Men don’t like talking about their erectile dysfunction. I am making an exception. Yesterday, I found out from my urologist that my bone scan showed nothing irregular. My prostate cancer has spread outside my prostate, but not far. It is advanced, but not immediately life-threatening. Had he not caught it in time, things would have gotten much worse. He caught it in time because of my ED. I began noticing a problem last February. At age 75, I figured it was statistically commonplace, but only for other guys. Not me. I made up my mind not to pay retail for … Continue reading

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So, you want to understand the fringe of the global warming religion. I think I have found it. First, 31,000 scientists have signed a petition saying there is insufficient evidence that any relationship exists between man-made emissions and global warming. You can read this here. In short, the whole global warming scenario is a fantasy. Second, a truly apocalyptic article appears in New York, which is a mainstream site aimed at mainstream liberals. That is why this article is important. It is so utterly mainstream. It begins with a headline that can hardly be out-apocalypsed: The Uninhabitable Earth. There is a headline: Famine, … Continue reading

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To understand the Paris Accords on global warming, view this. It is time for checking the pockets. Donald Trump killed the whole deal by pulling out. THE G-20 Buy Gold at Discounted Prices The G-20 is a twice-annual public relations festival of photo opportunities where heads of state get to let voters back home know how important they are. The only problem is, the G-20 meetings are not important. Nothing ever comes out of them that changes anything. The G-20 always ends with a series of pronouncements. These pronouncements carry no weight. No money is transferred. No sanctions are imposed. … Continue reading

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There are lots of debates between what is called establishment medicine and alternative medicine. They have very different strategies in conducting research. Their standards of proof are different. DOUBLE BLIND AND MORALLY BLIND Establishment medicine relies heavily on what are called double-blind tests. These tests are subject to statistical analysis. But there is a fundamental moral problem with these tests. That problem is the placebo. The tests have randomness as the criterion of truth. If a particular procedure is going to be proven to be both a safe and effective, it has to be compared with something. It does no … Continue reading

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I do not celebrate the fourth of July. This goes back to a term paper I wrote in graduate school. It was on colonial taxation in the British North American colonies in 1775. Not counting local taxation, I discovered that the total burden of British imperial taxation was about 1% of national income. It may have been as high as 2.5% in the southern colonies. In 2008, Alvin Rabushka’s book of almost 1,000 pages appeared: Taxation in Colonial America (Princeton University Press). In a review published in the Business History Review, the reviewer summarizes the book’s findings. Rabushka’s most original … Continue reading

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This week, I read Matthew Ridley’s book, The Evolution of Everything. The timing was providential. It was exactly the book that I needed to write Part Five of my book, Christian Economics: Teacher’s Edition, which I am posting daily here. I have been waiting to find a book like Ridley’s for 35 years . . . to refute. He believes in Darwinian evolution. I mean, he really believes it. He thinks it governs everything. He is also a disciple of Hayek, Mises, and even Ron Paul. So, his account of economics is accurate. His account of genetics is not. He … Continue reading

The post What You Were at 16 appeared first on LewRockwell.

Boys State is an annual one-week summer assembly of high school seniors held in every state in the union except Hawaii. It is sponsored by the American Legion. The boys for one week organize themselves into rival political parties. Then they conduct mock civil government. I attended in 1958 in California. It had a profound effect on me. I gained my self-confidence that week. I was elected to state office. In my day, the two parties were Tories and Whigs. The head of the Whig party was Stacy Keach. The head of the Tory party was Dwight Chapin. Chapin later … Continue reading

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The first thing you need before the interview is a copy of the company’s mission statement. Get it before you walk into the interview. First, you want to know if you agree with it. Second, you want to if it is plausible. When asking questions about the company, refer back to this document. Let it guide your line of questioning. You are just trying to find out how things really work. This frame of reference will reduce the interviewer’s fears that you are a potential troublemaker. The company that is interviewing you wants to find out whether you will be … Continue reading

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The gay lobby was able to overcome the Food and Drug Administration on anti-AIDS “cocktails.” This was one of the few major triumphs of politics over bureaucracy in my lifetime. Consider this report. Hasini Jayatilaka was a sophomore at the Johns Hopkins University working in a lab studying cancer cells when she noticed that when the cells become too densely packed, some would break off and start spreading.She wasn’t sure what to make of it, until she attended an academic conference and heard a speaker talking about bacterial cells behaving the same way. Yet when she went through the academic … Continue reading

The post The FDA Is Cancer appeared first on LewRockwell.

Pres. Trump has proposed a $1 trillion boondoggle. He wants to spend this money on infrastructure. This is going to put Obama’s shovel-ready, anti-recession boondoggle to shame. Only it isn’t going to happen. It didn’t happen for Obama, either. Here is what happened — or didn’t happen. Back in 2009, former President Barack Obama made some lofty promises about the infrastructure overhaul that his $800 billion economic stimulus plan would provide. Obama used the phrase “shovel-ready projects” in reference to construction projects that could begin right away.In the end, however, only $98.3 billion of the $800 billion stimulus was dedicated … Continue reading

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There is a famous phrase in American politics: “the consent of the governed.” It is an important phrase. It is the essence of political legitimacy. Throughout most of history, the consent of the governed has been grudging. People put up with the political system they live in. They think it is not worth their time to fool around with politics. The overwhelming number of people throughout history have ignored politics except its special election times. This has been a wise attitude. Salvation is not by politics. The only society in history that has enjoyed nearly full-time interest in politics by … Continue reading

The post Pulling the Plug appeared first on LewRockwell.

There is a famous phrase in American politics: “the consent of the governed.” It is an important phrase. It is the essence of political legitimacy. Throughout most of history, the consent of the governed has been grudging. People put up with the political system they live in. They think it is not worth their time to fool around with politics. The overwhelming number of people throughout history have ignored politics except its special election times. This has been a wise attitude. Salvation is not by politics. The only society in history that has enjoyed nearly full-time interest in politics by … Continue reading

The post Pulling the Plug appeared first on LewRockwell.

Megan Kelly got a promotion from Fox News to NBC because Donald Trump insulted her during an early Republican presidential debate. This promotion did not include an increase in wisdom. It merely gave her a larger audience for her to reveal her limitations. Her limitations are considerable. Her latest bonehead move was to interview Alex Jones. This got her in trouble with NBC, because nobody is supposed to interview Jones. That would give him some degree of credibility. The mainstream media do not want to consider him as anyone who deserves credibility. The mainstream media still believe that someone like … Continue reading

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This was a bad week for anybody who believed for five nanoseconds that Donald Trump was going to get anything through Congress. The vote on ObamaCare was postponed again. ObamaCare is now permanent. Trump is never going to get enough votes to replace it with something else, which would have been worse anyway. The monstrosity should be repealed. It should not be replaced by anything. But once the Democrats ram some welfare state policy down the throats of the Republicans, the Republicans never repeal it. Their constituents get their hands on money from Uncle Sugar, and they will not tolerate … Continue reading

The post Trump’s Faith in His Market-Based Negotiating Skills appeared first on LewRockwell.

Ann Coulter talks tough, but only in print. She refused to talk tough when it came time to talk. She was invited to Berkeley. She made a lot of noise about it. Then, when push threatened to come to shove, she wimped out. I am not impressed with the lady at all. I never have been. She has an acidic tongue, but that’s not enough to make it in the world of political commentary. You have to have the guts to back up your tongue. She does not have this. She is not a female Pat Buchanan. She is basically … Continue reading

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