Remember this phrase? “If you like your present health care plan, you can keep it.” The President is not even pretending to allow any freedom of choice with ObamaTrade, aka the Trans-Pacific Partnership. ObamaTrade is to trade what ObamaCare is to medical care: a bureaucratic monstrosity. It is 5,544 pages long — 3,500 pages longer than ObamaCare. This is a 5,544-page hunting license for unelected, tenured international bureaucrats to bring lawsuits against American companies. It does not take 5,544 pages of legalize written by international lawyer-bureaucrats to obtain free trade. What it takes is for legislatures to reduce tariffs and … Continue reading

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At the same time, this is only the beginning of the crisis, because the conditions inciting people to flee their homelands will only worsen. And the EU, many of whose members have the world’s largest and best-equipped welfare systems, appears to be overwhelmed by it — politically, morally, and administratively. This paralysis creates a significant risk for the EU. No one seriously believes that individual member states — particularly Italy and Greece, the two countries most affected — can overcome the long-term challenges posed by large-scale migration on their own. But many member states reject a common European effort, a … Continue reading

The post Immigrants vs. Europe’s Welfare States appeared first on LewRockwell.

Remember this phrase? “If you like your present health care plan, you can keep it.” The President is not even pretending to allow any freedom of choice with ObamaTrade, aka the Trans-Pacific Partnership. ObamaTrade is to trade what ObamaCare is to medical care: a bureaucratic monstrosity. It is 5,544 pages long — 3,500 pages longer than ObamaCare. This is a 5,544-page hunting license for unelected, tenured international bureaucrats to bring lawsuits against American companies. It does not take 5,544 pages of legal verbage written by international lawyer-bureaucrats to obtain free trade. What it takes is for legislatures to reduce tariffs … Continue reading

The post Total Surrender to the NWO appeared first on LewRockwell.

I don’t talk a lot about Obama, since he is mostly a cipher. I did not talk much about Clinton, either, for the same reason. They are both talkers. But when it came to making their agendas clear, and then passing them into law, they accomplished little. What did Clinton ever do that we remember? Monica. Clinton appointed Robert “Goldman Sachs CEO” Rubin as Secretary of the Treasury. Rubin was followed by Hank “Goldman Sachs CEO” Paulson, appointed by George W. “Skulls & Bones” Bush, the son of George H. W. “Skull & Bones/Harriman & Co.” Bush. THE TPP You … Continue reading

Detroit and Chicago are models of urban failure. The decline of both cities visibly began around 1960. That was when a decade of Democratic control merged with the federal government to turn these cities into welfare state disasters. This had begun in the New Deal. But it took a quarter century for the process to begin to become visible. Whites began moving out. The suburbs continued to grow. James Curley of Boston had begun this process even earlier. He was the model for the mayor in the novel and 1958 movie, The Last Hurrah. Tax by tax, he penalized the … Continue reading

To those of you who post on Facebook, the following story serves as a warning. Screen your friends. There are loose cannons online. They can go off at any time. The World Wide Web has revealed just how many loose cannons there are out there. Read the posts on any blog site. Loose cannons love to post on blog sites. They fire every which way. They give others a piece of their mind when they really cannot spare it. This is why I killed the “comments” feature of Tea Party Economist as soon as I gained full control over marketing. … Continue reading

Remnant Review I begin with an aphorism: “Moral ideas without institutional sanctions are impotent. Institutional sanctions without moral ideas are tyrannical.” Every civilization attempts to deal with this aphorism. So does every political movement. There is never universal agreement on either the content of morality or the efficiency of the sanctions. This is a battle for the minds of men. It never ceases. I have been active in the conservative movement ever since 1956. By 1960, I had come to this realization: American conservatism after World War II has lacked anything remotely resembling a consistent philosophical defense. This has made it … Continue reading

Political activists are more entrenched on this issue than any other issue in American life. Somebody might say that legalized abortion would be the top candidate. I don’t think that’s the case. Opponents of abortion are not going to change, but the degree of commitment has faded over the last two decades. The futility of trying to stop abortion has generally placed the issue on the back burners of the conservative movement, and also the back burners of most anti-abortionists. They would certainly vote against the extension of abortion, but they’re not going to get actively involved in picketing or … Continue reading

Matt Drudge appeared on Alex Jones’s Infowars. Here is how he has been quoted. On the future of digital copyright: “I had a Supreme Court justice tell me to my face it’s over for me. Said, ‘Matt, it’s over for you. They’ve got the votes now to enforce copyright law. You’re out of there. They’re gonna make it so headlines–you can’t even use headlines.’””You thought Obamacare was shocking… wait until these copyright laws work their way up, and the Supreme Court decides you cannot have a website with news headlines linking across the board. Then that will end for me. … Continue reading

What do you know about Lawrence Lessig? If your life depended on writing a page on the career of Lawrence Lessig, and you had 30 minutes to write the essay, and you were in a room without access to the Internet, would I be wise to sell you a life insurance policy? Quite frankly, I had never heard of Lawrence Lessig. Yet he has raised a million dollars in one month to run for the Democratic Party’s nomination for President of the United States. When you think about this, it really is astounding. Here is someone you have never heard … Continue reading

The regulation by the state of the streets of London goes back to 1635. It began under King Charles I, who was a full-time tyrant, and whose life ended on the scaffold in 1649. Charles decided that the streets were too crowded in London, and what the city needed was government control over the number of taxis. This tradition extends to today. In major cities, the government regulates the supply of taxis, and the result has been higher prices and rotten service. Regulation has created an oligopoly of taxi companies, which use state power to extract greater wealth from people … Continue reading

Ever since the days of ancient Egypt, priesthoods of various denominations have had an alliance with the state. They trained the next generation of literate bureaucrats. The state wanted literate bureaucrats. The priesthood wanted state support. It was a convenient alliance. It still is. In our day, the priests are priests because they are certified by the state to do the training. This is called academic accreditation. The priests are agents of the state. All of this has rested on a myth: the myth of classroom education. In less than 10 years, the Khan Academy has undermined this myth beyond … Continue reading

The NBC News version of the story of the Oregon massacres said this: High school student Autumn Vicari told NBC News her 19-year-old brother J.J. was in a room filled with students at the college when the gunman entered.According to her brother’s account, Vicari said at one point the shooter told people to stand up before asking whether they were Christian or not. Vicari’s brother told her that anyone who responded “yes” was shot in the head. If they said “other” or didn’t answer, they were shot elsewhere in the body, usually the leg. Vicari said her brother managed to … Continue reading

Europe is humanistic. “Religion doesn’t divide us any more.” Europe is liberal. “We’re all liberals here.” Europe has a huge welfare state. “Come and get it!” Europe does not reproduce at replacement rate: 2.1 children per woman. “The future is irrelevant.” Here comes the future! To read about the situation in Germany, click the link. Read more on

Rev. Jim Wallis is ecstatic about the Pope’s visit to America. This is bad news for traditional Catholics. Having Jim Wallis on your side is comparable to getting full support from the Italian army. Who is Jim Wallis? He is this century’s #1 spokesman for Progressivism’s social gospel to the evangelical-fundamentalist Right. America’s Leftist media are always on the lookout for a previously unknown Protestant minister who has picked up the lingo of fundamentalism: a minister who is spreading the message of the social gospel’s welfare state inside the camp of the evangelicals. When they find one — and there … Continue reading