hines Ward, tennis star Novak Djokovic, and UFC fighter Urijah Faber. [2] [3] Disclaimer: HBOT is a relatively new therapy and we’re still learning what it can and cannot do. Don’t believe spurious … Continue reading

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