From KurzweilAI: Demis Hassabis, the founder and CEO of DeepMind, announced at the Neural Information Processing Systems conference (NIPS 2017) last week that DeepMind’s new AlphaZero program achieved a superhuman level of play in chess within 24 hours. The program started from random play, given no domain knowledge except the game rules, according to an arXiv paper by DeepMind researchers published Dec. 5. “It doesn’t play like a human, and it doesn’t play like a program,” said Hassabis, an expert chess player himself. “It plays in a third, almost alien, way. It’s like chess from another dimension.” I started programming IBM … Continue reading

The post AlphaZero for President appeared first on LewRockwell.

When was the last time you heard someone call for the abolition of government — government as we’ve known it? Why would anyone want to abolish government?  Isn’t it necessary, at least for purposes of common defense and resolution of disputes?  Since the absence of government is anarchy, wouldn’t we be at the mercy of gangs and warlords? If the warlords argument is true in all cases, isn’t that proof we need a coercive government to rule us?  If it isn’t true in all cases, do we have a peaceful means of removing ourselves from government’s authority?  Has any society … Continue reading

The post The Patsy and the Culprit appeared first on LewRockwell.

I know positively who I will be voting for in November, and it won’t be either of the major party candidates.  Nor will it be a third party candidate or any other person who might want to occupy a political office. Instead, I will be voting for you — whoever you may be. I will not be voting to put you in power over my life.  I will be voting to free you from the power of others who occupy a political office.  I will be voting to put you in charge of your own life through your own initiative … Continue reading

The post By All Means Vote appeared first on LewRockwell.

Bad news: Government is getting bigger and more oppressive. Good news: As it gets bigger it also gets weaker. Better news: Technology is making us, as individuals, stronger. How do we know government is getting weaker?  Because it is sustained by central bank counterfeiting and debt, and the lies of state sycophants.   How long can massive fraud last?  To say that government is corrupt is saying water is wet.  The whole apparatus of government — a bandit gang writ large, in Rothbard’s famous depiction — is an affront to civilization and human dignity.  Yet it’s the absence of government … Continue reading

The post Take Comfort, Libertarians, appeared first on LewRockwell.

Revisionism, according to Harry Elmer Barnes, is bringing history into accord with the facts.  Why would history and factual evidence be at odds?  Because governments, per Orwell, falsify the past to keep the population subservient.  If people really knew what governments had done they would want less of it than they have. How much less is the question Lew Rockwell addresses in his book, Against the State: An Anarcho-Capitalist Manifesto, released in May, 2014.  As the title makes clear, Rockwell argues for the complete elimination of the State. Many people otherwise favoring unfettered freedom will qualify their position with an … Continue reading

Summary: Massive debt is sealing the fate of governments and central banks.  As the cards collapse, radical developments in diverse areas of technology, combined with free market entrepreneurship, will destroy and rebuild the existing social order. Trouble begins when bureaucracies replace free markets.  In the U.S., we find money, the lifeblood of the economy, resting in the hands of a board of bureaucrats whose statements the financial punditry spends their waking hours trying to decipher.  What does this portend for the foreseeable future?  Ben Wright, Group Business Editor at The Telegraph, takes us through one possible scenario. The total value … Continue reading