Fifteen years ago this week, the US launched the longest war in its history: the invasion and occupation of remote Afghanistan. Neighboring Pakistan was forced to facilitate the American invasion or ‘be bombed back to the stone age.’ America was furious after the bloody 9/11 attacks. The Bush administration had been caught sleeping on guard duty. Many Americans believed 9/11 was an inside job by pro-war neocons. Afghanistan was picked as the target of US vengeance even though the 9/11 attacks were hatched (if in fact done from abroad) in Germany and Spain. The suicide attackers made clear their kamikaze … Continue reading

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The divided south Asian mountain state of Kashmir is like a volcano: forgotten when quiescent, but terrifying when it comes alive. After the first India-Pakistan War in 1947, in which the British Indian Raj was divided into Hindu and Muslim-dominated states, India ended up with two-thirds of the formerly independent mountain state of Kashmir, and the new state of Pakistan with a scrubby, poor third known as Azad Kashmir. Rebellion and attempts at secession have flared ever since in Indian-ruled  Kashmir which has a restive Muslim-majority, and minorities of Sikhs and Hindus.  In fact, the Kashmir conflict is now the … Continue reading

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Kim’s Latest Big Bang North Korea’s fifth nuclear test produced an explosion fury and hysteria around the world, an empty threats against the Hermit Kingdom, and a giant sell-off in stock markets by foolish investors. No wonder gleeful North Korean leader Kim Jong-un was having such a big laugh.  It’s not often that a small nation of only 24.8 million can defy the mighty United States, Japan, South Korea and even its sole ally, China. But Kim did and survived the experience. North Korea fired off its fifth underground nuclear device estimated at 15-20 kilotons. The detonation was estimated at … Continue reading

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“America’s strategic and economic interests in the Mideast and Muslim world are being threatened by the agony in Palestine, which inevitably invites terrorist attacks against US citizens and property.” Eric Margolis – Sun Media Sept 2, 2001 (nine days before the Sept 11 attacks on New York and Washington DC.) As Americans enter the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on their nation, they still have not understood the true cause of these dreadful attacks. Who can blame them?  Our politicians and media have totally obscured the truth behind these and subsequent attacks that we call ‘terrorism.’  While we mourn … Continue reading

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What a mess!  In the crazy Syrian war, US-backed and armed groups are fighting other US-backed rebel groups. How can this be? It is so because the Obama White House had stirred up the war in Syria but then lost control of the process. When the US has a strong president, he can usually keep the military and intelligence agencies on a tight leash. But the Obama administration has had a weak secretary of defense and a bunch of lady strategists who are the worst military commanders since Louis XV, who put his mistress, Madame de Pompadour, in charge of … Continue reading

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To my profound sorrow, that glorious empress of the skies, the Boeing 747, seems fated to go to the scrap yard of aviation history. Boeing Aircraft has announced it will cease production of the 747. I fell in love with the mighty 747 the very first time I flew in her in 1970  from New York to London. The spaciousness, comfort, and elegance of this great bird entranced me after having become used to the workmanlike Boeing 707 and DC-8s, both fine aircraft but ones with no romance. Compared to them, the 747 seemed like a flying palace. But my … Continue reading

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Everything grows old. I’m told one day the stars and planets will turn to dust. So I suppose it’s no surprise that America’s arsenal of nuclear weapons is also showing signs of advancing age, and may have to be replaced. One would think that the growing decrepitude of our  nukes would be a fine time to dismantle and junk these horrible weapons. President Barack Obama has fulsomely preached for the past seven years on the need to get ride of the nukes. Very nice. Yet once away from the microphones, Obama  has let the military-industrial-financial complex generate plans to refresh … Continue reading

The post The US Empire Is Nuke-Mad appeared first on LewRockwell.

