I’m 50, unemployed, and poor. Okay? I don’t give a damn about whether or not Bashar al-Assad runs Syria, about Russia, or any of these other so-called political concerns I’m told to have by the Democratic Party who has learned the sum total of absolutely nothing in the 2016 election. When it was revealed the election of 2016 was more about economic concerns than anything else, the Democrats vowed to work on that—the promptly forgot it and blamed the loss on Russia. Despite the fact that Russia has not laid off Americans or contributed to poverty in the United States. … Continue reading

The post I’ve Had Enough appeared first on LewRockwell.

I’ve been asked by a number of readers to give a few tips on what to do in the event of an economic collapse. And this brings to mind a few things in regards to the changing economy that is coming. Since there are countless books on surviving this event, I don’t want to rehash anything. Besides, my teaching is just three lessons. 1.) YOU MUST LIVE IT NOW. What? Yes. Look here, you cannot hope to prepare for something you have no experience in dealing with even from a conceptual point of view. That being, to think you’re going to go … Continue reading

The post Surviving an Economic Collapse appeared first on LewRockwell.

Well, we knew it was coming. Have a look. Now, do we really think that Senator Elizabeth Warren actually cares about people well outside her caste? Of course not. We sit here in America and think we haven’t got a caste system, but we do. And Warren is in the top caste. So, her sympathy for the Untouchables is touching, but it’s so plastic that it’ll take 10,000 years to biodegrade. Of course, this is all the beginnings of her run for president in 2020. We knew it was coming. I figured it would be her or Nancy Pelosi. Maybe both on … Continue reading

The post Politicians Are Morlocks appeared first on LewRockwell.

According to the news, the economy is in bad shape. See here. Look! Chain retailers going out of business! Malls closing! Whole shopping malls abandoned! Another chain retail giant bites the dust! The end is near! The shelves will be bare! Break out the sackcloth and ashes! Where will America find overpriced kitchen gadgets they’ll never use?! This is, quite simply, ridiculous. I’m probably going to get a lot of static about what I’m going to say because I’m not an “economist” (whatever that is) and I’m not an “expert”. But the truth is, the “experts” have been wrong time … Continue reading

The post I Have Seen the Future appeared first on LewRockwell.

Okay, folks, you won’t be able to know who’s who in this Syrian War without a program! So, without further ado, enjoy! First off, there’s several different factions over there and not all of them willingly get along. Syria has: Shi’ite Muslims, Sunni Muslims, Syrian Orthodox Christians, a small number of Catholics, Kurds, Alawite Muslims, Druze, Yazidis, and the current imported Wahhabis called ISIS and al-Nusra. The surrounding nations do not all appreciate this mix of diversity. See, Assad is an Alawite Muslim, which is how he could walk the tightrope between these various factions, since the Alawite are a tiny … Continue reading

The post You Can’t Fight a War Without a Scorecard appeared first on LewRockwell.

The ongoing daily reality comedy we know as “the news” is reporting cheerfully on President Obama’s “legacy” and his feverish attempts to fossilize it into place. Evidently, Obama is burning the midnight biodiesel and will work harder over the next month even more than he did for the last eight years. Now, this is usual Democrat “lame duck” crap like pardoning convicted felons, establishing environmental protection for the habitat of the South Chickawallup Warbling Mosquito, and stashing billions of taxpayer dollars into the pockets of federal agencies that then manage to act as governments unto themselves. But besides all of this, … Continue reading

The post Barry’s Real Legacy appeared first on LewRockwell.

It’s been how many weeks now after the election and the crybabies are still whining about it. Well, all I can say is invest in a good set of earplugs, because these whiners will be crying and bawling for the next four years. This will go down in history as the world’s longest temper tantrum. But it begs the question: When did America devolve into Crybaby Nation? I think we should observe some key milestones in that journey. There was once a time in America it did not need to be said that you didn’t bring your dog into restaurants, … Continue reading

The post Boo-Hoo, We Lost the Election appeared first on LewRockwell.

