In the era of Trump, Deplorables would be well served to rethink the high esteem in which they have held Big Conservative media, or The Big Con. There are two kinds of Big Con pundits: On the one hand, we have those who, after decades of insisting to the GOP base that the election of Democrats is tantamount to national suicide, not only failed to rally behind the GOP presidential nominee when his name was Donald J. Trump, but actively sought to sabotage Trump’s prospects both as candidate and as President. These Big Con-men and women are now known as … Continue reading

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We can only hope “I don’t like him. I don’t know much about him, but I know he’s a blowhard. And I’m not too excited about him being a leader.” So says George H.W. Bush about President Donald J. Trump in Mark K. Updegrove’s soon-to-be-released, The Last Republicans. And Bush Senior admits to having voted for Hillary Clinton. Neither is Bush Junior an admirer of his successor. “Wow, this guy doesn’t know what it means to be president.” W maintains that a president should not “exploit” and “incite” anger, but “come up with ideas to deal with it.” Junior states … Continue reading

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To hear the contemporary professoriate tell it, it isn’t just mathematics that promotes “whiteness.” John Caputo and George Yancy are philosophers who agree that reason itself is “a function of whiteness.” In 2015, Yancy, a black man, interviewed Caputo, a white man, for a series appearing in the New York Times.  In “Looking ‘White’ in the Face,” Yancy remarks that “the task of engaging race or whiteness in philosophy has been taken up almost exclusively by nonwhite philosophers.” Whiteness, Yancy maintains, “is a site of privilege that makes it invisible to many white philosophers.” Moreover, “some white philosophers would rather … Continue reading

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I was recently invited to participate in a panel discussion over the subject of “free speech.”  Among the subtopics on the agenda are those of the Confederate monument controversy and the relationship between free speech and “hate speech.” My schedule forced me to decline the invitation.  However, even had this not been the case, I probably would’ve declined at any rate.  The description of the discussion, you see, makes it clear that its organizers assume, first of all, that the distinction between “free speech” and “hate speech” is a meaningful one.  In doing so, they presuppose as well the meaningfulness … Continue reading

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The former President of the United States, George W. Bush, made quite a splash recently when he took swipes at President Donald J. Trump. Some thoughts: First, the consternation of Deplorables aside, for purposes of clarity, it is actually a very good thing that Bush delivered his speech.  To as great an extent as anyone, the former President signifies the neoconservatism against which traditional conservative and Republican voters rebelled when they catapulted Trump to victory. In other words, the symbolism involved in juxtaposing Bush with Trump couldn’t be richer inasmuch it symbolizes nothing more or less than the dramatic contrast … Continue reading

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As I write this, there is only a small handful of facts, or alleged facts, that all of the talking heads in Big Media seem to agree upon regarding “the largest mass shooting in American history.” First, 64 year-old Stephen Paddock, a white man and resident of Nevada, appears to have acted alone when he opened fire upon over 22,000 country music concert attendees in Las Vegas. Second, Paddock had a lot of weaponry, guns of various sorts, in the hotel room that he used as a sniper’s nest. Third, Paddock is a relatively wealthy man who enjoyed gambling and … Continue reading

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Since the crushing, truly humiliating defeat that it suffered with the election of Donald J. Trump to the presidency, neoconservatism, at least temporarily, experienced a dramatic reversal of fortunes. It isn’t, of course, that neoconservatives have gone away; and it certainly isn’t the case that they have lost power and influence in any substantive—as opposed to symbolic—respect.  Still, the sort of standard GOP/neocon agitprop that prevailed during the George W. Bush days, and even into the Obama era, has been less audible in the Age of Trump. We should not, however, be misled by this into thinking that some of … Continue reading

The post American Exceptionalism Considered appeared first on LewRockwell.

