There is much President Trump does not understand about the outside world.  High up on the list is the crucial importance of US trade policy in creating and sustaining the American Empire. The key to the post-World War II US imperium was granting other nations commercial access to the huge, vibrant American domestic market.  This, as much as the highly successful Marshall Plan in Europe, was responsible for stabilizing the world economy and extending US geopolitical power across much of the globe. I vividly recall when war-ravaged Japan produced only junk and cheap toys.  A small town in Japan called … Continue reading

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At a time when the United States is convulsed by anti-Russian hysteria and demonization of Vladimir Putin, a trove of recently declassified Cold War documents reveals the astounding extent of the lies, duplicity and double-dealing engaged in by the western powers with the collapsing Soviet Union in 1990. I was covering Moscow in those days and met some of the key players in this sordid drama.   Ever since, I’ve been writing that the Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, and Foreign Minister, Eduard Shevardnadze, were shamelessly lied to and deceived by the United States, Britain, and their appendage, NATO. All the western … Continue reading

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The US has maintained the fiction for decades of being an even-handed mediator between Israel and the Palestinians.  This week, President Donald Trump finally junked this tired, old canard by agreeing to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem from its current headquarters in Tel Aviv. There was huge symbolism in this move that met with universal condemnation.   It means the US is abandoning any chance of a two-state solution, which was the original UN plan for Palestine. Henceforth, Palestinians will subsist in a Jewish unitary state as a powerless, restive underclass.  Washington is violating international law, the 1993 Oslo Accords, … Continue reading

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Merry Christmas to one and all from North Korea.  Glorious Leader Kim Jong-un unwrapped a wonderful new intercontinental missile, the Hwasong-15, which experts believe might be capable of reaching Los Angeles, New York and Washington, depending on the weight of its nuclear warhead. This was the big, earth-shaking story until Gen. Michael Flynn’s guilty plea in Washington seemed an even bigger bombshell than North Korea’s nukes.  As of now, the Flynn scandal looks like a tempest in a teapot – unless FBI Inquisitors can produce real evidence that the wicked Russians were doing anything more in cahoots with Trump & … Continue reading

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Memories of the cruel Balkan Wars of 1992-1995 are already slipping away.   But the sentence to life in prison for Serb general Ratko Mladic by the United Nations War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague for crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing last week shows that justice occasionally prevails. These crimes in the Balkans were of epic proportion, sadistic, and profoundly sickening, even to a hardened war correspondent like me. Serbia’s banker-turned demagogue, Slobodan Milosevic, and Bosnian Serb leader, Radovan Karadzic, formulated a strategy to create an ethnically pure Greater Serbia, purged of Catholics and Muslims, that would recreate the glory of … Continue reading

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Amidst the rising clamor in the US over groping and goosing, America’s Congress is beginning to fret about President Donald Trump’s shaky finger being on the nation’s nuclear button. The air force officer that dutifully trails the president carries the electronic launch codes in a black satchel that could ignite a world war that would largely destroy our planet.  This is rather more serious than groping and pinching. The inexperienced Trump has talked himself into a corner over North Korea.  He thought bombastic threats and a side deal with China could force the stubborn North Koreans to junk their nuclear … Continue reading

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What’s going on in Saudi Arabia?  Over 200 bigwigs detained and billions of ‘illegal profits’ of some $800 billion confiscated. The kingdom is in an uproar.  The Saudi regime of King Salman and his ambitious 32-year old son, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman,  claim it was all part of an ‘anti-corruption’ drive that has Washington’s full backing. Utter nonsense.  I’ve done business in Saudi Arabia since 1976 and can attest that the entire kingdom with its thousands of pampered princes and princesses is one vast swamp of corruption.  In Saudi, the entire nation and its vast oil revenues are considered … Continue reading

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`Take up the white man’s burden’  Rudyard Kipling, poet laureate of British imperialism The British Empire, which at the end of the 19th century ruled one quarter of the earth’s land surface, is long gone.  But its robust successor and heir, the United States, has set about enlarging it. As I sought to explain in my last book ‘American Raj – How the US Rules the Muslim World,’ the US imperium exerts its power by controlling tame, compliant regimes around the world and their economies.  They are called ‘allies’ but, in fact, should be more accurately termed satrapies or vassal states.  Many … Continue reading

