You have never heard of Rachel Premack. Admit it. Until July 3, neither had I. On that day, Ms. Premack got her 15 minutes of fame. These minutes marked her as a spokesperson for a Progressive generation that is utterly devoid of common sense. At about 4:30 a.m., a news story that quoted Ms. Premack in detail was the #3 story on Drudge. It was right there under the bold headline: OBAMA SENT $400 MILLION CASH TO IRAN AS AMERICAN PRISONERS FREED. That is a true “red meat” headline for meat-eaters, meaning just about everyone. Current Prices on popular forms … Continue reading

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David Rockefeller is arguably the longest-lived power behind the throne in American history. He received a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Chicago in 1940. Yes, his grandfather had provided money to create the school, but the economics department was rigorous. He did not get a free ride academically. Yet he showed no signs of that department’s moderate free market outlook. He served as chairman of Chase-Manhattan Bank (1969-81), a giant bank in his day, which merged with a giant, J. P. Morgan-Chase. Wikipedia writes: Under his term as CEO, Chase spread internationally and became a central pillar in … Continue reading

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The phrase “New World Order” has been around for over a century. The Progressives in the USA and the Old Boy Network of Great Britain — the Round Table Network — were pushing for globalization before World War I. So were the liberal Social Gospel Protestant theologians, who saw this as an extension of the kingdom of God. The Versailles peace conference was their golden opportunity. The League of Nations was the incarnation of their vision. This would be a New World Order. This week, I came across a book by Samuel Batten, The New World Order. It was published … Continue reading

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The phrase “populist revolt” has been around for a century. But, except for the three failed presidential campaigns of William Jennings Bryan — 1896, 1900, 1908 — we have not had one. Yet the phrase has survived. Why? Because the Old Boy Network represented by the Council on Foreign Relations is deathly afraid of it. They and their intellectual spokesmen in the media and academia want the voters to believe that the “yokels from the fringes” are a threat to America. Until this year, populists have been a mere annoyance. But this year, they finally arrived. There are millions of … Continue reading

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Paul Ryan had planned a vote on limiting suspected terrorists’ access to legal guns. This was correctly perceived by second amendment supporters as a sell-out. A list that bars suspected terrorists from flying on a commercial airplane is inherently unconstitutional in the first place. Either the government arrests a suspected terrorist and tries him in court before a jury or else it takes his name off the list. There should be no such list. The New York Times reported this on July 6: WASHINGTON — House Republican leaders on Wednesday backed away from plans to vote on a gun measure … Continue reading

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This is not a joke. There is a major research project that needs urine samples. If it is successful, there will be a simple test that will let people better assess their risks of future diseases. If it works, some day life insurance and health insurance premiums will fall for those who pass the test. They will be higher for those who do not. The research organization wants a donation . . . but not of your money. The more participants, the more accurate the research. If you decide to participate, send this article to friends. Post it on social … Continue reading

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On this day 240 years ago, New England’s most famous independent wholesaler, John Hancock, and Congress’s stenographer, Charles Thomson, signed a parchment. We celebrate that signing annually, often by setting off low-tariff fireworks imported from China. Most Americans know little about the background of this event. The details they recall from a high school textbook are incorrect. There is great confusion. The amount of misinformation is shocking. I am here to clear up some widely held misconceptions. (Note: I have a Ph.D. in colonial American history. I have also been involved since 1974 in direct-response marketing. As far as I … Continue reading

The post The Boston Tea Party Was a Crony Crime appeared first on LewRockwell.

The defeat of the “remains” on June 23 was one of the great days in my life. Yet I am an American. Why should I care? Answer: because I have been opposed to the New World Order for over half a century. I have watched these clever people pull off the final phase of the most self-conscious bait-and-switch operation of the twentieth century. It has now begun to disintegrate. Brexit was the first stage of this disintegration. The first phase began in England in the decade after the Boer War and before World War I. The central institution, literally and … Continue reading

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The fall of the USSR was the greatest victory. It came in the final week of December 1991. Brexit came in less than one day. The USSR had looked shaky in the second half of 1991. Britain’s position in the EU looked solid until after the initial voting results trickled in. The New World Order has suffered its greatest defeat, ever. They tried everything in the book to scare the voters from voting for an exit. They failed. There will be lots of explanations offered. But this one is the big one: national sovereignty still trumps globalism. People are committed … Continue reading

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A majority of the voters of Venezuela are thieves. They have tried to vote themselves prosperity through the welfare state. This preference for theft by the ballot box has now blown up in their faces. Good. To imagine that theft produces any other result is to imagine that (1) dishonesty is the best policy, (2) thieves win in the long run, and (3) private property is theft. Venezuelans elected and re-elected the long-winded socialist Hugo [OOgowe] Chavez. Chavez was a tin-horn dictator whose role model — rhetorically and ideologically — was Fidel Castro. He loved to give three-hour speeches. He … Continue reading

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This is a forgotten aspect of American history. It is worth mentioning. The Preamble is the most famous section of the Constitution. We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. The phrase, “We the People of the United States,” has been quoted ever since its adoption in 1788. But it was not in the original Preamble. … Continue reading

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On June 23, Ralph Stanley died. He was 89. He was the last of the founders of bluegrass music. This is an American invention, named after the group that backed up Bill Monroe, the Bluegrass Boys. Monroe’s music was “old timey” until the arrival of Earl Scruggs, who revolutionized banjo picking. Scruggs joined the Bluegrass Boys in 1945. He started his own group in 1948, the Foggy Mountain Boys. Ralph and his brother Carter were right behind Monroe. They started the Clinch Mountain Boys in 1946. They played together until Carter’s death in 1966. They are generally regarded as the … Continue reading

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The betting sites were wrong. The polls were wrong. The politicians were wrong. The last YouGov poll was 52 to 48 “remain” hours before the voting ceased. The vote went the other way: 52-48. The law of large numbers was wrong: polls and betting. So were the capital markets. The Dow was up 230 on June 23: 18,011. The S&P 500 was up 28: 2113. The pound was up 1%. Soon after the first numbers came in, the pound fell 4%. That is a huge drop. Then it fell another seven percent. Nigel Farage had conceded defeat before the voting … Continue reading

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Let us go back forty years. Here is one of the greatest scenes in the history of the movies. Howard Beale is the presumptive Republican candidate for President of the United States. Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, polls indicate that a majority of British voters are going to vote to pull out of the European Union on June 23. The international establishment is facing a two-front war. The Atlantic alliance is in visible disarray. This has not happened before. This is truly historic. A DESPERATE ESTABLISHMENT On June 14, I wrote about the refusal of Obama and Clinton to use the … Continue reading

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