If the left really took itself seriously, or, to put it another way, the right was interested in engaging in the kind of silliness that is the left’s enterprise of choice, the following terms would have entered our vocabulary long ago.  Some of these terms have actually appeared, but because they militate against the left’s ideological vision and political agenda, they have gained very little traction. Others needed to be created. For the benefit of all right-wingers, I offer their own Politically Correct (Politically Incorrect?) speech code, chock-full of examples of micro-aggressions! I.CAUCASOPHOBIA/EUROPHOBIA: Throughout the contemporary world, particularly the Western … Continue reading

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If ever there was any proof needed that the left long ago won the so-called “cultural wars,” it was supplied in spades this last month. And it was supplied by none other than self-styled “conservatives.”  Yet in proving that the left is victorious, these “conservatives” also proved the truth of another proposition by which some of us have been swearing for quite some time: They are not now, nor have they ever been, genuine conservatives. In the wake of Charlottesville, “conservatives,” the men and women of the Fake Right, have been competing ferociously with one another in a “disavowing” contest.  … Continue reading

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NeverTrumper Bill Kristol, a staunch Republican neoconservative who self-styled as a conservative for decades, particularly during the Bush II years, now calls for his fellow NeverTrumpers to “rebrand” as “liberals.” The significance of this can’t be overstated, for Kristol, a figure whose ideology is of a piece with that of the Republican Party of which his was an especially audible voice for much of this young century, has vindicated what some of us have been saying for quite some: The GOP is not, as it insists, “conservative.” It is neoconservative. And between neoconservatism and classical or traditional conservatism, there is … Continue reading

The post Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish appeared first on LewRockwell.

In two recent articles, I argued that John McCain is deserving of none of the accolades that have been heaped upon him since he was diagnosed with brain cancer.  He is neither a good man nor a good public servant. Why, some have asked me, attack McCain now, at this time when he is this sick? My reasons are simple. First, I recall having been told by my late father that his late father, my grandfather who died when I was but nine years of age, used to have a saying: If you’re no good while you’re alive, then you’re … Continue reading

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As soon as John McCain was diagnosed with brain cancer, a bipartisan chorus of praise for the career politician emerged. Whether McCain is the good man and good “public servant” that he is now being made out to be are empirical questions. The evidence with respect to both is overwhelmingly in the negative. Since a disastrous public servant is and must be a person with bad character, i.e. not a good person, we needn’t even look at McCain’s private life in order to see that he is neither a good man nor a good public servant. Let’s take his foreign … Continue reading

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As soon as John McCain had been diagnosed with brain cancer, Democrats and Republicans in Washington and the press spared no opportunity to lavish praise upon this lifelong government employee. The truth, though, is that in exchange for the billions and billions of dollars that McCain has confiscated from them for well over three decades, taxpayers have received an ever-burgeoning administrative state, relentless illegal immigration from the Third World, and, of course, war—and all while McCain has pretended to be a “conservative.” Thanks to his labors, hundreds of thousands of human beings, both foreign and American alike, are now dead. … Continue reading

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In February, the terrorist wing of the Democrat Party, the so-called “anti-fa” (“antifascist”), rioted at University of California at Berkeley in order to prevent Milo Yiannopoulos from delivering a speech.  The anti-American leftist thugs randomly assaulted innocents, threw Molotov cocktails, clashed with police, and smashed windows.  By the time it was all said and done, they had caused well over $100,000 worth of property damage. This is now being regarded as the first Battle for Berkeley.  And the left won. In March, a pro-Trump rally was held once more at the home of the so-called “free speech movement.”  It was … Continue reading

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Nationally syndicated “conservative” talk radio host Michael Savage and his poodle, “Teddy,” were recently assaulted while they exited a restaurant in San Francisco.  A man followed them from the eatery and mocked Savage for his real surname (“Weiner”) before kicking Teddy and throwing Mike to the ground. Neither master nor dog, fortunately, sustained any serious injuries—though Savage was “bloodied and shaken.”  According to his lawyer, Dan Horowitz, criminal charges will be filed.  They are also going to pursue the possibility of having the assailant charged for committing a hate crime on the grounds that Savage was attacked because of his … Continue reading

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