It’s been the week from hell for Donald Trump. Everything seems to be going wrong for him. The worst was the foolish and painful fight he picked with the grieving Khan family. What happened was clearly a very clever ambush devised by the Clinton camp. A Muslim-American attorney, Khizr Khan, whose army officer son had been blown up in Iraq, was put on show at the Democratic Convention to attack Donald Trump’s ignorant and stupid anti-Muslim policies – and to embarrass him. It worked brilliantly.  Trump, like an enraged mastodon, fell right into the trap. After being sternly rebuked by … Continue reading

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Anti-Russian hysteria in America reached its apogee this week as Democrats tried to divert attention from embarrassing revelations about how the Democratic Party apparatus had rigged the primaries against Bernie Sanders by claiming Vlad Putin and his KGB had hacked and exposed the Dem’s emails. This was rich coming from the US that snoops into everyone’s emails and phones across the globe. Remember German chancellor Angela Merkel’s cell phone being bugged by the US National Security Agency? Unnamed US ‘intelligence officials’ claimed they had ‘high confidence’ that the Russian KGB or GRU (military intelligence) had hacked the Dem’s emails. These … Continue reading

The post Before the US Starts Another War appeared first on LewRockwell.

September 1961. Geneva, Switzerland. A Turkish classmate of mine named Turgut burst into my room, crying, ‘those bastards just hanged my father!’ The ‘bastards’ in question were Turkey’s generals. They had  overthrown the civilian government of Adnan Menderes and hanged my friend’s father. Since, then, the mighty Turkish armed forces has tried to overthrow the government about every ten years. Last weekend’s military coup in Turkey was the fifth coup since the 1960’s. Many had believed the mighty, 610,000-man Turkish armed forces, backed by 379,000 trained reserves, NATO’s second largest  forces after the US, had finally been driven back to … Continue reading

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The French have a saying, ‘un malheur n’arrive jamais seul.’ That translates into ‘when it rains, it pours.’  This week, the heavens opened and poured on the nation’s national fete, Bastille Day. The day began with highly embarrassing revelations by a French satirical newspaper that the unpopular president, Francois Hollande, had a staff hairdresser making $11,000 a month at a time of national austerity. This was a genuine ‘let them eat cake’ moment. That same evening, a frightful attack occurred in Nice. A demented 31-year old man of Tunisian origin, Mohammed Bouhel, who had just lost his job and then … Continue reading

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This week’s Chilcot report on Britain’s role in the 2003 invasion of Iraq was as polite and guarded as a proper English tea party. No direct accusations, no talk of war crimes by then Prime Minister Tony Blair or his guiding light, President George W. Bush.  But still pretty damning. Such government reports and commissions, as was wittily noted in the delightful program ‘Yes, Prime Minister,’ are designed to obscure rather than reveal the truth and bury awkward facts in mountains of paper. And beneath mountains of lies.  The biggest lie on both sides of the Atlantic was that the … Continue reading

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War with Russia appears increasingly likely as the US and its NATO satraps continue their military provocations of Moscow. As dangers mount,  our foolish politicians should all be forced to read, and then re-read, Prof. Christopher Clark’s magisterial book, ‘The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914.’ What is past increasingly appears prologue. Prof. Clark carefully details how small cabals of anti-German senior officials in France, Britain and Russia  engineered World War I, a dire conflict that was unnecessary, idiotic, and illogical. Germany and Austria-Hungary, of course, share some the blame, but to a much lesser degree than the … Continue reading

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My beloved British godfather, Lynn Perkins, always used to warn me of the manifest evils of Europe and beyond, “remember, Eric, the wogs begin in Calais (pronounced ‘Callis’ by the Brits.)” Wog is a nasty British term for oily, untrustworthy foreigners. I recall the Perkins warning  because of the upcoming British referendum to stay in the European Union or pull out. Polls suggest Brits will narrowly decide to stay in the EU; my instincts say the same. But then again, remember all those ‘wogs.’ Britons are often too well-mannered to bring up this issue, particularly in polls. But deep down, … Continue reading

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PARIS –  Ah, the joys of Paris in the springtime. Riots every day and night; vandals smashing store windows and looting; traffic jams horrendous even by this city’s standards; air, train, and metro disruptions. Tear gas wafts in the air. Add to this toxic mess the ongoing guerilla war between Uber cars and Paris’ notoriously nasty taxi drivers; a virtual civil war within the fragmented Socialist government of President Francois Hollande; a little war in the Sahara; and an economy that has all the get up and go to a flat Michelin tire. Even with all this craziness going on, … Continue reading

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