What will happen between now and 2025? Nobody knows of course but I will later in this article have a little peek into the next 4-8 years. The concentration of wealth in the world has now reached dangerous proportions. The three richest people in the world have a greater wealth than the bottom 50%. The top 1% have a wealth of $33 trillion whilst the bottom 1% have a debt $196 billion. The interesting point is not just that the rich are getting richer and the poor poorer. More interesting is to understand: How did we get there? and what will be … Continue reading

The post The Biggest Wealth Transfer in History appeared first on LewRockwell.

The facts just don’t add up. US wages are falling, trade deficit is at 10 year high, debt is surging so are stocks and the US Government has again managed to publish a number of contradicting employment figures that make no sense whatsoever. A CONFIDENT BUT UNEMPLOYED CONSUMER US Consumer Sentiment is the highest in 13 years. At the same time US October Household Employment Survey dropped 484,000 and the Labour Force shrank by 765,000. But due to manipulation of the figures, October payroll increased by 261,000 and the Unemployment Rate declined to 4.0% from 4.2%. The Labour Participation Rate … Continue reading

The post Every Working American Owes $ 1.5 Million appeared first on LewRockwell.

We are currently standing before one of the most unique and frightening periods in history. Never have there been so many extremes in so many different areas. In the last 100 years everything seems to have developed so much faster, including population, technology, inflation, debt, money printing, budget deficits, stock, bond and property prices, crypto currencies etc. All of these areas are now in an exponential growth phase. The final stage of exponential growth is explosive and looks like a spike that goes straight up. A spike for a major sample like global population or the Dow never finishes with … Continue reading

The post Only Contrarians appeared first on LewRockwell.

In the last 48 years, since 1969, an investor who put $1,000 into the Dow would today have $33,000. That is a gain of 3,200% or 7.6% annually. On the other hand, someone who put $1,000 into gold in 1969 would today have $37,000 or 7.8% annual return. But if you add dividends to the Dow, the return is far superior at 10.7% with the dividends reinvested. 1969 seems like an arbitrary start year but it happens to be the year that I started my first job. No one could of course have predicted any of those returns. The previous … Continue reading

The post Dow To Fall 97% Against Gold? appeared first on LewRockwell.

The dollar is dead but the world doesn’t know it. It has been a slow death and the final stages will be very painful for the US and for the rest of the world. The US empire is finished financially and militarily. NIXON WAS CONVICTED FOR THE WRONG CRIME It all started with the establishment of the Fed in 1913 and escalated with Nixon. For anyone old enough to still remember him, they will think about the Watergate scandal. This was corruption and bribery at the highest level in the Nixon administration, including the president himself. In order to avoid … Continue reading

The post In a World of Lies appeared first on LewRockwell.

Don’t hold gold in a Swiss Bank or in any bank in any country. We regularly see examples both in medium sized and big Swiss banks that should make bank clients very concerned. Here are some examples: A client stores physical gold in a bank but when he wants us to organise a transfer to private vaults, the gold doesn’t exist and the bank must acquire it. 400 oz gold bars that were bought by the bank for the client in 2005, were cast in 2011, so the gold never existed. A client stores gold in a bank of the … Continue reading

The post Don’t Store Your Gold in Any Bank in Any Country appeared first on LewRockwell.

For news to be read and understood by a great number of people, it must be simple, sensational and forgettable. Most individuals are not interested in “heavy” news or complicated issues. Just compare television and newspapers today to say 50 years ago. At that time, newspapers had very few pictures but instead covered serious matters with in depth analysis. Same with television. In the 1960s there was serious news and many programmes which raised important issues in society or politics, which many people listened to and grasped. Today everything must be dumbed down to the lowest common denominator of readers … Continue reading

The post Wake Up, America appeared first on LewRockwell.

“Risk involves the chance an investment’s actual return will differ from the expected return. Risk includes the possibility of losing some or all of the original investment.” (Investopedia) So there we have it. Risk means that you can lose part or all of the investment. Normally valuations take risk into account. But is the world really valuing the following risks accurately: A VERY RISKY WORLD Wars North Korea – South Korea – USA – Japan – China – Russia incl. nuclear war Ukraine – USA – Russia Syria – Israel – USA – ISIS – Al-Qaeda – Saudi Arabia, Yemen – … Continue reading

The post Unprecedented Global Risk appeared first on LewRockwell.

