(The sources of Mr. Hall’s quotes are referenced at the end of this article.) “I’d find the young men in the far off places of the world/I’d bring them home to see their fathers, mothers and their girl.” – “The World The Way I Want It” – 1968 Tom T. Hall song ”I was born in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains,” country songwriter, singer and musician Tom T. Hall once said, “and spent my whole life trying to get out of there.” But he achieved worldwide acclaim and success writing songs and singing about the people who lived there. … Continue reading

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The National Press Club hosted a press conference in Washington, D.C. on April 10, 2018 that revealed important news about the strategic attack on free speech and First Amendment rights directed at alternative media. It’s unlikely many are aware of this important information since the corporate media didn’t show up. Infowars founder and broadcaster Alex Jones focused on what he said were hundreds of frivolous defamation lawsuits intended to drive him and others in the independent press out of business and current censorship tactics being used against the alternative media on social media platforms. Other speakers were Contributing Editor Roger … Continue reading

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Was Beatle Paul McCartney killed in 1966 and replaced with a double? For those unfamiliar with the Paul is Dead (PID) mystery, this must sound like a ludicrous conspiracy theory. The rumor started in 1969 in the UK and US, spread globally with articles published in corporate media sources. The November 7, 1969 Life magazine cover story “Paul is Still With Us” settled the issue in the minds of most people. Establishment sources that perpetrate the official explanations on controversial issues like the JFK assassination and 9-11 such as Wikipedia call PID a conspiracy theory or urban legend while others, … Continue reading

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