Okay, now it’s getting ridiculous. It’s pretty much being reported as a fact that Russia “hacked” the election. Excuse me, but even if they hacked into the Democratic Party computer, that’s not “hacking the election” itself. The Democratic Party are NOT the election, as much as they appear to think they were/are. What’s going on here? Have the Democrats run out of options to contest the election, so now they’re going to climb into the time machine and resurrect the Watergate Scandal? These idiots have no idea what fire they’re playing with. Look, your guy had eight years in office. … Continue reading

The post Election False Flag appeared first on LewRockwell.

Let me begin this article with a parable: Little Billy came crying home one day, went right up to his mother and cried out, “Mommy, mommy! Timmy punched me in the eye in front of the whole class! And now I’ve got a black eye! Do something, mommy! Do something!” But Billy’s mother said unto him, “Billy! What did YOU do to him to cause him to risk suspension from school by punching you in front of everyone like that?!” Now, here we go again with the latest Election Gate scam from the Democrats and Establishment Republicans. Right, Russia must … Continue reading

The post From Russia With Karma appeared first on LewRockwell.

Many people are alarmed and concerned that president-elect Donald Trump will undo and dismantle all of President Obama’s accomplishments and hard-won achievements that have benefited the American people for some eight years now. I think, therefore, we ought to recognize and applaud these accomplishments so that we do not forget them or so lightly discard them. President Obama’s great endeavor to bring democracy to Syria has resulted in a catastrophic war that has cost hundreds of thousands of lives. Lest you think this a small feat, bear in mind it took nearly a decade for the Iran-Iraq War to rack … Continue reading

The post Barry, I Miss You Already appeared first on LewRockwell.

Hey, was everyone impressed with the USS Zumwalt which just broke down in the Panama Canal on its maiden voyage? Right, what is it, a $1.4 billion dollar (that we know of) ship and it breaks down on the test drive? Has anyone got the receipt? Can we take this back for a refund? And do we have the 100,000 miles extended the warranty, or is that one more thing the defense contractor screwed us on? “Ahoy! Can you call us a tugboat? We dropped a driveline and the local shops don’t service this make and model!” Now, the USS Zumwalt … Continue reading

The post Ahoy! Can You Call Us a Tow Boat? appeared first on LewRockwell.

I am old enough to know where the slang phrase “drinking the Kool-Aid” originated. It originated from a mass suicide event known as the Jonestown Massacre which took place in November of 1978. It isn’t right to call it a “massacre” because it wasn’t one in the true sense of the word. It was the mass suicide of about 909 members of an extreme religious cult known as The Peoples Temple, led by the delusional fanatic Jim Jones. I still remember seeing this on TV as a kid. There were special news bulletins about it interrupting broadcasts. This will sound creepy, but back then, … Continue reading

The post The Pentagon Kool-Aid Party appeared first on LewRockwell.

Hey, did any of you know that ObamaCare is the craziest thing in the world? Houston, we have liftoff! Check it out. Get a load of Bill Clinton over here! They say even a broken clock is right twice a day and good old Bill proves that. Because, well, he’s right in what he says about it. I’m as reluctant as most are to approve of something Bill says, but I give credit where it is due. Now, pay attention to what this means because it’s actually very important. It isn’t just a coincidence that Bill says this while his … Continue reading

The post Bill Clinton Calls Obamacare ‘Crazy’ appeared first on LewRockwell.

I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news for all of you. Hillary Clinton is going to be the next president of the Dis-United States. No, I am not basing that on the debate last night. I didn’t see them or hear them. I am basing it on the fact that Donald Trump has made some strategic blunders in his campaign. And, attached to his ego, he refuses to humble himself and repent of them to save his campaign. Therefore, it is not that Hillary is going to win this election. It’s that Trump will lose it and Hillary, ergo, wins it … Continue reading

The post President Clinton? appeared first on LewRockwell.

I’ve predicted this before and was, unfortunately right. I am talking about more terrorist attacks. I hate to say this—again—but I’ve got this weird feeling we’re about to get hit again but bigger than the last two micro-attacks using a knife and a homemade bomb. It isn’t difficult to predict these events, really. One only need to look at the history of al-Qaida to understand that attacks will continue, grow larger and bolder in scale, and will also go on for at least a decade or more. Folks, we ain’t even into half-time with ISIS attacks yet. I wrestled with … Continue reading

The post One Way To Avoid a Terrorist Attack appeared first on LewRockwell.