Some of the reactions to my recent piece on Nancy Reagan (“Just Say No” 8 Mar 2016) seem to lose the forest through the trees. I’ve received quite a few emails which I believe misinterpret the intent of the article. Let me be clear, I’m not responding because I feel under attack, but rather because I’d like to double down on my assault on power. The world today suffers from extreme deference to authority. There is a severe absence of challenges to power. That’s not to say that there aren’t lone wolves and small groups who succeed in holding the powerful accountable. But … Continue reading

The post How Dare I? appeared first on LewRockwell.

Nancy Reagan died on March 6, 2016, at the age of ninety-four. She leaves behind a destructive legacy that will likely be with us for some time — Just Say No. Her unfortunate contribution to the War on Drugs seldom gets the negative treatment it deserves. The Just Say No campaign is often looked at as merely another variety of First Lady busy-work. It is anything but that. Though Nancy Reagan has not been a force in American culture for several decades, her use of young children as props in the government’s Drug War is a lasting effect that has grown stronger with … Continue reading

The post Just Say No appeared first on LewRockwell.