You’ve heard you should drink eight glasses of water every day. While that’s a good baseline for most people, the exact amount can vary depending on body size, physical activity, and other factors. [1] Sixty percent of your body is water and water is part of many, if not all, internal processes. [2] Water helps all your organs function properly, your body uses water as a joint lubricant, water helps flush waste and toxins. Studies show that people who get more water have greater energy and focus more easily. The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center even reported that men and … Continue reading

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Discovered in the early 1970’s, this proteolytic enzyme was isolated from the Serratia species of bacteria located in the intestines of silkworms. Serrapeptase, also called serratiopeptidase, is truly a superior enzyme that provides strong, healthful properties.Today Serrapeptase is used all over Europe and Asia in clinical settings. It has the ability to break down non-living tissue in the body. Serrapeptase is perhaps one of the world’s most exciting enzymes being studied in regard to its wide variety of clinical applications. Currently, especially in Europe and Asia, it is clinically used for many, many negative health conditions. One of the most … Continue reading

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I’ve written before about the dangers of soft drink addiction…which sounds like it could even be a joke. How many times have you heard someone refer to themselves as a “cokeaholic”? The truth is, soda addiction is no laughing matter. The chemicals in soft drinks are not only habit forming, but highly addictive. And that’s exactly what the big soda companies want. Let’s take a deeper look at some of the negative health effects of soda Is Soda Addiction a New Problem? Back in 2002, Dr. Judith Valentine, Ph.D. described the problem with soda in her article “Soft Drinks: America’s … Continue reading

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Digestion is a complex process with many moving parts and there are many steps along the way for something to go wrong. One of the more increasingly common disorders is a condition known as “leaky gut.” Leaky gut, otherwise known as intestinal hyperpermeability, is when perforations develop and allow undigested food and toxins to pass back into the body. Sound like a problem? It is. Leaky gut can be the starting point for anything from food intolerances to inflammatory bowel disease. If leaky gut is a problem for you, you have options, and here are five to get you started. … Continue reading

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What Are Adaptogens? Adaptogens are natural substances that work with a person’s body and help them adapt; most notably, to stress. Adaptogens are a natural ally in dealing with persistent stress and fatigue because they work with regulating important hormones. Adaptogens offer several other health benefits, including… A boost for the immune system [1] Support for managing a healthy weight [2] Increased physical endurance and mental focus Reduction in discomfort caused by poor health [3] Encouraging a balanced mood [4] All these benefits can come from something as simple as adding adaptogens into your regular diet. While there are a … Continue reading

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Nattokinase is a powerful proteolytic enzyme that has fibrinolytic health benefits. It is best known for its astounding fibrinolytic (anti-clotting) capacities. Perhaps its most supported use is in the area of cardiovascular health, where it helps to rejuvenate healthy fibrin metabolism and reduce blood clotting, thus making it an extremely powerful, all-natural enzymatic support which may aid in deterring both heart disease and stroke. Nattokinase has also been scientifically proven to offer relief from joint swelling. As many of you know, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. As we age, fibrinogen levels rise … Continue reading

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Most people are aware that aloe vera soothes dry skin, sunburn, and other skin irritations [1], but not many know of the many health benefits the plant offers when it’s consumed. For instance, recent studies have shown that aloe vera helps the immune system, encourages normal blood sugar, and reduces redness and swelling. Best of all it’s natural and totally safe! [2] More and more products are being created to help people consume aloe vera. One of the most popular is aloe vera juice. The benefits are many, and here are some of the most notable: Aids digestion and even … Continue reading

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The human body is a machine designed to run on water and minerals. The body is about 72% water and water is vitally important for every important bodily function. The bottom line is that without water, your body doesn’t work, and the quality of the water you consume can have a dramatic impact on your health. A Crucial Element to Good Health The human body has tremendous healing abilities and water is a major component. With proper nourishment and hydration, the body instinctively strives to be young and healthy, working to repair and rebuild bone, regenerate and replace tissue, and … Continue reading

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In the United States, gallstones affect at least 20 million people per year. [1] While it’s possible to have gallstones and not know it, severe cases can lead to rupturing of the gallbladder and even death. Understanding your gallbladder and naturally supporting it with the right nutrition is imperative for good health. Gallbladder: Location, Description, and Function Located in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen and situated beneath the liver, the gallbladder is a kidney bean-shaped organ connected to the liver by the hepatic duct. The gallbladder works as a storage facility for the pint or so of bile … Continue reading

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Phosphorus is a mineral that helps your body maintain healthy bones and teeth.[1] It is essential for life and makes up about 1% of your body weight, making it the second most abundant mineral in your body next to calcium. 85% of the phosphorus in your body is in your teeth and bones; with calcium, it keeps your bones and teeth strong. It also plays a major role in how your body uses carbohydrates and fats, repairs cells, stores energy, and works with B vitamins. Most people are able to get enough phosphorus from their diet, so let’s take a … Continue reading

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Multiple studies have determined that consumption of hot dogs can be a risk factor for childhood cancer. Peters et al studied the relationship between the intake of certain foods and the risk of leukemia in children from birth to age 10 in Los Angeles County between 1980 and 1987. The study found that children who ate more than twelve hot dogs per month had nine times the normal risk of developing childhood leukemia. [1] Researchers Sarusua and Savitz studied childhood cancer in Denver and found that children born to mothers who consumed hot dogs one or more times per week … Continue reading

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While I can’t stress enough just how important all the vitamins and minerals are for your overall well being, today we’re going to focus on vitamin A. Vitamin A is fat-soluble, a powerful antioxidant, and part of a family of compounds that are vitally important to the body. It supports the immune system, helps strengthen vision, assists with normal organ function, reproduction, and more. [1] Vitamins are important for maintaining good health and if you don’t get what you need, vitamin deficiencies and health problems can result. Many people take a multivitamin as a precaution, some do not. How can … Continue reading

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There are a great number of people out there who rely on vitamin B12 supplements as a natural way to help ease stress and boost their energy levels. While the vitamin’s ability to enhance mental performance is relatively well known, research suggests that the effects of B12 deficiency may be more serious than a simple lack of energy. Let’s take a look at seven of them. 1. Cognitive Impairment In the elderly, B12 deficiency has been linked to cognitive impairment and dementia. This deficiency has also been linked to other neurodegenerative disorders such as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease. [1] 2. … Continue reading

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Periodontitis is a serious gum infection marked by painful, irritating symptoms that make it challenging to eat, swallow, and speak. Although prevention is important, many people fall short because it typically involves cutting out sugar and spending more time brushing, flossing, and rinsing.Periodontal disease begins with gingivitis, and progresses if steps aren’t taken. What’s surprising is recent research has shown a strong association between nutrition and periodontitis risk, particular when it comes to vitamin B12 deficiency. The Link Between Vitamin B12 and Periodontitis A new study has revealed the startling connection between vitamin B12 and periodontitis, a reversible condition commonly … Continue reading

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Every five years, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) releases updated dietary guidelines that are designed to shape the way Americans look at food and nutrition. The purpose of these recommendations is to promote health, prevent chronic disease, and help people maintain a healthy weight. National nutrition policies and dietary programs for schools and the elderly are formed based on these guidelines. If you’ve followed these updates, you’re probably aware that only a few minor changes have been made each revision. And each time, these dietary guidelines appear to miss the point when it comes to proper nutrition. While … Continue reading

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