Well, well, well! It appears I struck a nerve with the Star Spangled Scam article. I got mostly very appreciative emails, but there were a few that took great offense at what I said. One guy said I was lucky I don’t “live in Korea”. He didn’t bother to say whether that was North Korea or South Korea. Must be his history book was published before the Korean War in an era when America still won wars, more or less. So let me set a few things straight here. First, yes, I do live in the United States and I … Continue reading

The post The Most Primitive of Superstitions appeared first on LewRockwell.

Boy oh boy, look at all the emotional bug splatter on the windshield of America over the national anthem! Some people are not standing for the Star Spangled Banner! How dare they protest in a nation where that right is allegedly guaranteed and is supposedly celebrated in that song! “Land of the free…” Hmm…well, I suppose so as long as you practice being free according to the method you are told to use. I’m old enough to remember back when we had to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance in grade school. And there were these kids who didn’t. Why? … Continue reading

The post The Star-Spangled Scam appeared first on LewRockwell.

I’ve gotten a number of emails from folks who wish to know what kind of resistance to the State can be accomplished. Well, I’m not a Red Dawn kind of guy, and I’m not Thomas Jefferson (nor do I play him on the internet.) But I have actually given this a lot of thought and investigation and will reveal what I believe to be the “magic bullet” that can abolish the government and Wall Street together in a “death of a thousand cuts”. What is the “magic bullet”? You might not believe this, but it’s actually consumer spending. The entire apparatus of … Continue reading

The post Bleed the Beast appeared first on LewRockwell.

I have received quite a few emails in regards to my last article. People are asking me for more explanation on the concept of liberating our minds from the government. I am quite happy to go into more detail and I think we can all profit from this. There are two major illusions the United States government creates that enslave the people to the concept of the United States government. These two illusions are that freedom is, firstly, given to us by the government and, secondly, that freedom is defended by the military. Not only that, but freedom is also provided … Continue reading

The post Freedom Through Militarism appeared first on LewRockwell.

I’ve received a few emails from folks wondering what it would take for people to figure out that the United States government is a police state. And, also, what it would take for people to look beyond it towards a different system. However, there are some things we must consider carefully here. For example, if we were to say that we wished to create a new country, are we not then making the very same mistake? Was this not how the United States government came into existence, after all? Before anything can be done, we must examine where people are … Continue reading

The post No Revolution appeared first on LewRockwell.

After my article on the government execution of Mary Surratt, I have been reflecting on the entire concept of execution by the State, Up front, I haven’t got any answers. All I’ve come up with are more questions. But I think we are at a point in time where we need to start asking these questions. We need to start asking where the State has now gone with the entire concept of execution. Let’s talk about another government execution: The execution of Japanese military leader Hideki Tojo, convicted of war crimes. Now, when American military police were battering down his … Continue reading

The post The Gov’t Death Penalty Is No Deterrent appeared first on LewRockwell.

If you went to high school in the 1980s as I did, you probably were not taught who Mary Surratt was in history class. That’s because Mary Surratt was an innocent woman executed by the United States government as part of the “conspiracy” to assassinate president Lincoln. Mary Surratt holds the unsought title as the first woman executed by the United States government, too. Why, then, are we discussing this today? Because there is an adage that states: “History repeats itself”. And this is certainly true. But with the United States government, history repeating itself is a matter of government … Continue reading

The post The Martyrdom of Mary Surratt appeared first on LewRockwell.

Well, here’s some more change you can believe in. Right, marijuana remains in the same league as heroin. Makes you wonder about the quality of heroin the Obama Administration is using. Because there is no way a sane person can conclude that marijuana should logically remain in the same category as heroin. Not that I think the government has any authority to decide what plants people may or may not ingest. Listen, this whole “War On Drugs” has been justified by the ridiculous need to “protect” the children. Now, yes, this is an excuse the government uses. But it is an excuse … Continue reading

The post Time to Cut the Apron Strings appeared first on LewRockwell.

