“Protesters” or “snowflakes,” both those on the left and right are at once mistaken and reckless in their unwillingness to call the violent militant left that has been wreaking havoc in its determination to (allegedly) register its displeasure with the election of President Donald J. Trump. These punks are not the “antifascists” that they claim to be. They are neo-communist terrorists. All of the definitional conditions of terrorism are satisfied by the violent left.  First, there is violence.  Second, the agents of this violence are non-state actors.  Third, the violence is directed against civilians, i.e. noncombatants.  Finally, far from being … Continue reading

The post Prepare To Resist appeared first on LewRockwell.

Irrespectively of how he, in fact, will govern if he becomes president, it’s no longer possible to deny that Donald Trump is indeed the anti-Establishment candidate. To get as far as he has, Trump has had to battle the Regime every step of the way.  Now that the election is less than a month off, it has dispatched its agents from all quarters to not just defeat Trump, but to crucify him. The Clintons and their legions of surrogates from the Obamas to the Bushes, from the Republican leadership in the Congress to all of the major media are tirelessly … Continue reading

The post It’s Reckoning Time for the Regime appeared first on LewRockwell.

Not long ago, National Review writer Jonah Goldberg discussed the “alt-right” with Hugh Hewitt on the latter’s talk radio show.  They agreed that, at the bottom, the movement upon which Hillary Clinton bestowed national recognition last month was “racist” and “supremacist.”  As such, it deserved to be purged from the GOP and the conservative movement. The notion that there is an alt-right is highly suspect, for there can be an alt-right only if there is a right.  But, contrary to what Democrats and Republicans alike would have us think, there is no genuine right in contemporary American politics.  So, there … Continue reading

The post Don’t Worry About the Alt-Right appeared first on LewRockwell.

Since Hillary Clinton made her speech regarding the so-called “alt-right,” there has been much effort on the part of some media observers to define this enigmatic phenomenon. Some, however, like “conservative” pundit Jonah Goldberg, aren’t so curious.  At bottom, Goldberg recently assured radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt, the “alt-right” is nothing more or less than but another manifestation of “racism.” The “alt-right” consists of people who, in spite of whatever other differences they may have, “agree…that white culture is inherently superior” and that there should be “no race mixing with the lower brown people.” Both Hewitt and Goldberg insist … Continue reading

The post Neocons vs. the Alt-Right appeared first on LewRockwell.

It’s true that on some of the most pressing of issues—immigration, trade, and foreign policy—Donald Trump’s “America First” positions are more align with traditional conservatism than are those of any other candidate.  That is, they clash with the neoconservatism, the faux “conservatism,” that the GOP Establishment and its media apologists have promoted for decades as the genuine article. Yet this being said, in Trump’s nearly 70 years, until very recently, he has done little to nothing to indicate that he has so much as an awareness of the classical conservative tradition, much less a commitment to it.  Even if he … Continue reading

The post Despite Everything appeared first on LewRockwell.

What exactly is a “NeverTrumper?” Not everyone who opposes Donald Trump’s candidacy is a NeverTrumper. A NeverTrumper, first of all, must be a Republican.  Secondly, he or she must oppose Trump. For example, “libertarians” like Ron Paul refuse to endorse Trump, but this is only because they refuse to endorse any candidate who they believe will further the cause of Big Government—and Trump they believe, quite plausibly, will further this cause.    NeverTrumpers, in contrast, are Republicans who self-identify, not as libertarian, but as “conservative.” They too claim to resist Trump because of the threat that he allegedly poses to … Continue reading

The post Explaining the Politics—and Psychology appeared first on LewRockwell.

Donald Trump is not now, nor has he ever been, any sort of conservative in the traditional or classical sense of that term. This being said, those self-declared “conservatives” in the media who have been tirelessly blasting Trump on this score are motivated by, not the love of truth but, rather, political partisanship. To hear them go on incessantly about Trump’s past outspokenness for positions that are typically associated with liberal Democrats, one could be forgiven for thinking that for these anti-Trumpsters the idea of nominating for the presidency anyone who is not a rock-ribbed conservative is unacceptable. Yet these … Continue reading

The post Hey, Reagan Conservatives appeared first on LewRockwell.

Regarding Donald Trump’s domination of the GOP presidential contest, National Review’s Jonah Goldberg has recently remarked: “Well, if this is the conservative movement now, I guess you’re going to have to count me out.” In response, Breitbart’s Ben Shapiro has noted that Goldberg and other “establishment Republicans” are, at the very least, inconsistent on this score, for they have had no use for conservative “litmus tests” when it has come to their candidates of choice: John McCain, John Kasich, Marco Rubio, Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell, etc. Such candidates are no less lacking in conservative bona fides as is Trump, Shapiro … Continue reading