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‘Guard against arrogance. For anyone in a leading position, this is a matter of principle and an important condition for maintaining unity. Even those who have made no serious mistakes and have achieved very great success in their work should not be arrogant.’ Chairman Mao Zedong’s Little Red Book China was blessed by two great leaders in the 20th century. Mao Zedong created modern China out of the wreckage of a nation devastated by war, western and Japanese imperialism, ferocious poverty and lack of national spirit.  ‘Great Helmsman’ Mao made catastrophic mistakes that killed millions and was dotty at the … Continue reading

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The so-called Islamic State organization was primarily a bogeyman encouraged by the western powers.  I’ve been saying this for the last four years. I asserted, as a former soldier and war correspondent, that IS would collapse like a wet paper bag if proper western ground forces attacked their strongholds in Syria and Iraq.  This week, the western powers and their local satraps finally took action and stormed the last IS stronghold at Raqqa.  To no surprise, IS put up almost no resistance and ran for its miserable life. The much-dreaded IS was never more than a bunch of young hooligans … Continue reading

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President Donald Trump has put the United States on the course for war with Iran.  That was clearly his objective last Friday when he refused to certify the international nuclear accord with Iran and proclaimed heavy sanctions against Tehran’s powerful paramilitary Revolutionary Guards Corps. Trump’s move was also a clever ploy to deflect blame for abrogating the key 2015 Iran nuclear treaty that the US signed with Iran, Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China and the European Union. Accusing Iran of ‘terrorism’ and ‘violating the spirit of the accord,’ Trump threw the Iran issue into the hands of the Republican-dominated US … Continue reading

The post Iran Must Be Destroyed appeared first on LewRockwell.

‘Every people has the god-given right to mismanage their own affairs’ Margolis Law #3 I’ve always been a rebel, revolutionary, iconoclast and all-around bad boy.  Naturally, I have sympathy for most revolutionary movements. The problem is, many revolutions don’t make political or economic sense, but they do make one feel good – at least for a while.  Revolution is the natural habitat of the young. So the growing revolutionary fervor in Spain’s Catalonia region finds much sympathy, even fascination, with this writer.   I’ve been going to Barcelona, capital of Catalonia region, since I was a teenager in the Franco era.  … Continue reading

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Much of America, including yours truly, has been watching the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) series, ‘Vietnam.’  Instead of clarifying that confusing conflict, the series has ignited fiery controversy and a lot of long-repressed anger by soft-soaping Washington’s motives. This march to folly in Vietnam is particularly painful for me since I enlisted in the US army at the height of the war.  Gripped by youthful patriotism, I strongly supported the war.  In fact, the TV series even showed a pro-war march down New York’s Fifth Avenue that I had joined.  Talk about déjà vu. At the time, 1967, the Cold … Continue reading

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NEW YORK – Not since Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev banged his fists and waved his shoe at the UN in 1960 has a world leader made such a spectacle of himself as President Donald Trump did this past week at the world organization. Trump vowed to ‘totally destroy’ North Korea, a nation of 25 million, if it dared threaten the US or its allies.   To do so, the US would have to use numerous nuclear weapons. The president’s Genghis Khan behavior seemed to take no account that a US nuclear strike against North Korea would cause huge destruction to neighboring … Continue reading

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Old Chinese saying: ‘when elephants battle, ants get crushed.’  Think of the current crisis on the Korean Peninsula in which the government in Seoul has been all but ignored. South Korea’s newly elected president, Moon Jae-in, keeps insisting that the US must not launch war against North Korea without South Korea’s agreement. President Donald Trump and the US media appear not to have heard Moon’s pleas, or are simply disregarding them. Amazingly, six decades after the end of the 1950 Korean War, South Korea’s 650,000-man active armed forces and 4.2 million-man reserves remain under the command of a US four-star … Continue reading

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