The POTUS chastised the NFL for disrespecting the flag and the NFL Commish chastised the POTUS for a “lack of respect for the NFL, our great game and all of our players, and a failure to understand the overwhelming force for good our clubs and players represent in our communities.” Thus, the jingoistic USA in demanding that we respect the sacred flag and nationalism gets crossed up with the narcissistic NFL in its demand that we respect the sacred sport of football and athleticism. Spectator sport indeed! as one roots for an increase in internecine fighting within the totalitarian powers … Continue reading

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(This essay is biased–as we all should be–toward the family man, the working man–a real man—as opposed to the State and its minions.) A king of men was killed by boys in blue, or rather by deputy sheriffs, Barney Fife’s types. But these Barney Fifes, while just as insecure as he of Mayberry, are on steroids and their AR’s have banana clips full of bullets, verses one in the pocket. And they unloaded these magazines into the torso of a king. On that murderous evening the venerable Idahoan rancher and logger Jack Yantis, age 62, was having dinner with family … Continue reading

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