It was not that long ago that the country of Greece suffered a devastating collapse of their economy.  At the time, there was a lot of blame game going on but, at the end of the day, it was years of irresponsible and unrestrained spending that took them down.  That, coupled with questionable accounting practices and misstated economic indicators left the Greek citizens befuddled and angry when the reality of a depression hit. Could the same thing happen here?  Not to be depressing but in going through my own thoughts as I answer the question “What am I least prepared … Continue reading

On April 18th, I will be taking the test to get my Technician Class HAM radio license.  This is something I have been meaning to do for quite some time but honestly?  I got so wrapped up with getting my equipment, two Baofeng UV5 radios, to work that I lost sight of the goal. To prepare for my test, I have been studying Dan Romanchik’s free guide “The Non-Nonsense Technician Class License Study Guide” which is all good.  But still niggling me was the sense of failure at setting up my HAM radios.  The crazy thing is this: the license … Continue reading

Most Prepper types that I know appear to have a common trait: they are good at evaluating risks then moving to mitigate those risks in a nimble manner.  What that means, in somewhat plainer English, is they have the ability to evaluate a situations, make a plan, learn from it, and ultimately act in a responsible manner. Along those lines, more recently I have done some personal analysis and put more focus on what I call “hard times ahead”.  With my disaster preps more or less in order, I want to ensure that my own household will get through a period of … Continue reading

For better or for worse, our lives are full of stress.  The weather, our jobs, the economy, financial woes and poor health can all contribute to stress.  In addition, for most of us, the biggest stress is simply that there are not enough hours in the day. Add prepping and learning new skills to the mix and life can get dicey. Whatever the reason, many of us are under a relentless cloud of stress that never lets up.  We find ourselves enveloped by an undercurrent of tension that exists as we go about our day, even during normal times.  I … Continue reading

As I wrote last September, I have a fairly decent first aid kit.  It includes everything from a large variety of bandages to pain killers, antibiotics, essential oils, trauma supplies, first aid books, and equipment such as braces, splints and a blood pressure monitor. Since then, however, Ebola and now measles have become a threat and it is only a matter of time where my first aid kit will be called into play to protect my household from contamination from sickness, or worse, a pandemic. As I try to cover all contingencies, I have come up with six additional items … Continue reading