The latest reports put the death toll from Hurricane Harvey at 70. While the count is likely to rise further, mostly this will be from bodies revealed by receding water. Most deaths from hurricanes and floods happen while the storm is still in the area. Yet, the one million people who have been displaced and others effected by the storm will still face many challenges. Roughly 200,000 homes have been damaged. Buy Silver at Discounted Prices House destroyed by Hurricane Harvey in Texas, August 28, 2017. Also, the financial toll of the hurricane is likely to be the most expensive in history, perhaps … Continue reading

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Tires are everywhere you look. During a survival situation, the ability to fix a tire and extend its life is a good skill to have. The supplies in this article are inexpensive and can be bought a little at a time so it is not hard to fit into even a modest prepper budget. To be honest, these are things you should probably have on hand even during good times if you have any vehicles or machines at all. Tires Have A Limited Life During SHTF, getting a new set of tires may not be a possibility. This means that … Continue reading

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There’s plenty of information online about where you shouldn’t live off-grid. There’s advice about which climates just don’t work with solar power, or tales of how cities have denied a family’s off-grid dreams. So, where should you go? We’ll walk you through the considerations you need to keep in mind when choosing the best places to live off grid and find your perfect slice of paradise. Find specific recommendations for where to go, not just in the USA, but in the rest of the world too! We’ll go over the top nine states that your off-grid dreams will work in, and give … Continue reading

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One of the biggest chores that preppers face is the accumulation of an emergency food supply. Prepping is not a new adventure. Many cultures have lived a prepping lifestyle. The Mayan culture is one such people who could survive and grow a large empire thanks to their innovative means of storing foods. The Mayans had a method of storing sweet potatoes where the food would last for upwards of ten years. It was their insurance against drought and famine. Food security is certainly not new, but many of us in the modern world prepare for times when our plentiful bounties … Continue reading

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It has been awhile since I have written about living a strategic life.  For those of you new to Backdoor Survival, living a strategic life is something that I encourage everyone to embrace, prepper or not.  As a matter of fact, it is so important to me personally that I co-authored a book about it, 11 Steps to Living a Strategic Life: A Guide to Survival During Uncertain Times. In a nutshell, living a strategic life means that you are able to take care of yourself and your family no matter what Mother Nature and the Universe decides to drop in your lap.  And … Continue reading

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About a month ago, I learned that it was possible not only to test old alkaline batteries to see if they are still are usable but also that, with the right type of charger, you can bring dead batteries back to life and that you can actually recharge alkaline batteries.  To be quite honest, I was blown away. Being a dutiful citizen of the world, when a flashlight, computer mouse or portable electronic gizmo such as a remote control stopped working, I dumped the old batteries into my recycle box and installed some new ones.  Of course not being wasteful, … Continue reading

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In the event of a venomous snake bite, antivenom, sometimes called antivenin, is the only treatment. While these miraculous drugs cannot reverse the damage that the venom has already caused you, they do stop the venom in its tracks. So, how exactly does it work? Of course, you’ll also want to know which snakes are venomous, how to avoid them, and what to do if you’ve been bitten by one. Snake safety has changed a lot over the decades, and there is lots of false information floating around, so you may need this refresher. Poison or Venom? Snakes are not … Continue reading

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Of all of the reasons to prepare, one that we all need to take seriously is the possibility of a catastrophic EMP, or electromagnetic pulse.  This is especially true right now, as we face a huge amount of solar activity the likes of which could send out huge solar flares wiping out  communication systems and modern electronics. To be blunt about it, an EMP, if large enough, would affect the entire planet.  In an instant, civilization as we know it would change as we get swept backward in time by a century or two. WHAT IS AN EMP? For those … Continue reading

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Upon request from our readers, I was asked to make a follow-up to the MRE article. In there, I had mentioned that creating your own MRE is more efficient and cheaper than buying one of the brand-names. Therefore, I have compiled this information together as everything you’ll need to know about creating your very own MRE. I will be going over what I had mentioned in the previous article as well as supplying you with the “how-to’s” in drying out food, properly compacting it all into air-tight storage, and the proper steps to take in preserving your MREs. Remember, being … Continue reading

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Injuries are part and parcel of a long-term survival scenario. Many realize that good boots, gloves, and even protective eyewear will prevent many of these injuries, but few will take action to protect against head injuries. Most head injuries cause superficial damage and are not life-threatening. Indeed, most amount to only a laceration of the scalp, a black eye, or a painful bump. These wounds, however, can hide damage inside the cranium, the part of the skull that contains the brain. Injuries that affect the brain are called traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). It’s important for the medic to recognize when … Continue reading

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The longer you have been prepping, the more you realize how easy it is to get sidetracked and to prep for things, that in the big picture, are of a relatively low priority.  It is no wonder that articles on prepper mistakes and lessons learned are so popular. It is has been a couple of years since I wrote about some of the mistakes and goofs we all make while prepping.  Since then, a lot of things have changed. For one, the mainstream media has caught on to “three-day kit” mania which means more and more families are now ready … Continue reading

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In January 2011, I did a walk-around-the-house inventory to assess my state of my preparedness.  At the time, I was living offshore on San Juan Island in Washington State.  Terrorism was an escalating threat, the economy was in shambles, and I was living in earthquake country.  On that day, I officially became a prepper. There has been no looking back.  I have made it my mission to educate myself and the world as I put into place long-term survival tactics to ensure both safety and comfort in the event a major incident or disaster. Eventually, I began using the term … Continue reading

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No matter how prepared you are, survival is really about making the most of what you have on hand. Did you know there are many items sitting around your house that can protect you, no matter what kind of catastrophe strikes? If this list is any indication, women may be the ones to stick closest to since they have some of the most useful items. If you aren’t one, hopefully, you will know one since they likely will have the best multi-purpose goods when the SHTF. Household Items To Use When Disaster Strikes Physical Gold & Silver in your IRA. … Continue reading

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It is no secret that prepper-types use the Great Depression as an example of what can and will happen when the stuff hits the fan.  We do this because the possibility of a national or even a global economic collapse is something we prepare for. Learning about life during the Great Depression has its value and the lessons we can learn will go a long way in helping us formulate our own plan for survival under such dire economic circumstances. That being said, life in the 21st century is much different than it was during the thirties. This makes it … Continue reading

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How much do you really know about the treatment of colds and flu?  Even in normal times, it is easy to be confused by viral versus bacterial infections, and sorting out which is which when we get sick.  This gets further compounded following a disruptive event when physicians and pharmacies are not available to assist with our healthcare needs. In this exclusive new article by contributing author, Joe Alton, colds, flu, and respiratory infections are addressed along with tips for ensuring good respiratory hygiene during good times and bad. Colds and Flus Physical Gold & Silver in your IRA. Get … Continue reading

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