Hey, what does Germany know that we don’t know? Or, rather, aren’t being told by the government? Their government is telling them to start stockpiling food and water for The Doomsday Event (As Seen On TV!!!) No? Well, have a look. Gosh, as much as America loves Doomsday, how come we’ve been left out of the loop on this? I feel like they threw an End-Of-The-World Party and we weren’t invited. Maybe they don’t want us to live through it. Do you think? Doomsday has always been a crowd-pleaser, so to speak, since the year 999 AD ticked over into 1000 AD. … Continue reading

The post Doomsday Lite appeared first on LewRockwell.

Uh, can it get any more ridiculous? Do people just sit around waiting to be “offended” by whatever perceived insult or slight rolls down the pike? Have a look at this article. Right, racism, here we go again. What was it, just a couple weeks ago we learned the Gadsden Flag might have a nefarious, racist plot that was over 200 years in the culmination thereof? Well, let me tell you: Yes, there are people that sit around on a hair-trigger waiting to be outraged. I was sitting in a coffeehouse the other day, minding my own affairs and contemplating going … Continue reading

The post Enough About Race! appeared first on LewRockwell.

Every wonder what can possibly happen on a foreign aid humanitarian mission? Well, have a look. Now, I don’t want to make fun of this because this is a horrifying thing and the survivors will be in a living hell. But I will say this: I humbly suggest that every American demand our money back from the United Nations. How long have we been carrying water for this pathetic joke of a “peacekeeping force” that can’t seem to keep any peace, defend anybody, or stop “Never Again” from never again and again and again all over the place? It seems that even … Continue reading

The post It’s Time To Pull the Plug on the UN appeared first on LewRockwell.

I saw this glaring headline in the newspaper that said Donald Trump incited people to violence against Hillary Clinton. After reading 80% of an article telling me why I should think he had, I finally came to what he actually said. What the…?! That’s incitement to violence? Where? There are song lyrics out there that actually do incite violence, but no one can criticize those because then you’d be doing guess what? Censorship, right. Ok, well, this all began because Hillary is beating the “common sense gun laws” tom-tom with much fervor and pantsuit aplomb. Let’s try something new. Let’s not … Continue reading

The post The Massacre at Wounded Knee appeared first on LewRockwell.

The only thing people are asking me more right now than, “Who are you voting for?” is “Are you watching the Olympics?” The answer to both questions is: I couldn’t care less about it. Now, I know that slamming the Olympics is tantamount to blaspheming the false god called World Feel Good, but it needs to be taken down a peg or two and put back where it belongs. Which is, right there on the “one off” channels with championship bowling, disco roller-skate dance-offs, and the World Series of Darts. Except darts holds more interest for me than the Olympics. Check … Continue reading

The post An Olympic-Sized Scam appeared first on LewRockwell.

Hey, did you know the federal government says that one of this nation’s own Revolutionary War flags is basically “hate speech”? That would be the Gadsden Flag, the familiar “Don’t Tread On Me” flag that is quite popular right now. See here. Ok, as I have said here before, I don’t like to get into “diversity” issues. I find most of them can be traced back to “activists” that have nothing better to do than find “hate” in everything from TV commercials to breakfast foods. But, look, people need to grow up and get over it. What, the Gadsden Flag is “hate speech” because … Continue reading

The post Don’t Tread on This appeared first on LewRockwell.

My last article about the threat of a nuclear war generated a lot of responses. People certainly aren’t comfortable with the United States government having this kind of life-and-death control over their lives. In fact, they have had this type of control over us for quite some time now. The United States government parades the ultimate Orwellian hypocrisy before the eyes of the world with this “freedom” label that has less truth to it than a bogus weight loss plan. The United States government has the power to use nuclear weapons when it sees fit to do so without any … Continue reading

The post The US Plays Poker appeared first on LewRockwell.