KINGSTON, NY, 15 JULY 2015—Go back to 1964 when America was drafting all eligible young men to fight the Vietnam War. Do you remember why America launched the war in which some 60,000 US troops and 3 million-plus Vietnamese would be killed? We were told by Washington that it was to stop the spread of communism. If we didn’t stop them from taking over Vietnam, countries throughout the region would fall under communist rule like dominoes. “We seek an independent non-Communist South Vietnam … Unless we can achieve this objective … almost all of Southeast Asia will probably fall under Communist … Continue reading

When the Panic of ’08 hit, the United States — the financial and military police of the world — led the charge to stop the spread of economic terror. Under the command of US Secretary of Treasury Hank Paulson, orders were given to save too-big-to-fail banks and over-leveraged financial institutions drowning in red ink. On Oct. 3, 2008, President George W. Bush signed into law the Troubled Asset Relief Program that allowed the government to purchase assets and equities institutions had accumulated from engaging in a spectrum of dirty deals — deals for which they would pay minimal fines before being allowed … Continue reading

KINGSTON, NY, 2 March 2015—History is being made. A unique phenomenon is in play that few outside the business media are reporting. Last week, for the first time in its history, Germany sold five-year bonds that guaranteed a negative yield. And Germany is not alone. Eurozone nations, including France, Belgium, Finland, Denmark, Switzerland, Netherlands, Sweden and Austria, have issued bonds with negative yields. This means investors, as a reward for tying up their money for several years, will get less money back than they put in when the bonds mature. Among the rationale for investors to accept a loss is … Continue reading

KINGSTON, NY, 9 February 2015 — NBC’s Brian Williams has come under vicious attack by fellow journalists, competing networks, editorial writers and media pundits for exaggerating the dangers he faced as an embedded reporter with the US military in the first days of the Iraq War. Apologizing for twisting the facts, Williams said it was a “bungled attempt by me to thank one special veteran, and by extension, our brave military men and women, veterans everywhere, those who served while I did not.”  Although he did not serve in the military, Williams has served as a loyal foot soldier who dutifully … Continue reading

The votes are in and the decision is overwhelmingly clear. Chris Kyle—the Navy SEAL portrayed in the blockbuster movie purported killer of some 200 Iraqis during four tours of duty—is the people’s choice. From record ticket sales to major media accolades, from the halls of Congress to the White House, the nation has spoken: “American Sniper” is all-American. Chris Kyle—the most lethal killer in U.S. military history, a true hero, a brave warrior—has been anointed as a role model for all that America has come to stand for. “American Sniper has the look of a bona fide cultural phenomenon!” said … Continue reading