A satellite phone is a life-line for those who live off grid. If you need emergency services and/or rescue you need a reliable way to get help. For preppers, satellite phones can be a way to navigate, signal for help, or simply keep in touch when the grid goes down during a disaster. But, with advances in satellite phone technology, and a reduction in price, off-griders can use satellite phones for other types of communication too. Phone calls, texting, and even internet access are now available on satellite networks. The battery life, quality, and speed of these services will be less than a smart … Continue reading

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Editor’s Note: This resource has been revised and updated for 2018 best practices. A major component of family preparedness is the maintenance of comfort, control, and self-preservation in a time of crisis.  Whatever the source of the crisis, we as humans want to protect the homestead and our loved ones at any cost.  (And by the way, many species on the animal kingdom do the same.) The reason I bring this topic to the forefront is that recently, at a community meeting, I learned that home burglaries in my area are on the rise.  This, in a community where many … Continue reading

The post Home Security and Crime Prevention Secrets appeared first on LewRockwell.

Not all situations need to be met with lethal force. A lot of the more common attacks on your well being are scary. You have to be able to assess a situation and meet it at the right level. For example, if you are a victim of road rage you might want to fend off a blow or get someone to leave you alone. If the authorities get involved and it looks like you used excessive force to handle a situation, you can get it quite a lot of trouble depending on the overall circumstances. There are a lot of weapons on … Continue reading

The post The Best Non-Lethal Defense Weapons appeared first on LewRockwell.

We each recall our excitement when, as children, snow was predicted and the thought of school closings made us giddy. We anxiously waited for the next morning to take a look out of our bedroom windows to confirm that we’d be sledding, skiing, making snow forts and having snowball battles instead of taking that dreaded science test. As adults, we may have a different perspective as we think about hazardous travel, flight cancellations, damaging winds, frozen pipes, shoveling snow and power outages. Blizzards, nor’easters or bomb cyclones, whatever the name designation, these storms can be killers. Before we get into … Continue reading

The post Top 8 Snowstorm Emergency Tips appeared first on LewRockwell.

Editor’s Note: This resource has been updated and revised for 2018. My love affair with paracord continues.  Not only is it strong and useful for a myriad of tasks, it is colorful and fun to work with while making bracelets, key fobs, belts and other goodies. I am not the only one that feels this way. Simply enter the term “paracord” into a search engine and you will be presented with thousands of articles covering everything from what it is, how it is used, where to buy it, and more. It seems like everyone has a stake in the paracord love-fest … Continue reading

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These days I have been doing a lot of thinking about my daily hygiene and beauty routine as it relates to a long term survival situation.  I don’t want to appear frivolous but for me, feeling clean and looking nice are an important part of feeling good about myself in general.  I do not think that my thoughts in this regard are limited to women and in fact, the Survival Husband feels much the same way, albeit without the need for a touch of lipstick and blush. While an article on survival hygiene is long overdue, today I want to … Continue reading

The post Don’t Throw Old Razors Away appeared first on LewRockwell.

There are a lot of things to consider when it comes to designing and outdoor kitchen area. Since a lot of people have different needs, budgets, climates, space, etc, I am going to approach this article by offering up some suggestions for outdoor kitchen components that can be bought one at a time to fit into tight budgets and some that can be set up for a season and taken down if needed. At the same time, any of these components could be used in an outdoor kitchen that has some permanent structures like counter tops or rock work. Sure – … Continue reading

The post The Hottest Thing in Easy Living and Home Improvement appeared first on LewRockwell.

This is a REVISED and UPDATED for 2018 resource. There is a lot to think about during any major situation. One thing that it is easy to predict is that if the supply chain gets shaken, it can mean that some things might quickly disappear. One of the main things to remember about prepping is that you need to have the items you absolutely need already on hand as much as possible. Luxury items and non necessities can make a situation better but it is important to prioritize your prepping so that you can make the most of what resources … Continue reading

The post 100 Items That Will Disappear First appeared first on LewRockwell.

I have never met a potato I did not like.  Seriously.  There was period during the 80s that I refer to as my potato years.  I shunned meats of any kind and pretty much subsisted for weeks at a time on baked potatoes, asiago cheese, and apples.  That, plus my morning latte was it.  I would go weeks and weeks on a steady diet of potatoes and little else. Somewhere along the line,  I gave up such foolishness and started eating a bit more normally.  Well, maybe not normally but certainly with a lot more in the way of variety … Continue reading

The post Should You Grow Spuds in a Tub? appeared first on LewRockwell.

There are a lot of reasons why you need to consider the security of where you live. Regardless of how nice your area may be or how low the crime rate is, in an emergency the protections you have may not be sufficient to maintain your ground. Even during good times, it can be pretty annoying or frightening to have others just come on your place with no warning. While hunters are generally harmless, it can be unnerving to have an armed person or several people suddenly on your property. Preppers that are keeping livestock, gardening, ect, need good security measures to … Continue reading

The post Perimeter Home Defense appeared first on LewRockwell.

While we are getting close to the official start of winter, you still have time to get your place in good order. Chances are some of the things on this list are things you already have or that you can order or get in town with ease. Preparing your place for the winter doesn’t have to be nerve wracking but there are some steps you should take to make sure things go smoothly. A little bit of prevention can result in a lot less problems later on. Here are some tips for making winter a little easier to transition to. Think … Continue reading

The post Prepare Your Home for a Bad Winter appeared first on LewRockwell.

Many people misconceive preppers and it’s hard to blame most of them, considering shows like Doomsday Preppers are so popular. But, when a writer misconceives preppers, and, worse, uses a single prepper convention to attempt to diagnose a whole country, well, it’s harder to excuse. Stephen Marche, novelist and writer for Esquire, attended this year’s Ohio Preppers and Survivalist Summit held in Bowling Green, Ohio.  Then he wrote a piece for the Guardian entitled: “America’s midlife crisis: lessons from a survivalist summit.” His conclusion is that the rise of prepping is a mid-life crisis, and synonymous with a new radical Americanism, and … Continue reading

The post Is Prepping Really Useless? appeared first on LewRockwell.

There is a whole world of multi-tools out there to choose from. Before you go shopping there are some things to consider so you make the choice that is best for your situation. Avoid the urge to get the one with the most gadgets There are some multi-tools out there that have tools that most of us never use. If you have purchased a big multi-tool in the past and used most of the tools then ignore what I am saying but I would bet that for most of us preppers, the big ones are just added weight and expense. … Continue reading

The post The Best Multi Tools appeared first on LewRockwell.

We live in trying times. Plenty of readers may live alone or travel a lot alone. The choices for personal protection can be limited due to laws, physical limitations, and more. While many states allow for concealed carry of firearms if someone can pass a background check, take a course, pay a fee, purchase a firearm, ect, this does little good for those that are not comfortable with firearms or lack the financial resources to purchase one, take classes, and more.  Traditional Self Defense Weapons Are Not Allowed At Many Places Even with a permit you cannot take a firearm … Continue reading

The post Personal Protection You Can Take Anywhere appeared first on LewRockwell.

Good times, hard times, vitamins can make up for what is lacking in your daily diet as well as provide additional immune system end even emotional support. First, let’s talk about the basics you need to know about vitamins before purchasing any major supply. There is a reason why some cost more than others. A lot of us are used to buying generic medications. Why not after all? After the patent runs out on a medication all of a sudden there is more competition than before. It is basic supply and demand economics. Vitamins are not like this. You get what you … Continue reading

The post Stay Healthy in Hard Times appeared first on LewRockwell.