The coming gold and silver moves in the next few months will really surprise most investors as market volatility increases substantially. It seems right now that “All (is) quiet on the Western Front” as Erich-Maria Remarque wrote about WWI. Ten years after the Great Financial Crisis started and nine years after the Lehman collapse, it seems that the world is in better shape than ever. Stocks are at historical highs, interest rates at historical lows, house prices are booming again and consumers are buying more than ever. HAVE CENTRAL BANKS SAVED THE WORLD? So why were we so worried in … Continue reading

The post Gold Has Broken Out appeared first on LewRockwell.

There are lies damned lies and Central Bank Gold statistics. Total official global gold holdings are reported to be 33,000 tonnes. That is 19% of all the gold ever produced in the world. But how can anyone ever believe any of these figures. Because no central bank ever has a public audit of all its gold holdings. Since the gold belongs to the people, they have the right to know if the gold actually exists, especially since the gold reserves are backing the currency. WHY IS THE US GOLD NOT AUDITED? But no, the truth about these gold reserves are … Continue reading

The post There Just Isn’t Enough Gold appeared first on LewRockwell.

Totally irresponsible policies by Governments and Central Banks have created the most dangerous situation that the world has ever experienced. Risk doesn’t arise quickly as the result of a single action or event. No, risk of the magnitude that the world is experiencing today is the result of many years or decades of economic mismanagement. Cycles are normal in nature and in the world economy. And cycles that are the result of the laws of nature normally play out in an orderly fashion without extreme tops or bottoms. Just take the seasons, they go from summer to autumn, winter and … Continue reading

The post Risk On: War, Economy, Debt, Dollar appeared first on LewRockwell.

Fake money has created a totally uneven playing field for most ordinary people. Money used to represent a medium of exchange that would facilitate bartering. Instead of exchanging goods or services, people would receive a piece of paper that was equal to the value of their goods or services. This was initially an honest system when for each service or goods offered there was only one bank note issued. Eventually the banker started to cheat and issued a lot more money/paper than the counter value produced in kind. And that was the beginning of money printing. It just became too … Continue reading

The post The Final Currency Debasement: to Zero appeared first on LewRockwell.

Stock investors are rejoicing about stock markets making new highs in many countries, totally oblivious of the risks or the reasons. It seems that this is an unstoppable rally in a “new normal” market paradigm. No major increase is expected in the inflation rate or the historically low interest rates. The present rally has lasted 8 years since the 2009 low. There is virtually no fear in markets so investors see no reason why this favourable climate would not continue for another 8 years at least. Yes, of course it could. All that is needed is that governments worldwide print … Continue reading

The post Printing Half a Quadrillion Dollars appeared first on LewRockwell.

It is not only paper gold which is Fake. Few investors realise that most of their investments are Fake. Fake news and Fake assets are everywhere. Let’s start with social media which dominates major parts of the world. Facebook, for example, has 2 billion active users. WhatsApp has 1.2 billion users and Instagram 700 million. There will obviously be quite a lot of overlap between the various social media. But what it is clear that these three Apps reach billions of people and their power is much bigger than that of any other media; Social Media has more impact than … Continue reading

The post Bank Assets Are Ephemeral appeared first on LewRockwell.

Time and time again we are seeing fraud taking place in the precious metals’ market. Thousands of tonnes of paper silver and paper gold are being dumped over just a few hours or days. For anyone who doesn’t understand what is happening, let me categorically state that this has nothing to do with the real physical market in gold and silver. No, this is blatant manipulation by governments and bullion banks as well as speculators. And since governments are involved, it is sanctioned by them with no consequences for the traders who are rigging the market. BULLION BANKS FEAR THE … Continue reading

The post ‘We Are Seeing No Selling of Physical Gold or Silver’ appeared first on LewRockwell.