Maybe you have something as simple as a cold, or perhaps you’re just looking for a little boost in immunity. With the right vitamins and minerals, smart dietary choices can pack a healthy punch. Although diet gets little attention in conventional media when it comes to supporting the immune system, it is one of the most powerful methods for keeping colds and other illnesses at bay. While nutrition isn’t the only means of immune system support, it is one of the oldest and most reliable natural adjuncts. Eight Foods for Immune System Support The majority of your immune cells reside … Continue reading

Fatigue is a chronic issue plaguing millions of people worldwide. We all get tired now and then, whether it’s because we’ve been working nonstop during the day or simply because we’ve chosen the wrong foods or skipped exercise. For many people, getting sluggish during the afternoon or early evening can place a serious damper on one’s work and social life. You’re not meant to always be tired, because your life is meant to be full and you’re meant to be active as much as you can. Of course, rest is a very important aspect of repairing and healing; however, it is … Continue reading

Nothing beats the feeling of pure, warm sunlight on your skin, especially after a cold and dreary winter. We often take for granted the life-giving power of the sun and completely ignore its many health benefits. On one hand, sun helps us to produce vitamin D, a hormone necessary for bone health and optimal immune function; on the other, too much sunlight can also cause deleterious effects on skin elasticity and function, aggressively facilitating the early signs of aging. Having these extreme oppositions means we need to find a balance between getting enough and avoiding damage resulting from overexposure. And, … Continue reading

The brain is a complex organ, controlling our actions, cells, and emotions. When we mess with the brain, either inadvertently or with pharmaceutical medications, we can only expect a negative consequence in the process. If our body is exposed to toxins on a consistent basis, then there’s no doubt that our brain is too, and these environmental toxins–like aluminum and PCBs–are contributing to everything from Alzheimer’s disease to ADHD. [1][2] Interfering with brain chemistry through the use of psychiatric medications is equally as harmful, more so than many people realize. Antidepressants and Violent Behavior: What Nobody is Talking About The … Continue reading

There come times in our lives when we need added protection against body odor. Whether we’re at the gym or in an important meeting, it’s very likely that, without some type of deodorant, we’ll sweat and let out a little odor. Not a pleasant topic, but it can’t be ignored. Choosing the right deodorant is just as important as wearing it regularly, not just because you need to find one that will provide lasting protection, but because you also require one that will protect your health. Difference Between Antiperspirant and Deodorant While most people use the terms antiperspirant and deodorant … Continue reading

The famous philosopher Descartes described the pineal gland as the “principal seat of the soul.” You’ve probably heard of this gland being the ‘third eye,’ a mystical chakra point residing right in the middle of your eyebrows. Well, it turns out these ideas aren’t too far off. The small, rice-sized, pinecone-shaped endocrine organ known as the pineal gland sits alone in the middle of the brain and at the same level as the eyes. Pineal Gland Functions How you think and feel every day depends on the pineal gland. As the producer of the hormone melatonin, the quality and duration … Continue reading

Vitamin D is essential for maintaining your health, but many people don’t know just how important it is. Almost all of us at one point or another have experienced low vitamin D levels, whether we have realized it or not. Symptoms often manifest as poor energy, insomnia, compromised immune system, and mood imbalance. That’s why I want you to know these 9 facts about D. Everyone needs to know these, so let’s dive right in! VItamin D: What You Need to Know You probably already know that the best source of vitamin D is the sun, something all of us … Continue reading

It’s estimated nearly 40% of the American population suffers from B12 levels that are too low. [1] With low B12 levels, your brain doesn’t work quite right and more often than not you’re suffering from chronic fatigue. But vitamin B12 does more than just support healthy energy levels. Its multiplexity of functionality is mirrored in its wide range of health benefits. The question is, are you getting enough? Vitamin B12 Functions Many people receive vitamin B12 injections on a regular basis to provide a boost in their energy levels. While it’s true that B12 does support energy, that’s not the … Continue reading

The public water supply doesn’t just provide drinking water, it’s also the water we use to take a shower, water our plants, and wash our pets. Water is essential, but the majority of our water supply is full of nasty compounds that are slowly destroying our health, whether we realize it or not. Without the proper filtration system in place, you are at risk of being exposed to a large supply of chemical toxins, including pesticides, pharmaceutical medications, and even animal excrements. 5 Nasty Things in Your Water This post is not just meant to gross you out, it’s meant … Continue reading

Day in and day out, your skin gets exposed to harmful toxins. Because of that, you want to protect it. And just in case you aren’t as careful with skin care as you should be, I want to share these 5 facts about your skin so you can get a better idea of what it’s exposed to on a daily basis. 5 Basic Skin Facts You Should Know Your skin is the largest organ of your body, and it is under constant assault by a variety of environmental toxins. UV light from the sun, pollution, and chemicals in our water … Continue reading

It’s probably fair to say that most people aren’t excited about theprospect of aging. Continuing living — yes. Dealing with the health and other problems that accompany getting old — no. Now it’s true that each passing year can present the opportunity for a new challenge, but aging also gets a large amount of bad press. So much in fact that some of it can be exaggerated and overblown. Let’s spend some time and dispel five of the most common myths about aging. 1. Old Age = Senility The notion that the elderly are unable to think for themselves and … Continue reading

There’s been a lot of talk in recent years about the dangers of refined sugars like corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, and more. After decades of research, it appears the serious adverse effects of refined sugars on human health are finally making their way into mainstream attention. According to the CDC, more than 30% of adult Americans are obese. [1] These numbers exploded after health officials began pushing the high-carb, low-fat diet twenty years ago. The Truth About Sugar Decades of study on obesity, type II diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and hormone dysfunction reveal sugar isn’t just dangerous, [2] … Continue reading

Dry skin brushing is a beauty and health practice that is quickly growing in popularity. The Internet abounds with blogs, articles, and videos dedicated to this topic, and each point of reference regards it as a simple way to support good health. While dry skin brushing won’t be the magic bullet for any ailment or health worry, it can be a great way to support skin health, circulation, and relaxation. The Six Benefits of Dry Skin Brushing The brushing of dry skin is best done with a brush made from natural materials. A list of all the advantages this practice offers … Continue reading

One of the leading nutrients on the forefront of scientific research is vitamin D. Also called the sunshine vitamin, vitamin D is important for immune system support, blood sugar health, and energy. [1] [2] A deficiency in this essential macronutrient is unknowingly plaguing millions of people worldwide. In order to avoid a vitamin D deficiency, you must take conscious, proactive steps to combat the factors that affect absorption. Vitamin D supplementation is the ideal method for reducing deficiency risk, especially in the winter. Sunlight is also a simple and natural approach for balancing vitamin D levels. Things That Affect Vitamin D … Continue reading